Book Review: The Barrier Cloud (2011)

Understanding the key obstacle to a free society
by Brian R. Wright (reviewed by the author)

barrier_cloudIt’s time to refresh the date on this book review and post it anew. The Barrier Cloud has everything to do with whether the Rise of the Independents, per The Truman Prophecy, will actually come to pass. — Brian R. Wright, editor and proprietor

A word up front, because for this particular book—which is actually a 28-page, easy-to-read booklet—I envision sending the knowledge out to a fairly select group of individuals. The Barrier Cloud conveys the core ideas needed for all freedom fighters to be successful.[1] I’ll put it even more strongly: if key leaders and followers in the freedom movement do not learn and adopt the concepts presented in this book, full flowering of a benevolent society without coercion is unlikely. Thus, this book and review are addressed to “key leaders and followers in the freedom movement.”

The Barrier Cloud[2] represents some new thinking for how to bring the core ideas of the Sacred Nonaggression Principle to the marketplace… both a) to the general readership of caring, conscientious world citizens[3] who are at least emotionally inclined toward political liberty and b) to the self-identified libertarian activists of whom there are not yet sufficient numbers. I made the decision, subconsciously as it turns out, to break the SNaP book—published via Lulu—into seven distinct “modules,” more easily digestible chunks of knowledge… for the younger, who do not like to read long stuff, and for the older, who find it difficult to read long stuff. These are the seven standalone modules, each approximately 28 pages: Continue reading

Book Review: The Truth Torpedo (2012)

Blowing off the Barrier Cloud
by Brian Wright
Reviewed by the author

The Truth TorpedoThis ‘modest expansion’ of my column of the same name ( actually provides several enhancements to the main message, which is:

The PTB[1] have deceived the people for purposes of expropriation and war. Here are seven of the current higher-priority ‘Naked Emperor’ truths to counter the deceptions. When these obvious truths are grasped and asserted en masse the final obstacle—what I call the ‘Barrier Cloud’—to a free, enlightened, benevolent, and abundant society falls. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Truth Torpedo

Blowing away the Barrier Cloud
by Brian Wright

PhotonHow many of my baby boomer generation remember sitting around the college dorms (on Friday night, no less) watching Star Trek? Whenever the Enterprise found itself in a major battle and the phaser banks neared depletion, Captain Kirk would tell Chekov to fire the heavy artillery, the ultimate weapon: the Photon Torpedo. Then, FWAP! The heavens instantly flashed white, and Bah Bah to the Klingons or Romulans or whatever fleet of Galactic Pond Scum felt it could mess with our high-flying Federation-istas. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: In Borg We Trust

Clearing the Barrier Cloud thru a good name
by Brian Wright

Yes, for my polite friends who resist the acknowledging the 900# Gorilla, here comes yet another column on noting and slaying the black beast. But it’s in a positive vein and I promise not to accuse you who deny the obvious—or at least readily apparent—of being immoral or stupid. In fact, the great majority of you are simply ‘tardy adopters:’ uncomfortable disagreeing with deep nationalistic conventions. Either that, or manifesting the archetypical American child-consciousness… as one writer puts it:

“We Americans are the ultimate innocents.
We are forever desperate to believe that this time
the government is telling us the truth.” Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Barrier Cloud and 9/11 Truth

Cosmic significance of facing deep facts
by Brian Wright

“The extent to which our national security state was systematically marshaled for the assassination of President John Kennedy remains incomprehensible to us. When we live in a system, we absorb a system and think in a system. We lack the independence to judge the system around us. Yet the evidence we have seen points toward our national security state, the systemic bubble in which we all live, as the source of Kennedy’s murder and immediate coverup.”
— from JFK and the Unspeakable, James Douglass, page 370. Continue reading