Brian’s Column: Special Note on 9/11/2017

What we now have evidence to produce indictments of those responsible…

911 was a false-flag act of state terror inflicted by global-power insiders—conceived and led predominantly by the Israeli-Zionist deep state ( in coordination with key Neoconservatives running the American government —for the purpose of initiating an unending War of Terror (via a fraudulent “War on Terror:” against American/human liberty and world peace. The false-flag enemies of 911 are Islam, Muslim Arabs, and Palestinians who have been vilified by contrived-hoax media imagery ( and bought propaganda fake news.

Trillions of dollars have been transferred to these globalist insiders and their functionaries to conduct the war(s) resulting in millions of innocent human lives lost and 10s of millions  of casualties and displacements, worldwide. As for 911 itself, my book, After 9/11 Truth: The Death Star in Ashes, Humanity Rises (, provides a digest of key works demonstrating beyond ALL doubt that the official story is, hands down, the Biggest Lie in world history. [Also note my pdf of 15 Official Story contradictions here (].

We are now at the critical mass level of the 9/11 Truth movement, aiming toward justice. Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and several other groups have filed in federal court ( for a real investigation—which needs to be a special federal people’s independent grand jury with subpoena power. Now’s the time, people, create the justice and end the madness!


Brian’s Column: Up on the Farm

9: Fields of the grandparents: Splendid icing on childhood’s cake
Brian R. Wright

[Link to Episode 8]

Note: These columns are a series I am making into a volume of my memoirs, working title: Volume 1: Overland Park Ways. You may follow the links at top and bottom of page to go to preceding or succeeding episodes. The series starts here. {If the [Link to Episode <next>] at the  bottom of the column does not show an active hyperlink, then the <next> column has yet to be written.}

Note: Image showing my brother, Forrest (L), then Grandpa Fobian, then me (R) with barn in the background. This was a fully working family farm of roughly 500 acres, near Centerville, Iowa.

In the 1950s and very early 1960s my brother Forrest and I would go with Mom and Dad to my grandmother’s farm in Iowa. These were annual golden interludes, usually of a long weekend, sometimes longer, in my childhood… most of the photos of this chapter are from the week our family was at the farm in the summer with my mother’s sister June’s family—Forrest and I had four cousins who lived in Battle Creek, Michigan: Jim and Karen, twins, two years older than I, Marie, one year older, and Marsha, one year younger, close to Forrest’s age. This visit was much like a rare family reunion; even my aunt Donna, single, a public health nurse, came down from wherever she was at the time… might have been Des Moines.

What a great week. Fun and games for us city kids: catching tadpoles in the pond behind the house, jumping around on the hay in the barn, warily watching Big Hog Tommy in his pen, making the rounds of the chicken coop and machinery garages, riding on the tractor with the men—Grandpa Al Fobian had three sons: Kenny and Lee, lithe and strong-backed 20-22 year-olds about to spread their wings, who did the lion’s share of the farmhand work… then Darrell, maybe 16, still in high school. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Indian vis a vis Palestinian

Who got (or gets) the deal more rotten?
By Brian R. Wright

Specifically, comparing the plight of the American Indian rousted by European-Americans of the 19th century and the Palestinian peoples ravaged by Zionist Israel of the 20th… into the 21st. These reflections, and a definitive table of results, stem from my observation—after watching an old 1975 documentary (I Will Fight No More Forever) about how the Nez Perce were finally rounded up after being driven off their lands by the cavalry in abrogation of treaty in 1877—that this was exactly like what the Israelis are doing/have done to the Palestinians in modern times. Except of course that the Palestinians weren’t afforded any kind of treaty to be broken.

I conveyed my thoughts to a small email group that includes the two individuals pictured above, who are also 911 truther friends and associates of mine. [In this ten-member email group resides the well-known, shall I call him, Israeli apostate, international musician and writer Gilad Atzmon.] Anyway, the man on the left above, Mr. Henry Herskovitz, took exception to my characterization of equivalence between ‘what we did/do to the Indians’ and what the Israelites have been doing to the Palestinians for nearly 60 years. In fact, he produced a table of 11 items he had thought of combined with 20 others an Iraqi friend of his contributed.

Candidly, though I protested some that I was talking about the essence of the act of land expropriation and cultural destruction, I was blown away by the comparison. I really don’t think most Americans have the slightest idea how much worse the Israelis have treated and are treating the Palestinians than the whites treated the Indians (as horrifically as they were treated)—and the list doesn’t even include the perpetual Gaza massacre, the West Bank occupation, the Wall, unrelenting arbitrary detention and torture of Palestinians and Arabs, etc.

