More on setting up the personal message
Continued from Part 1.
Before we go into the steps for writing and sending our personal letter of appeal to action that we’ll be writing, we need to give some thought to our audience. Aside from the categories, what distinguishes the majority of the people we’ll be sending to—of the 353 names on my own personal lists, I’m estimating that more than half are deniers—is they are ‘respectable,’ generally established middle and upper-middle-class people who desperately do not want to face the facts about 9/11:
If the Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT) is not true, then the alternative idea that insiders in and around the highest levels of their US government authority conspired to commit a false-flag act of state terror killing thousands of Americans, resulting in illegal US wars of aggression to murder hundreds of thousands of non-Americans, finally unleashing a global militaristic police state to destroy the last vestiges of liberty—serving the conspirators’ agenda of world domination and depopulation—… is far too LARGE to wrap their minds around: Continue reading