Brian’s Column: Three Dreams

Sharing three powerful dreams behind First Principles and Independent Being
By Brian R. Wright

My latest project(s) are the First Principles Foundation, First Principles’ grand juries, and the corresponding Independents’ Movement…. all of which ideas were hinted at in my 2016 novel, The Truman Prophecy. Immediately upon waking from each of the sleep sessions, I felt an incredible release of energy, as well. I have a ‘muse,’ Robingale, who lives in the Free State (NH). We chatted shortly after the third dream and she helped me to grasp much more fully what they all mean. I’ll provide a paragraph on that below.

Here’s the text of the dreams and thoughts directly induced and written down:

Dream #1: 9/17/17 ~0500-0600

Conference on 9/11 in a major hotel venue—may already be happening via C. [Cynthia] McKinney, et al—everything is professional, good security, all respectful, MUCH REAL TRUTH!

I have a booth on First Principles Grand Jury for Justice 9/11 and justice in general. [The rest of this is not the dream, rather thoughts immediately induced by the dream and written down.] Idea for a book… “…Shall Empanel…” and I need to get with Peter Konetchy to read sources, develop plan. Continue reading

Movie Review: The Truman Show (1998)

Precursor to modern reality shows, mainly speaks to Bigger Picture idea

TrumanAs I was putting together plans for a novel having a ‘Truman Show‘ type of controlled reality and mind control, I realized I had not seen the actual movie for several years. It’s a good one. IMDb gives it an incredibly high 8.1, which truly baffles me… because I don’t sense that that many people see the depth of the philosophical-political issues the movie conveys. No, I’m not saying people are shallow, but I guess I am saying that today the vast majority of people—The Truman Show’s rating is from more that 500,000 viewers—don’t get the essence of the New World Order (NWO). Because if they did they would be doing a lot more to put the kabosh on that jessie.

Sadly, it appears that the high rating of this movie stems from it serving voyeuristic proclivities, not social-commentary ones. Sigh. But times change… and Truman Burbank (Jim Carrey) may come to represent a heroic figure and inspiration for humanity as it breaks free of the NWO. What can be more apt? Ordinary fellow comes to realize that he’s in a giant fish bowl, and being manipulated by actors playing his friends, family, business associates, and so on. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: New Beginning

Letter launch of Trumanism and invitation to Global Spring

What follows is a template of a hard copy letter with enclosure of my three-fold Trumanism brochure. It’s a letter with my audience—consisting of individuals to whom I’ve sent my book, The Truman Prophecy—broken into four categories:

  • They’ve read it but not yet posted comments (4-or-5-star review requested) to the Amazon page.
  • They’ve probably not yet read it but I would like them to and then post favorable comments.
  • They’ve read it and posted their favorable comments to the Amazon page.
  • Eventually, I’ll develop a letter template for general promotion, i.e. to those who are reasonable prospects for Independents Rising => Global Spring.

To each of these individuals I solicit spreading the good news and encouraging ‘signing up’ on my Independents Rising site, [Signing up entails expressing support in entering name and contact info and/or indicating level of interest: more info, want to help, have read the personal Declaration of Independents (PDI), have signed and notarized the PDI… and/or will take part in additional work efforts in the Trumanist-Independents’ activity matrix.] In other words, building cadre. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Blue Pillar Syndrome (Part 1)

Homing in on the pervasive core mind-control program for human subjugation…
with reasonable expectation of that program’s imminent excision

I am extremely thrilled about my column today! Why? Because it deals with perhaps the most potent independent-human, health-bringing discovery since the advent of natural, individual rights. I’m talking about noodling out just how the Men of the Power Sickness (MOPS) have managed to turn vast numbers of human beings (including most dear ones we know) into willing ciphers serving the MOPS’ antihuman agendae.

Indeed, our high-minded, good-hearted friends who prefer the Matrix‘s Blue Pill (the Blue Pillars) are all that stand in the way of humanity’s near-term ‘Red Pill’ liberation

T_B_Emblem_3What I have been trying to do with this column—and, believe me, I’ve gone back and forth dozens of times, simply coming up with the exact right title… that is, a name for the critical barrier affliction of our peers we Indiecons[1] (We) face—is name and describe what We are up against in order to adroitly excise it from human society.

