Brian’s Column: 9/11 Truth EZ

Logical consequences of facts undisputed by both sides of the Official Story
By Brian R. Wright

On my recent high school reunion I was pleased to get reacquainted with a boyhood friend who is now a retired United Airlines pilot and all around good guy. In a post-reunion email I ventured to him a simple question prompted by a pilot-posted Webpage that argued the impossibility that any of the alleged 9/11 hijackers could even fly any of the Boeing aircraft simulators: “Warren, I’m also wondering how the reported sea level airspeeds could have exceeded their respective aircraft’s VMO (maximum operating velocity) by huge margins.” He didn’t reply to the VMO question, but wrote that he had read a detailed and excellent argument somewhere explaining how the alleged hijackers could have accomplished what appear to be unbelievable—to the general public as well as to more than a few pilots—piloting tasks.

EZ Truths #1: The official story is physically/logically impossible

Many of you know that I’ve written about the 9/11/2001 attacks since roughly 2005, when I began to question the Official Story (OS)… thanks to a videotape, of all things, entitled Where’s the Plane? I just did a cursory look of the search engines and Amazon, and it appears that that tape and subsequent DVD have been scrubbed by the OSIC (Official Story Industrial Complex). No matter, volumes of hard evidence have been produced by reputable scholarly and citizen researchers since the fateful day that scuttle the 9/11 OS for all but the most reasoning-incapable or evasion-determined. I pointed my friend to the Pilots for 9/11 Truth site… and—staying with the aircraft evidence—here’s a table I drew from the groundbreaking video The New Pearl Harbor, by Massimo Mazzucco:

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