A user’s guide [where the GBI is Cracking the Code and ‘filing educated’]
Preceded by this column in the same vein.
This column is addressed to those who wish to popularize and persuade Americans of the legal reality of the federal income tax—namely that the so-called Hendrickson Discovery, from Pete Hendrickson’s watershed 2003 classic, Cracking the Code: The fascinating truth about taxation in America, strikes at the root of tyranny in this country—that enables the routine ‘taxpayer’ to rebut and/or recover incorrectly withheld property. Thus, doing well by doing good.
The alert reader may recognize that a similar coordinated use of the social media tool, Twitter, may be applied to other worthwhile popular causes… in particular putting an abrupt end to the ‘high crime assaults’ of the Men of the Power Sickness (and producing indictments, prosecutions, and convictions of key responsible individuals) that I refer to in my novel The Truman Prophecy:
- 9/11 Truth and other false-flag attacks of state terror (FASTs)
- Toxic atmospheric aerosol spraying and weather warfare (geoengineering)
- GMO (genetically modified organism)-associated mass poisonings
- Rampant radiofrequency (RF) wave biological assaults and intrusion
- Medical fascism, in particular, vaccine mandates
- The ongoing forced government-prison schooling system
What I have done, which can be used as a pattern for other efforts, is to imagine a system and lay out a procedure for effectively spreading the GBI meme of CtC-Filing Educated… using Twitter. Please refer to my previous column where I set up more of the context. In this column I’m assembling some key concrete pieces for the CtC Tweet Brigade(s).
User’s Guide for the CtC Twitter Brigade
Note: this guide assumes that some individual will step forward as coordinator for the CtC Tweet team. We can all do our Tweet business individually, but unless we coordinate and have measurable goals and objectives—with someone providing guidance and doing the measuring—the Twitter project will achieve nothing. Thankfully, being coordinator is not a tough job, once the system gets rolling and you get multiple, committed CtC Tweeters on board. Let’s call them CtC Twitter-Advocates (TAs).
Resources, Message Starter Kit
Before describing the process for subscribing to Twitter and general procedures for the individual TA, let’s describe the base message content we’re going to be moving. Or better yet, memes. Twitter is essentially a meme populator, and can be especially strong for Cracking the Code and the Hendrickson Discovery. In the system I’m proposing the standard Tweet will have this form
<addressee>+<short message>+<link to relevant CtC Web page document (on losthorizons.com) or to a Pete-designated CtC video> [Note: if you’re solely Tweeting to your Followers you will not need ‘addressee’. The total length of the Tweet is 140 characters, including spaces. Generally, Pete or the losthorizons site gives you sample message and link, but the TA should express the message in his own words.]
In addition the TA will generally attach a ‘message-image’ pertinent to the Tweet. I have produced the following four message-images, which have met substantially with Pete’s approval. And here they are, with the message and link shown in the caption. You may click and drag these images to your desktop, then use them as you wish:
Message-Image #1

Message and Link: A real opp this year to rein in the federales by drying the wells of incorrectly extracted wealth. http://losthorizons.com/A/HowTheBeastGetsItsDinner.htm [Relevant background on how the federal income tax got started and how it is misapplied today thru subterfuge and disinformation.]
Message-Image #2

Message and link: Take back our country one educated tax victory at a time. 200K victories, $2 billion recovered. http://losthorizons.com/The16th.htm [Web page provides a thorough introduction to the Hendrickson Discovery, Cracking the Code, and what’s at stake.]
Message-Image #3

Background on lies and aggression the government has inflicted to suppress the Hendrickson Discovery. http://losthorizons.com/Documents/CtCSuppression.htm
Message-Image #4

Message and link: ‘Fascinating truth’ about fed taxation. Share image/video to liberty movement opinion leaders. https://youtu.be/FM2MfqLc1MY [Earlier video, excellent radio host interviewing Pete Hendrickson, very thorough description of what Cracking the Code is and what it does.]
Message-Image #5

