Brian’s Column: The Howell Statement (2014)

Sandbox Exit-Plan Strategy for the Libertarian Party, by Brian Wright

IMG_20140518_123758 (3)… in an Era of Wanton US Federal Crimes and Terror. A proposed new strategy for the LP and LP of Michigan, at the latter’s state convention in Howell, Michigan, May 17, 2014. Chief contribution from that convention a resolution on grand juries as follows:

The LPM supports the reinvigoration and reassertion of the people’s ultimate authority—at local, state, and federal levels—to investigate and bring indictments of government corruption and crimes through statutory empanelment of grand juries. Continue reading

Book Review: The Age of American Unreason (2008)

Disturbing analysis of the roots of antithought in America (and elsewhere)
by Susan Jacoby

Random House , 318 pages
Reviewed by Brian Wright

“I raise no objections to television’s junk.  The best things on television are its junk, and no one and nothing is seriously threatened by it. Besides, we do not measure a culture by its output of undisguised trivialities but by what it claims as significant.  Therein is our problem, for television is at its most trivial and, therefore, most dangerous when its aspirations are high, when it presents itself as a carrier of important cultural conversations.” — Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death (1985) Continue reading

Movie Review: Crude (2009)

The essence of global corporatism? __ 9/10

CrudeChevron Spokesperson (paraphrasing): The sanitation in that region is poor and probably accounts for the contaminated water and other health problems reported by the plaintiffs.

Chevron Spokesperson (paraphrasing): We are not responsible for the environmental damage, because operations for the Lago Agrio oil field have been conducted by Petroecuador, the state oil company, since 1993.

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Guest Column: New Evidence in the Siegelman Case

SiegelmanOn 9.11.2012, with New Orleans in the background, Don said good-bye to his wife and children (daughter pictured) before entering prison in Louisiana. Don Siegelman is the former governor of Alabama who was railroaded by friends of the Rove-led justice department at the time… and whose unjust hounding, prosecution, and imprisonment is a living proof that any of us can be subjected to arbitrary federal power—not solely thru Homeland Security, the NSA, the CIA, the TSA, or (via the NDAA 2012) indefinite detention, torture, and murder without trial (and without notice) at the king’s pleasure (or any of the king’s men). Lend the good governor a hand if you possibly can. — ed. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Golf in the Provinces, Part 1

The “What’s this all about?” phase[1]

First posted in June 2007. This weekend, watching the 2007 US  Open golf championship, one of the more brutal contests in the game (where par is an achievement), it occurs to me these men are playing a game “with which I am not familiar.”[2]  For one thing, adorning most of their caps and polo shirts are the logos for Bank of Scotland, MetLife, Bearing Point[3], etc…. sponsors of every global bank, insurance company, or accounting firm primed and ready to purchase a third-world country. Continue reading

Book Review: Another Nineteen (2013)

Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects
by Kevin Robert Ryan

Another_19Simply the exactly right book for the exactly right time, Kevin Ryan’s Another 19 takes the 9/11 Truth movement to the next level… that is, to the 9/11 Justice movement. He does so by identifying—in addition to masterschemers Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld (the real ‘Osama bin Laden’ and ‘Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’ of the plot)—19 individuals whose motives, means, opportunities, and actual behavior show high probability they were complicit and/or culpable in the 9/11/2001 crimes of state. Regardless of one’s position regarding the official story, no reasonable person can deny that sufficient evidence now exists to empanel a special federal (or state) grand jury to investigate these individuals (among others) and bring indictments based on demonstrable real connections and causation to the attacks. Continue reading

Movie Review: The Graduate (1967)

The GraduateComing of age film for the Baby Boomers __ 8/10

Mr. McGuire: I want to say one word to you. Just one word.
Benjamin: Yes, sir.
Mr. McGuire: Are you listening?
Benjamin: Yes, I am.
Mr. McGuire: Plastics.

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