Guest Column: Important Petition on Common Core

Please sign this petition to support two repeal bills
by Shane Trejo


The fight against Common Core continues. Right now, we are building pressure for the two bills to repeal Common Core that are currently active in Lansing. They are Senate Bill 826 and House Bill 5444.

We have to make sure that our public officials know that they must stop Common Core and replace it with a proven, student-centered alternative. That is exactly what these bills would accomplish!

The team at Stop Common Core in Michigan have started an important petition which can be accessed here:
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Brian’s Column: Firewalling Tyranny the American Way

Interlode in The Truman Prophecy on Nullification

NullificationNullification: The Rightful Remedy

Sean was beginning to appreciate the Big Picture, Hiram Chance style. At the same time, he had already become one of Michigan’s leading young liberty activists—nom de guerre Shane Trejo—by focusing his energy on projects that produced nearer-term tangible successes. This was nowhere more true than in the nationwide effort to uphold the 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights via an individual-state legislative process called Nullification.

Interestingly, again as if destiny were taking a hand, Chance’s mother had passed along to Chance her uncanny political wisdom that federal tyranny—the publicized and rampant domestic evils, anyway—prudently were stopped by the states just saying “we’re not doin’ it.”

The 10th plank in the Bill of Rights is exceptionally clear: Continue reading

Guest Column: Michigan Legislature’s Latest Attack

Lansing’s War on the Constitution Intensifies
By Shane Trejo


We are under attack. We are at war, and it is hard to keep up with the many ways that the vipers in Lansing are screwing us. It’s coming from every angle.

SB306 is one of the latest cons that they are trying to pull on us. This legislation creates a non- governmental lobbying organization to lobby for an Article V Convention, paid for by Michigan tax dollars.

To make matters worse, SB306 would ensure that all of your tax dollars will go to lobbyists in other states. Michigan has already passed the call to convention, meaning there is no need to lobby in our state. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Howell Statement (2014)

Sandbox Exit-Plan Strategy for the Libertarian Party, by Brian Wright

IMG_20140518_123758 (3)… in an Era of Wanton US Federal Crimes and Terror. A proposed new strategy for the LP and LP of Michigan, at the latter’s state convention in Howell, Michigan, May 17, 2014. Chief contribution from that convention a resolution on grand juries as follows:

The LPM supports the reinvigoration and reassertion of the people’s ultimate authority—at local, state, and federal levels—to investigate and bring indictments of government corruption and crimes through statutory empanelment of grand juries. Continue reading

Guest Column: The Feds vs. the Fourth

Future of Freedom perspective
by Jacob Hornburger

Bill of Rights RedactedThe right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Continue reading