Brian’s Column: Open Letter for Satyagraha

Breaking_Free_w_911Note: This is the root open letter for an intended worldwide ‘pay it forward’ individual email campaign aiming to convince persons, one at at time, of the need to understand and publicly assert the truth of 9/11 en masse. The benefits of understanding the truth of 9/11 and investigating, indicting, and prosecuting legitimate suspects are enormous… and immediate:

  • No Patriot Act
  • No TSA
  • No DHS
  • No NDAA
  • No statist gun control
  • No wars in the Middle East
  • No mass-blanket surveillance
  • No poison skies
  • No poison foods
  • No Obamacare
  • No Common Core
  • No unconstitiutional federal authority whatsoever…

It’s lights-out, bright-future Planet Liberty, overnight. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Truthwalkers of the World Unite

The day of deliverance is at hand
by Brian Wright

Sit, Walk, StandThe saying Sit, Walk, Stand from Watchman Nee’s book of the same name[1] applies in a secular manner to the freedom movement.

“First we must sit and learn just where we are with Freedom. Next we must then walk with the integrity of a truly free person (our actions must reflect our beliefs). Finally, we must stand our ground against those wanting to destroy freedom.” This column is a summary of the various truth discoveries this author has made in recent months leading me to the conclusion that if we keep walking in the spirit of those truths, together, our force applied against the Men of the Power Sickness (MOPS) will be irresistible; we will usher in the New Paradigm of peace, freedom, and abundance. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Melody and Tanya

Dear Melody and Tanya:
Regarding threats of (and cures to) the ‘Toxocracy’

What are they sprayingOpen letter to Melody and Dr. Tanya, my
masseuse and chiropractor, respectively.—ed.

As I put this together, mainly for you Melody, because you asked about sulfur supplementation, other health issues besides atmospheric toxins came up that I’ve been researching lately… particularly, water ‘fluoridation’ and then the concerns about genetically modified organisms (GMOs). It became clear that it’s the material of a rather full column, so I’ve decided to post this on my Coffee Coaster site more or less as is. I just last night viewed the Jeffrey M. Smith movie on GM foods, and it was quite an eye-opener.[1Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Truth Torpedo

Blowing away the Barrier Cloud
by Brian Wright

PhotonHow many of my baby boomer generation remember sitting around the college dorms (on Friday night, no less) watching Star Trek? Whenever the Enterprise found itself in a major battle and the phaser banks neared depletion, Captain Kirk would tell Chekov to fire the heavy artillery, the ultimate weapon: the Photon Torpedo. Then, FWAP! The heavens instantly flashed white, and Bah Bah to the Klingons or Romulans or whatever fleet of Galactic Pond Scum felt it could mess with our high-flying Federation-istas. Continue reading

Guest Column: Chemtrails No Longer a Maybe

Atmospheric geoengineering admitted by govt,
as programs poison airspace of the West
by Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones

Geoengineering: Our Environment Under Attack

The greatest public health threat can no longer be denied

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Monday, November 14, 2011

Chemtrails_1The fact that the planet is being bombarded with chemicals from high-altitude spraying as part of numerous geoengineering programs being conducted by U.S. government agencies and universities that have been approved with no oversight whatsoever can no longer be denied. Continue reading