Guest Column: Mind Control Media and Medical Fascism

… Brian Williams, fake science, and the reality egg
[Excerpted from column of Jon Rappoport]

BarrierBrian Williams caught in his own trap
Cracking the reality egg
Notes and thoughts
February 5, 2015

“If you want a winning role, act like a scientist. Talk like a scientist. Imagine that everything you say is backed by a study published in a peer-reviewed journal.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Objectivity. What more could you want? What could be more objective than science? What could be less open to dispute? Who could be more authoritative than a scientist? What could influence public opinion more thoroughly than a whole group of scientists, an establishment of scientists, backed by the government? Continue reading

Guest Column: Directions in Thought Control

Thought-controlled classroom: orgy of the group
Excerpt of Column by Jon Rappoport 20150114

Individual“In the middle of all the brain-research going on, from one end of the planet to the other, there is the assumption that the individual doesn’t really exist. He’s a fiction. There is only the motion of particles in the brain. Therefore, nothing is inviolate, nothing is protected. Make the brain do A, make it do B; it doesn’t matter. What matters is harmonizing these tiny particles, in order to build a collective consensus, in order to force a science of behavior.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Individual power. Your power. Continue reading

Guest Column: New Time, New Life

Waking up through the creative imagination
by Jon Rappoport

sunshine manThere are some people who hear the word CREATE and wake up, as if a new flashing music has begun.

This lone word makes them see something majestic and untamed and astonishing.

They feel the sound of a Niagara approaching.

They suddenly know why they are alive.

It happened to me one day in 1949 when I was 11 years old. I was boarding a bus in upstate New York for a full day’s ride back down into New York City. I was sitting by the window as the bus pulled out of a parking lot, and I opened the first page of Ray Bradbury’s Martian Chronicles, a perfect children’s book. Continue reading

Guest Column: What Would the CDC Whistleblower Say Under Oath?

Real reason for the Ebola ‘phenom’: distract our attention from a medical atrocity?
Excerpted from Jon Rappoport’s October 27, 2014, column

DissolvingEditor’s Note: More Rappoport on the high crime that seems to have been totally blanked out by the mainstream media… which makes sense. Because the media who have been covering up the crime and those who committed the crime have a lot at stake. Mercury-laden vaccines cause autism and brain damage, especially in children. It’s a clinical fact. A fact for which indisputable evidence exists that insiders of the CDC (Center for Disease Creation) intentionally have attempted to conceal from the American public. Those responsible for this conspiracy—of knowingly causing great bodily harm–and its coverup are going to go to jail for a very long time. As they should.

Everything I’m reading and viewing demonstrates clearly that vaccines in general are (and have always been) a massive fraud perpetrated on a gullible, unsuspecting public–causing immeasurable harm, especially to the young–for the obscene profits and perpetuation of the medical cartel. Ref. Suzanne Humphries, Dissolving Illusions. I don’t believe I’m overstating the case. Please do your own research.

Continue reading

Guest Column: Smoking Gun at CDC

Are the Ebola attacks a distraction to let CDC off the hook for murder?

Pyramid_Control_LinesPlease view this original guest column from Jon Rappoport regarding the breaking story that nobody in the mainstream media (MSM) broke, which was that the US Center for Disease Creation and Infection (CDC) fraudulently reported that the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine showed no link to autism. In fact vaccine tests revealed a 300%+ likelihood of autism and brain damage in black boys; these test results were simply removed from the final 2004 paper by CDC scientists… by the mechanism of eliminating the black boy data set altogether.  Sweet. Rappoport gives names and faces to the Mengelian medicine practiced, with apparent impunity, at the highest levels of government and industry. Continue reading

Guest Column: Is ‘First US Ebola Patient’ a Hoax?

Banner headline for duplicitous claim suggests hidden agenda
From Jon Rappoport at
October 1, 2014


Trumpeted headline news:

An unnamed Ebola patient is isolated at the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, after arriving from Liberia (see also this).

First of all, we have the highly dubious marketing aspect of the whole event, in order to achieve an explosive effect.

Media outlets, taking their cue from the CDC, are using the term, “1st US Ebola patient,” when that is obviously false.

Several other Ebola patients have been treated in the US, most notably Dr. Keith Brantly. Continue reading

Guest Column: The “heroic Ebola doctor” myth

Every psyop needs heroes as well as villains…
by Jon Rappoport ( 20140917)

DoctorSo-called epidemics are managed out of a playbook.

The playbook looks very much like something the CIA would come up with.

I’m going to give you my raw notes. They tell the story. Continue reading