Continue reading

Brian’s Column: American First Principles Day, August 2

Setting up the Holiday and Invoking Our First Principles for the Common Good
By Brian R. Wright

Recently, while in attendance at the Oakland County, Michigan, meeting of Campaign for Liberty (C4L), master of ceremonies, Dennis Marburger, stated that the actual signing of the Declaration of Independence occurred on August 2, 1776. I had forgotten this little acknowledged fact, but truly this is a significant day. Because this is when those in the assembly actually put their ‘lives, fortunes, and sacred honor’ on the line. Perhaps more important to ‘the course of human events’ than political independence from England is the Declaration’s famous statement of what have become known as American First Principles—and, further, the foremost universal statement of INDIVIDUAL rights:[1]

  1. Equality before the law
  2. Natural rights of the individual
  3. Government’s sole purpose to secure these natural rights
  4. Government’s powers deriving from the People
  5. People’s direct authority to monitor and control government, even dissolve it

AKA American First Principles. These are the foundation of all valid laws for ‘our people’ … and by extension any other peoples willing to assert such inherent natural rights. [For ‘rights’ one may read ‘fundamental freedoms.’ I’m not going to quibble over terms. Like Ayn Rand, I’ll stipulate that a right is the moral claim of “freedom of action in a social context.”] The point is our individual rights—no matter who we are—are inviolable and we the people are in charge of all public servants whose job is solely to secure these rights. They screw up, we step in… it is a legal necessity and, indeed, we are morally and civically obliged to do so. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The (USS) Liberty Meme

Probably a major tool to hard stop the Men of the Power Sickness
By Brian R. Wright

Many of my readers know I have taken up another vital cause recently, at least to the extent of spreading the word for truth and encouraging justice for all parties: the USS Liberty incident of June 8, 1967… this being the 50-year anniversary of the blatant Israeli war crime that officials in Washington and their Israeli masters have hushed up. Let me first give you the context for further reading and viewing, then make the killer meme proposal and offer reasons why such a meme does promise to be killer:

Basically, I’ve done a lot of reading and writing, and discovery, so far, on the USS Liberty incident, and am in the process of becoming even more knowledgeable on the subject. Moreover, I have my own life’s mission and self-created universe in progress represented in my work and writings on the site. As individuals self-liberate by raising themselves as Independents—ref. my novel, The Truman Prophecy—it will be necessary to put an end to the Men of the Power Sickness (MOPS) once and for all. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Dis Israel, Lose $250K… or Worse!

Oath-breaking federal legislators cave into Israeli foe against our First Principles

That’s right. Immediately before our eyes. Please read, at least, the following first two paragraphs of this recent article from The Intercept:

The criminalization of political speech and activism against Israel has become one of the gravest threats to free speech in the West. In France, activists have been arrested and prosecuted for wearing T-shirts advocating a boycott of Israel. The U.K. has enacted a series of measures designed to outlaw such activism. In the U.S., governors compete with one another over who can implement the most extreme regulations to bar businesses from participating in any boycotts aimed even at Israeli settlements, which the world regards as illegal. On U.S. campuses, punishment of pro-Palestinian students for expressing criticisms of Israel is so commonplace that the Center for Constitutional Rights refers to it as “the Palestine Exception” to free speech.

But now, a group of 43 senators — 29 Republicans and 14 Democrats — wants to implement a law that would make it a felony for Americans to support the international boycott against Israel, which was launched in protest of that country’s decades-old occupation of Palestine. The two primary sponsors of the bill are Democrat Ben Cardin of Maryland and Republican Rob Portman of Ohio. Perhaps the most shocking aspect is the punishment: Anyone guilty of violating the prohibitions will face a minimum civil penalty of $250,000 and a maximum criminal penalty of $1 million and 20 years in prison.

In essence, a Senate bill, S. 720, has been endorsed by dozens of senators and Congressmen that would criminalize any individual’s support for boycott of the state of Israel (e.g. the BDS sanctions). Such support includes speaking in favor of a/the boycott, putting a bumper sticker on one’s car, telling a friend that you don’t like what Israel is doing to its Palestinian prisoners, seeking to bring Israel before the International Criminal Court for apartheid or for the USS Liberty attacks… anything that can be construed by a sadistic government as ‘supporting a boycott’ of Israel. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Brian Wright’s Days of Golden Memories, 1

8: Even as Baby Boomer children, we grew up so fast…
Brian R. Wright

[Link to Episode 7]

Note: These columns are a series, I will make into a volume of my memoirs. You may follow the links at top and bottom of page to go to preceding or succeeding episodes. The series starts here. {If the [Link to Episode <next>] at the  bottom of the column does not show an active hyperlink, then the <next> column has yet to be written.}

The ages 6 to 11, corresponding to 1st grade to 6th grade, respectively, are a blur in retrospect. You can see from the way I framed the first sentence that the mandatory school environment became a defining part of my ‘Wonder Bread’ years. It doesn’t take very long, even for the more independent minded, to succumb to the standardized BIG worldview we were all being injected with… and expected to conform to. As director Christof says about Truman Burbank in the movie The Truman Show (1998):

“We accept the reality with which we’re presented.”

More about the Conformity Legacy as we go. I do remember my first grade teacher’s name, Miss Wood. I considered her quite pretty, slim, etc., but she was more insistent than my kindergarten teacher on the rules and sticking to them. In kindergarten and first grade, we had sleep ‘rugs’ for class-all-in-one napping—I disdained all such naps. We were also instructed on occasion to sleep at our desks with our heads down. One day, I demurred. Miss Wood came over to my desk and tried to force my head down, none too gently either. I hauled off and hit her on the arm. She then slapped me a good one on my cute little face; I complied. Next day during the floor nap I looked up her dress. 🙂

Thankfully, my life was rich outside of the forced-school setting. The photo above-right shows my brother Forrest (~6 years old) and me (~7) with a large box kite that Dad had helped us to make, and then fly into the bright Kansas skies. I tell you it was quite an operation for that sail area, requiring a steady eye and a firm grip on the custom-made spool, with sturdy twine. Continue reading