Brian’s Column: The National Boycott

“Who’s in charge here?”
by Brian Wright

National BoycottBoycott: the act of voluntarily abstaining from using, buying, or dealing with a person, organization, or country [government] to further an economic or humanitarian objective, usually in a social or political context.

My column today is a first sketch of a US national movement I am founding to withhold personal moral, political, and/or economic sanction from the US federal government (USG) until it ends a modest number of its most blatant and extreme acts of aggression—all unconstitutional—in three broad categories, to wit: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Obamacare and the Constitution

“You don’t have the power, Droneboy!”

Many of us Apollo 13 fans remember the exchange between the young lead engineer played by Loren Dean and Gene Cernan (Ed Harris) during heated discussions about how to get the astronauts of that mission back to earth safely. Basically, the plans everyone had for moving and navigating the ship, maintaining radio communications, powering the instrumentation, hydraulics, lights, and life support, etc. presumed an amount of power that simply wasn’t there… i.e. “we don’t have the power, Gene!” Continue reading

Omamacare VI

“I really want a hamburger!”
by Brian Wright

TajMahal[Previous: Omamacare V]
On Wednesday early a.m., 1/23/13, Mom was short of breath and her pulse was racing by my feel. She eventually insisted on going to ER (I had actually become inured to her seeming out of breath and was balking at taking her in!!). We arrived at emergency about 9:00 or 10:00 a.m.

The ER physician saw her fairly quickly and because pulse was remaining high w/nitro and other meds, he suggested entubation to enable breathing with ventilator assist; I agreed (not fully realizing the ramifications). At ~1300 she was moved—unconscious, because sedative is used for inserting the tube—to ICU. This is where Omamacare VI starts. Mother, unconscious, is basically breathing with ventilator assistance in ICU, while ICU diagnoses the root problem. I’m a bit foggy on events and personnel in this early hospitalization timeframe. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Truthwalkers of the World Unite

The day of deliverance is at hand
by Brian Wright

Sit, Walk, StandThe saying Sit, Walk, Stand from Watchman Nee’s book of the same name[1] applies in a secular manner to the freedom movement.

“First we must sit and learn just where we are with Freedom. Next we must then walk with the integrity of a truly free person (our actions must reflect our beliefs). Finally, we must stand our ground against those wanting to destroy freedom.” This column is a summary of the various truth discoveries this author has made in recent months leading me to the conclusion that if we keep walking in the spirit of those truths, together, our force applied against the Men of the Power Sickness (MOPS) will be irresistible; we will usher in the New Paradigm of peace, freedom, and abundance. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Omamacare V

“…I was sick and you visited me.” — Jesus

[Omamacare IV]

Omamacare V5Ms. Phyllis Joy Wright (85), aka Mom, lives with me in my condominium in Novi, Michigan. She’s a special-needs senior who has a genetic ailment called polycystic kidney disease (PKD), which has required hemodialysis three times a week since September 2009. This is the fifth in a series of seven columns that I have written or will be writing for purposes of:

  1. recording a ‘you are there’ diary of care for a real person in a representative yet relatively upscale healthcare system in contemporary America Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Comforting the Sick

… or the temporarily out of commission
(initially posted 8/15/11)

Providence Park HospitalIt occurred to me the other day, after visiting a neighbor who is hospitalized, that I may have acquired a certain penchant for this sort of modest gesture. Many seem to consider a willingness to visit the sick—especially those who are not good friends or kin—a hallmark of sensitivity. Reading the Bible, Matthew 25:36, Jesus says, “Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.” Which I remember from Sunday School many years ago. Well, I don’t consider myself overly sentimental, but looking out for others does bring a profound (even selfish) satisfaction. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Melody and Tanya

Dear Melody and Tanya:
Regarding threats of (and cures to) the ‘Toxocracy’

What are they sprayingOpen letter to Melody and Dr. Tanya, my
masseuse and chiropractor, respectively.—ed.

As I put this together, mainly for you Melody, because you asked about sulfur supplementation, other health issues besides atmospheric toxins came up that I’ve been researching lately… particularly, water ‘fluoridation’ and then the concerns about genetically modified organisms (GMOs). It became clear that it’s the material of a rather full column, so I’ve decided to post this on my Coffee Coaster site more or less as is. I just last night viewed the Jeffrey M. Smith movie on GM foods, and it was quite an eye-opener.[1Continue reading