Article: The Failure of Democracy

How The Oligarchs Plan To Steal The Election
Guest column article by Paul Craig Roberts [Original Here]


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I am now convinced that the Oligarchy that rules America intends to steal the presidential election. In the past, the oligarchs have not cared which candidate won as the oligarchs owned both. But they do not own Trump.

Most likely you are unaware of what Trump is telling people as the media does not report it. A person who speaks like this is not endeared to the oligarchs.

Who are the oligarchs?

  • Wall Street and the mega-banks too big to fail and their agent the Federal Reserve, a federal agency that put five banks ahead of millions of troubled American homeowners who the federal reserve allowed to be flushed down the toilet. In order to save the mega-banks’ balance sheets from their irresponsible behavior, the Fed has denied retirees any interest income on their savings for eight years, forcing the elderly to draw down their savings, leaving their heirs, who have been displaced from employment by corporate jobs’ offshoring, penniless.
  • The military/security complex which has spent trillions of our taxpayer dollars on 15 years of gratuitous wars based entirely on lies in order to enrich themselves and their power.
  • The neoconservatives whose crazed ideology of US world hegemony thrusts the American people into military conflict with Russia and China.
  • The US global corporations that sent American jobs to China and India and elsewhere in order to enrich the One Percent with higher profits from lower labor costs.
  • Agribusiness (Monsanto, corporations that poison the soil, the water, the oceans, and our food with their GMOs, hebicides, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers, while killing the bees that pollinate the crops.
  • The extractive industries—energy, mining, fracking, and timber—that maximize their profits by destroying the environment and the water supply.
  • The Israel Lobby that controls US Middle East policy and is committing genocide against the Palestinians just as the US committed genocide against native Americans. Israel is using the US to eliminate sovereign countries that stand in Israel’s way.

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Articles: Hillary as a Killer Deep State ‘Op’

From an email recently sent to my email bcc distribution lists

hillary_warmongerTurning it into an open letter for posting on the Web thru my Coffee Coaster auspices…

Dear Friend,

Coming much too Fast and Furious for a deliberately paced Web columnist such as myself to keep on top of. And it only just occurred to me a few days ago to think of HRC’s rise and anointing as a plan of the Deep State. I assembled two special ‘cryouts’ this week on extremely urgent news for all citizens of the world.

  • Julian Assange [Wikileaks founder, who has been reporting indictable criminal behavior re: Hillary Clinton and her  ‘Western Cabal’ associates] has been missing since his  Internet cutoff on Friday (10/21/16). An official statement Sunday by WikiLeaks concerning his safety has only raised fears he has been captured or killed. Courtesy:

What’s staggering to me, and I think to any conscientious, caring American, is that absolutely no mainstream media news agencies are covering either of the above stories—stories that portend a) the end of all your freedoms all the time and b) the end of humanity (except for those who have prepped with fallout shelters and the elites who have been set up with underground ‘Strangelove’ havens). [Still, a single new Russian super-heavy nuclear RS-28 Sarmat (aka Satan II) missile, expected to be operational in 2016, can wipe out an area the size of Texas or France. My guess is Doomsday 2016 makes the surface of the earth uninhabitable for thousands of years. Nobody is going to want to live underground forever, even with endless jumbo-screen, multimedia reruns of Downton Abbey and House of Cards.] Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Is Hillary Clinton a Deep Op?!

Like Barry Soweto before her… or phony wars for power and chaos …


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… or fake news’ incidents clearly orchestrated by government to further a life-and-liberty-robbing agenda—Sandy Hook and Boston, to name just a couple for which we have hard facts that establish a public-official role. Or false-flag true crimes such as the grandaddy of all of them, 911, where real people are slaughtered in a plot masterminded and executed by Orwellian insiders to create a War on Terror/War on Freedom… perpetual war for perpetual domination.

Only this time the Western Cabal (New World Order, globalist mob, bankster king- makers, Alien Space Lizards) appears to be grasping at straws at the end of its rope; the Clinton campaign and Hillary’s supposed foregone conclusion of presidential selection, in multiple grand gestures of self- destruction, is transgressing boundaries of crimes against humanity that even the AG of the United States can’t sweep under the Mainstream Media. Now on the eve of Hill’s presumed magic getaway into the hallowed halls of the Oval Office, her crime syndicate is taking incinerating heat from all sides.