Message and Link: Taxes 2016: please know most have no fed taxable activity, keep wealth, starve Leviathan. https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=oRCxUf_jI_w [Video is of Pete Hendrickson, shows the basics and vast numbers of recoveries.]
I’ll add more images over time.
You may also create images of your own. I have found that the ideal size for the message-image is what’s showing in Message-Image #3 thru Message-Image #5. Once you have made the Tweet and attached the message-image then sent it, you may access the Tweet from your Tweet stream, and click on the chevron on the top right to select “Copy link to Tweet”, as described below in steps 7 and 8. This provides a shortcut link that you may use as a single Tweet including message, link, and message-image.
Note: Now that you have the shortcut html link you can do two very important things:
- Walk thru your lists of VIPs that you intend to Tweet one by one, then copy and paste this shortcut html to send the whole Tweet (with message-bearing image) to your VIP target.
- Use the shortcut html to send in an email message or to post on Facebook on your page and in your Facebook Groups. The images above are the perfect size for the Facebook post window and make a powerful, compelling post.
The steps for setting yourself up as a CtC TA appear below. These appear in my previous column on this subject.
User Steps for Access to Twitter
- Join Twitter. Very simple, you create a profile, and your logon is your email address and password. Twitter guides you through the steps. Here is my profile home for reference.
- From the seed lists start building your names that you will Follow. Find the individual or organization on the Twitter search and click on the Follow box. [Note: while your number of Followers is still small, when someone decides to Follow you, it’s courtesy to consider Following them as well.]
- Some of the ones you are going to Follow are general media people, not necessarily people you are going to send Tweets to for CtC-related links.
- I believe Pete will be starting a feature in the Lost Horizons newsletters that shows a link to Tweet, with a choice of standard information-images to attach, and even sample verbiage for the Tweet part.
- What we want to do is first duplicate his Tweet as your own, so it goes out to all of your Followers—with image. Then we’ll start individually Tweeting to those on the list you want to send to.
- To send individual Tweets, pull up the document file showing the Twitter addresses and click on the first address. It will take you to that person’s Profile page where you will click on the Tweet box, copy and paste the Tweet to your Followers, add the image, then send.
- Shortcut: From your Tweet to your followers, click on the down-arrow in the upper right corner and you’ll see a menu like this: Click on ‘Copy link to Tweet’. Then you’ll see a condensed url code that you can use to propagate the Tweet much more easily.
Shortcut, cont.: The condensed url code looks like this. Then, you can simply copy this code and paste it following the Twitter address of anyone you’re Tweeting. It will produce the whole Tweet including any image you have added.
- You will probably want to keep your code and images in the same Tweet address list document you’re using to walk through the VIPs. The list document I’ve provided shows what I mean at the end of the document.
- As you’re using Twitter to do all this Tweeting, when a Tweetee’s address page comes us, Twitter often suggests other members to Follow or to message. This is what makes it fun to build your own unique list… you’ll see that everyone is different and some of the people you’re Following do not see things as you do. But that’s what makes Twitter such an interesting vehicle. Plus Pete’s big idea is going to be well-received by nearly all kinds, eventually.
How to Proceed thru the VIP List
The process I’ve been using and that I have in mind for the Twitter Brigade TAs to do is for each to maintain a document table of VIPs (leading liberty movement spokesmen and opinion leaders) along with their actively linked Twitter addresses. Then the TA walks thru his list one by one, clicking on the VIP to whom he wishes to Tweet and when the Tweet box comes up on the Twitter page, simply paste the the shortcut html link I’ve described above.
Where the Coordinator Comes into Play
So the above gives everyone the tools to start Tweeting on his or her own. But doing so without any others magnifying your effort will be a labor of love, perhaps a waste of time. [So far, I’ve probably sent out about 100 Tweets to the VIP list for the above, and I have received a couple of Likes and a Retweet or two. Notably, from Adam Kokesh (@adamkokesh), who is among the younger liberty-oriented commentators… yet also an anarchist who may consider that working within the law as a compromise. 🙂
Point is, we need to do this project as a prideful thing and with many hands (in order to make light and effective work). My impression of the main sociology of the CtC faithful is they are not that comfortable with social media and the latest trends in Geek World. Plus we tend to be Baby Boomers or even older. Old school patriots, definitely; otherwise, CtC would not have gotten off the ground at all: Live Free or Die, Liberty or Death, You Can Have My Gun When You Pry it Out of My Cold Dead Fingers, These Colors Don’t Run… you get the picture.
But let me put it this way: If we can find 50 to 100 individuals who can follow along the above instructions and are willing to make a commitment of sending 100 Tweets per month to the VIP list—maybe 100 Tweets per week during ‘tax season’—and your own derivatives .AND. if we can find among those 50-100 a single individual who can coordinate the activity… set goals, do reports of how may Tweets, note any VIPs coming on board, work with Pete on new ideas .THEN. victory is imminent. By that I mean we shall reach one or two leading liberty opinion leaders, big names, who will speak out for CtC. Then support will cascade en masse, practically immediately. The chains are broken and freedom rings.
Final Pitch
Based on my numbers over the past week or so, here are some rough estimates of what I expect to happen: I sent roughly 100 Tweets to VIPs, individually, from my account, which has negligible Followers (53). Let’s say the average number of Followers for the VIPs is 10,000. I had one or two Retweets/Likes, meaning an individual VIP sent out my message to his Followers. My feeling is that if we have 100 CtC TAs sending out 100 Tweets to VIPs for a given period, that the average number of Retweets/Likes will be five times higher than my own messaging results.
The math: 100 Tweets to VIPs times 100 CtC TAs times 10 Retweets-Likes per 100 Tweets to VIPs times 10,000 Followers per VIP = 100x100x(10/100)x10,000 = 1 million Retweets-Likes to Followers for the period.
So think about that a minute, out there in the Tweetsphere the sum total of VIPs who see the CtC Tweets will report them favorably to a total of 1,000,000 individuals using Twitter. At that level the Tweetsphere for CtC takes on a life of its own and goes imminently viral as a step function.
Does that sound like something you want to be a part of? You know, Success?!
Tell you what I’ll do, since I’m starting the ball rolling: I’m happy to take the names and email addresses of CtCers who will truly commit to 100 Tweets per month. And also take the names and email addresses of the persons who wish to be the CtC Twitter Brigade Coordinator and work with Pete and me on the project. Go ahead and send me an email in either case: ctc@brianrwright.com.
Let’s do this thing.
[Coffee Coaster Original Column]
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