A user’s guide [where the GBI is Cracking the Code and ‘filing educated’]
Preceded by this column in the same vein.
This column is addressed to those who wish to popularize and persuade Americans of the legal reality of the federal income tax—namely that the so-called Hendrickson Discovery, from Pete Hendrickson’s watershed 2003 classic, Cracking the Code: The fascinating truth about taxation in America, strikes at the root of tyranny in this country—that enables the routine ‘taxpayer’ to rebut and/or recover incorrectly withheld property. Thus, doing well by doing good.
The alert reader may recognize that a similar coordinated use of the social media tool, Twitter, may be applied to other worthwhile popular causes… in particular putting an abrupt end to the ‘high crime assaults’ of the Men of the Power Sickness (and producing indictments, prosecutions, and convictions of key responsible individuals) that I refer to in my novel The Truman Prophecy:
- 9/11 Truth and other false-flag attacks of state terror (FASTs)
- Toxic atmospheric aerosol spraying and weather warfare (geoengineering)
- GMO (genetically modified organism)-associated mass poisonings
- Rampant radiofrequency (RF) wave biological assaults and intrusion
- Medical fascism, in particular, vaccine mandates
- The ongoing forced government-prison schooling system
What I have done, which can be used as a pattern for other efforts, is to imagine a system and lay out a procedure for effectively spreading the GBI meme of CtC-Filing Educated… using Twitter. Please refer to my previous column where I set up more of the context. In this column I’m assembling some key concrete pieces for the CtC Tweet Brigade(s).
User’s Guide for the CtC Twitter Brigade
Note: this guide assumes that some individual will step forward as coordinator for the CtC Tweet team. We can all do our Tweet business individually, but unless we coordinate and have measurable goals and objectives—with someone providing guidance and doing the measuring—the Twitter project will achieve nothing. Thankfully, being coordinator is not a tough job, once the system gets rolling and you get multiple, committed CtC Tweeters on board. Let’s call them CtC Twitter-Advocates (TAs). Continue reading