The exposés and charges are coming much too Fast and Furious [ 🙂 to shed a little postpartum rain on Mr. Obama’s sadistic scandal] for a deliberately paced Web columnist such as myself to keep on top of. And it truly only just occurred to me today to think of HRC’s rise as a prolonged sleeper-cell operation of the deep state! Now that assessment is inescapable. So let me give you the pieces that seem significant to me from a smattering of stories in and around Webville: Continue reading

Guest Column: Labor Day

Perhaps not many Americans any longer know, so here is my explanation
by Paul Craig Roberts [Excerpt, full PCR column here.]

Labor_MovementLabor Day—what is it?

In my time Labor Day was the unofficial end of summer, because school began after Labor Day. Today school begins almost a month before. When I was in school that would not have been possible, especially in the South. The schools were not air-conditioned. If school had started in August no one would have showed up. It was difficult enough getting through May before school was out in June.

As most Americans probably thought of Labor Day as the last summer holiday, now that Labor Day has lost that role, what is Labor Day? The holiday originated as an apology capitalists tossed to labor to defuse a standoff.

Workers understood that labor was the backbone of the economy, not Wall Street moguls or bankers in their fine offices. Workers wanted a holiday that recognized labor, thus elevating labor in public policy to a standing with capital. Some states created labor day holidays, but it wasn’t until 1894 that Labor Day was made a federal holiday.

Congress created the federal holiday in response to the murder of strikers by US Army troops and federal marshals during the Pullman strike of 1894. The factory workers who built Pullman railway cars lived in the company town of Pullman. George Pullman provoked a strike by lowering wages but not the rents charged in the company town. Continue reading

Guest Column: The Truth about JFK and RFK

President Kennedy and His Brother Robert Kennedy Were Murdered By The Military-Security Complex, by Paul Craig Roberts
Excerpt from full column here

The_Neoconservative_Threat_To_World_OrderPresstitute Media, such as the UK Telegraph, spend a lot of energy debunking exposes of government conspiracies. For example, the thousands of highrise architects, structural engineers, physicists, nano-chemists, demolition experts, first responders, military and civilian pilots, and former government officials who have provided vast evidence that the official story of 9/11 is a made-up fairy tale at odds with all evidence and the laws of physics are dismissed by presstitutes as “conspiracy theorists.”

Similarly, those, such as James W. Douglass, who have proven beyond all doubt that President John F. Kennedy was not assassinated by Oswald but by his own paranoid anti-communist military-security complex, are dismissed as conspiracy theorists. Continue reading

Guest Column: Another Fake Bin Laden Story

Another Fake Bin Laden Story

Full column here by Paul Craig Roberts

RobertsRT, one of my favorite news sources, has fallen for a fake story put out by the Pentagon to support the fantasy story that a SEAL team killed Osama bin Laden, who died a second time in Abbottabad, Pakistan, a decade after his first death from illness and disease.

This fake story together with the fake movie and the fake book by an alleged SEAL team member is the way the fake story of bin Laden’s murder is perpetrated. Bin Laden’s alleged demise at the hands of a SEAL team was a propaganda orchestration, the purpose of which was to give Obama a hero’s laurels and deep six Democratic talk of challenging his nomination for a second term. Continue reading

Guest Column: Contra NDAA IDWOT


It’s Official: NDAA Means Gulag
NDAA the latest statute giving GOTUS[1]
‘legal’ ‘right’ to destroy us without due process
Excerpts from Naomi Wolf, Mike Adams

Editor’s Note: Two excerpts from journalistic VIPs who demonstrate quite clearly that the recent National Defense Authorization Act is preparation for imminent martial law on and mass detention of Americans in a FEMA, corporate-constructed homeland gulag. The target of IDWOT (indefinite detention without trial) provisions of the defense funding bill is ‘covered persons.’ In other words, terrorists = anyone who questions the state power… and everyone else we wish to enslave and crush on the whim of a tyrant and his thugs. Continue reading