Guest Column: Important Petition on Common Core

Please sign this petition to support two repeal bills
by Shane Trejo


The fight against Common Core continues. Right now, we are building pressure for the two bills to repeal Common Core that are currently active in Lansing. They are Senate Bill 826 and House Bill 5444.

We have to make sure that our public officials know that they must stop Common Core and replace it with a proven, student-centered alternative. That is exactly what these bills would accomplish!

The team at Stop Common Core in Michigan have started an important petition which can be accessed here:

This petition will make it clear to our state legislators that we are watching them like hawks, and there will be tremendous consequences if they don’t approve the bills as they were written. Please sign it, and encourage as many others to do so as possible!

I will keep you in touch with the latest updates about the status of these bills as they move through the process in Lansing. Stay tuned.

Shane Trejo
State Director
Michigan Tenth Amendment Center

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