Brian’s Column: The Doreen Freedom Files

Ongoing efforts to free Doreen Hendrickson from the clutches of Leviathan

TaxToonToday I want lay out a set of documents and activities that Pete and many others in the educated tax and general liberty movements are putting together. We earnestly hope they do the job, that is lead to the exoneration and liberation of Doreen Hendrickson from the recent sentence of a malevolent prosecutocracy that is running amok nationwide. First the appeal is in progress. Second the attorney has sent a motion to the district court to modify Doreen’s sentencing on exclusively 5th Amendment grounds, which I’ve uploaded here. Third, led by Pete, we have been constructing a petition for submittal to high Michigan officials—chiefly the head law enforcement official in Michigan, Attorney General Bill Schuette; this will be accompanied by a background description, which Pete has composed and is uploaded here. And fourth, individuals are sending their own letters of appeal to Michigan officials to interpose on Constitutional grounds, such as the missive by former Troy mayor, Janice Daniels, which I’ve uploaded here. Continue reading