I’ve done sooo much thinking about The Big Why: What it is that causes vast numbers of our respected peers to accept and push the official stories of so many high-crime assaults of the Global Mob (Glob) (aka New World Order)?! Or on the other hand, what causes these same peers to look away or stand idly by while some individual is pummeled by that Mob… or its submobs, e.g. the various levels of government in the United States.

Cracking the Code, CtCTake the case of Doreen Hendrickson, who was sent to federal prison for refusing to comply with a judge’s order that she (Doreen) commit perjury on a tax affidavit. Pete, her long-suffering and brilliantly persistent husband who made a crucial discovery in the language of the federal tax statutes that enables most of us to recover funds wrongfully withheld from us as income, continues valiantly “to fight dragons with a pitchfork.”

You may choose to look the other way,
but you can never say again that you did not know.
— William Wilberforce
Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Update on The Truman Prophecy (2016)

‘Trumanism’ über alles?

Truman_Front_NewIt’s been a few months now since the publication of The Truman Prophecy, my novel envisioning three stages of human evolution for reaching a benevolent New Paradigm (Billion+ Points of Light) society of peace, freedom, and abundance for individuals, planetwide:

  1. Toto (Truth) Phase—integrated truth salients vs. high-crime assaults of the Men of the Power Sickness… exposing lies at root of the assaults.
  2. Dorothy (Justice) Phase—1) recovering American First Principles’ grand juries to end government criminality/corruption, 2) political program of
  3. Truman (Liberty) Phase—individual self-realization and formal declaration as beings of independent consciousness (Indiecons),[1] replacing rogue coercive government with a First Principles'[2] freedom-of-choice system.

In reality, the three phases proceed together synergistically. They form the socio-spiritual philosophy/movement of Trumanism. Which is a whole new way of looking at our world as human consciousness evolves… once and for all as deeply independent and conceptual. Another series of terms conveying the earthy human essence of the belief system—i.e. corresponding to truth, justice, and liberty—is:

  • Carrey1Wake: to see and assert the truth
  • Stand: for justice based on the truth
  • Walk: declare and live as an Independent

Each of the steps is vital, and each takes intellectual and moral courage. The singular image and icon defining this movement is the final scene in the movie, The Truman Show (1998), when the protagonist Truman Burbank declares himself as a human being of independent conceptual consciousness who will no longer accept his gilded confinement—physical or psychological. He wakes up and walks out… into the fresh air of liberty.

And so shall we.

This column means to give a preliminary status report. Mainly regarding the book (inasmuch as the idea of Trumanism as a philosophy is of quite recent vintage).  Here’s what I can tell you: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Truman Prophecy (2015), Foreword and Acknowledgments

Notes on the title, key metaphors, plot, structure, and characters

Truman_Front_2_for_ColumnRight away, many will ask what’s with the title, The Truman Prophecy? Okay, what happened is one night, shortly after I’d decided to write this—my ‘liberation’ (and first) novel—I refresher-watched the movie, The Truman Show (1998).

It depicts the life of a young man, Truman Burbank, (Jim Carrey) who has been raised since birth as the unknowing star of a television show—with actors, crew, sets, ubiquitous miniature recording equipment, on a domed stage visible in deep space—broadcasting 24/7 to billions of admirers worldwide.

!!Movie Spoiler!!
To make a long story short, Truman figures out what’s going on. In the climactic scene, fan-deified director Christof (Ed Harris), who adores his creation, implores Truman to stay on the show (enjoying a comfortable life in an idyllic community). [Though things have changed, haven’t they? Now that Truman knows.] Continue reading

Brian’s Column: 9/11 Truth-Letter Closure Campaign, Part 2 of 3

More on setting up the personal message

Continued from Part 1.

Vertical_GFABefore we go into the steps for writing and sending our personal letter of appeal to action that we’ll be writing, we need to give some thought to our audience. Aside from the categories, what distinguishes the majority of the people we’ll be sending to—of the 353 names on my own personal lists, I’m estimating that more than half are deniers—is they are ‘respectable,’ generally established middle and upper-middle-class people who desperately do not want to face the facts about 9/11:

If the Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT) is not true, then the alternative idea that insiders in and around the highest levels of their US government authority conspired to commit a false-flag act of state terror killing thousands of Americans, resulting in illegal US wars of aggression to murder hundreds of thousands of non-Americans, finally unleashing a global militaristic police state to destroy the last vestiges of liberty—serving the conspirators’ agenda of world domination and depopulation—… is far too LARGE to wrap their minds around: Continue reading