Guest Column: The International Gangster

No doubt, America is one of the most aggressive nations in the world
by Bob Livingston in Personal Liberty (excerpted from here)

graphic1Is the U.S. government an international gangster? No doubt, America is one of the most aggressive nations in the world.

The U.S. has fought by far the largest number of wars based on propaganda pretenses. It has broken the international laws of war, maintained secret prisons, bombed innocents in Libya and Syria for “humanitarian” reasons, armed terrorists in those countries, and trained and instigated them to overthrowing legitimate regimes.  It’s droned-bombed wedding parties (see here and here) and hospitals.

It’s run guns to narcoterrorists in Mexico and fought an absurd war against drugs in Colombia and Afghanistan and at home, where the tentacles of the narcotics mafia now reach into political circles. Continue reading