Brian’s Column: Google Evil Archive 2009-12-07

The “Don’t be Evil” company coughs up a fur ball

Note: This column documents a long ago experience when as a Web proprietor I interacted with the Google dynasty and its—let’s just say—”bizarre and/or arbitrarily applied” policy regarding the small fries it would do business with. Google, two weeks previous to this column, precipitously and inscrutably canceled my Google CPC[1] advertising account; there was no telling whether Google would further downgrade its valuation of my site, e.g. lowering the Coffee Coaster’s page rank—regardless of what I did or didn’t  do. So in the immortal words of Vince Majestyk, “There’s no sense getting on their good side.” I wrote this column as a warning to others at the time. And I resurrect it now, three and a half years later mostly for historical reference. Since Google has become the antithesis now of a company that doesn’t do evil.  — Brian Wright Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Open Letter to Joe Shlabotnik

Potpourri of the argument to waking up
by Brian Wright

ShlabotnikThe following reveals my underlying thought processes as I work on an individualized letter of personal appeal to my ‘huckleberries’ (the perhaps two-to-three-hundred dear friends and family I have acquired since early adulthood—persons who yet remain unwilling to check their premises when it comes to the legitimacy of their primal-brain authority of the United States nation-state that has now become thoroughly broken without the possibility of repair). It must be replaced. Along with its agents of mind control of the mainstream media and the bankster horses they all rode in on. My letter will be a heartfelt humanitarian plea for my huckleberries to WAKE UP! Any comments to help it be the best it can be are surely welcome. — bw Continue reading

Brian’s Column: 43d Annual Danish Festival

An experience of Greenville, Michigan, Summer 2007[1]

It’s always hard to fight a stereotype. Many Americans think of the Scandinavians, Danish in particular, as rampaging Vikings—like the Hell’s Angels in longships.  I think they’ve seen the 1958 movie, The Vikings, the one with Kirk Douglas and Tony Curtis, too many times.  Of course Kirk and Tony were notably hygienic among their otherwise mangy cohorts—did you ever notice how the lead actors in these old epic films have perfect white teeth?! Continue reading

Brian’s Column: 911 Truth and the Grand Awakening

The cathartic potential 911 Memorialof unraveling the Big Lie
(1st posted 12/10/07)

Always in the news… until the people do come to the truth of things. Exposure of the reality behind what happened on 9/11/2001 has the greatest potential for liberating and empowering humankind. I feel this column from 2007 still has a lot to offer to those who care about life, liberty, and integrity.

In the course of discovering evidential grounds for believing in the alternative theory of what occurred on September 11, 2001,[1] two salient characteristics of the phenomenon of “9/11 Truth (911T) ” became abundantly clear to me: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Breaking the Spell

A free society first requires we “snap out of it”
by Brian Wright

Body SnatchersWatching the events surrounding Boston Massacre II on April 15 unfold and then the news and the news of those events, I’m struck once again by the patently absurd official story as the government and media keep the masses woefully entrained and infotained inside the Barrier Cloud du jour. The talking heads don’t even pretend to straighten out the facts or answer the obvious questions any (home-schooled) five-year-old would ask. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Omamacare VII

Rites of final passage
by Brian Wright

[Omamacare VI]

Mom w Boopie BearWe left it in the previous incarnation of Omamacare (VI) that I was walking on air, with a view to having found that magic bullet—it was to be nutrition that would bring Mom back to full function, symbolically in her stated desire for a simple hamburger—to keep her going. Sadly, no sooner had I taken sleep and nourishment back at home then returned to the hospital next day (Valentine’s Day of all days), that my hopes were dashed. Lying in the bed there in luxo-suite C341, she’s being dialyzed and showing no real signs of thriving. Still, I hope to see improvement after dialysis and rest, with another hit of the enhanced nutrients, later in the day. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Healthcare Cider House Rules

Suppose they gave a law and nobody came
by Brian Wright

This column was originally written and posted on March 22, 2010, and you can see not much has happened to date the analysis. Obamacare isn’t even in place yet, but everyone knows it’s going to be pure hell:

Lots of activity on the Web, as you might expect, following the rather “intravenous heading toward Pluto” outcome from DC yesterday. My goodness, HR 3962 “Health Care Nationalization” passed by a 219-211 vote. What’s a mother to do?
— bw Continue reading