Stonebeam 16. Thrive and FLOW, a Modest Proposal

Story Shot 16, by Brian R. Wright  PDF Version, 07 December 2020

Or vice versa. The Thrive I’m speaking of is the umbrella movement for world peace and liberty, seeded by Foster and Kimberly Gamble with two remarkable videos

In addition to the distinctively scientific approach to what exists and what might exist—for a thriving planet—the Thrive understanding includes a sharp analysis of what Foster calls the Global Domination Agenda (GDA)… and loosely identifies those behind it, let’s call them the Global Crime Syndicate (GCS) or simply ‘the Syndicate.’

We have to point out the barnacles on the ass of human progress that interfere with our vision of a better world. When I do so to my special normie[1] friends—say, 5G or GMOs or vaccines—they say, “Brian, you’re so negative!”

Occupational hazard, I guess, to tackle the wrongdoers; that’s why I like the inherently positive view that the Thrive movement holds up: a bright shining light dispelling the darkness. Please refer to my #5 Stonebeam (under | Stones).

My own contribution is a cultivation philosophy and practice known as FLOW.

I put together a short four-minute launch video [] that gives you the lowdown. Indeed, raising and sharing FLOW is my life’s purpose.

The idea itself I’ve had for nearly a decade. From the original three-panel brochure the notion was to bring people together in mutual self-help as a community of Independents[2]… much like the Christian (Lutheran) church congregation of my own experience in a middle America town of the 1950s. With these distinctions:

  • Cultivating independent consciousness: honoring, not worshiping, great souls
  • Providing spiritual and social foundation for each person’s reasoning ability
  • Encouraging each individual’s rise into Being via fellowship of kindred souls
  • Nourishing rooted principles for living a good life in harmony with the Field

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Stonebeam 9: Taking out the ‘Noise Mind’ II

Story Shot 9, by Brian R. Wright  PDF Version, 14 November 2020

Referring back to the Eckhart Tolle quote in NM I:

“You already have it [“peace beyond understanding”].
Your mind is just making too much noise.”
— Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now (1999)

Let’s talk about Tolle for a minute. [And realize that he’s one of many true spiritual teachers down the ages who has conveyed, with his own special flavor, the same central spiritual message—he’d be the first to admit that he’s one of many in the tradition.]

What is that central spiritual message?

That ‘you’ are not your mind. To have the inner peace we would like to enjoy in our lives we need to learn to stop identifying with (and being hammered senseless by) the ‘runaway’ mind, which “creates an opaque screen of concepts, labels, images words, judgments, and definitions that blocks all true relationship.” [page 12 in the PON.]

Thus Tolle focuses on …the mind keeping you awake when you’re trying to sleep on a Sunday night. Several modifiers apply: runaway mind, reactive mind, compulsive mind. I believe the Buddhists use the phrase ‘monkey brain’ to describe the tail-wagging-the-dog phenomenon that goes on in the heads of 99.5% (?) of us all day long.

THAT usage is what I mean for ‘noise mind’ and what humanity has to take out.

Which is a tall order when you consider the numbers afflicted worldwide.

Ol’ Eckhart is just one cockeyed optimist, pony-in-the-pile-o-manure kind o’ guy.

Isn’t he? Continue reading