Brian’s Column: Stepping up to the Law of Causality on 9/11

An open letter to my engineering colleagues concerning the tragic realities of 9/11

My Dearest Friends of Reason and Science:

Open Letter re: 9/11First, please forgive the presumption— should it indeed be a presumption—that as a corollary of your being an engineer you have a absolute devotion to the validity of reason and science.  It’s entirely possible in the years since graduation from engineering school someone may have convinced you otherwise, i.e. that things are true or false based on what God reveals or what other agencies (secular or clerical) claim to be true based on “higher authority” than objective reality as judged scrupulously by your own mind.

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Brian’s Column: Invasion of the Mind Snatchers

Groking Kevin McCarthy in classic sci-fi horror flick
by Brian Wright

Truth is sometimes so like fiction to be equally scary. Watching the recent MOPS[1] mind-control exercises—in which Obamasan foists on the mainstream minions a) an astoundingly sophomoric birth-certificate forgery and b) an incredibly bizarre operation that supposedly kills a known-to-be-long-dead Osama bin Laden—then seeing that an astounding number of my otherwise intelligent, critically thinking friends and acquaintances actually believing the official stories [DESPITE THE PATENTLY OBVIOUS EVIDENCE OF THEIR FALSEHOOD] sets my mind a reelin’. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Second Thoughts on Old Glory

Time to lay the nation-state to rest
by Brian Wright

Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
— John Lennon Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Grand LP: Breakthru Year?

The Libertarian Party (LP), at least here in the Hinterland,
seems ready for primetime (originally posted 5/31/2010)
by Brian Wright

Timid men prefer the calm of despotism
to the tempestuous sea of Liberty. – Thomas Jefferson

And in This Corner

So now comes the LP of Michigan (LPM), with its 2010 convention in Okemos (a relatively well-to-do bedroom community of Lansing, the capital, and East Lansing, home to Michigan State University). Yours truly, being acting Webmaster and having a long history with the LPM—actually one of the founders in 1972—I continue to have high hopes. The photo on the right shows Bill Hall, current “political director” of the LPM. Political director is such a plum job: organizing the candidates and getting the paperwork together for the state elections commission. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: He Who Has the Gold…

Golden Rule and its mechanics in Samland
by Brian Wright

It’s the old joke or phrase, I believe it was from the comic strip Pogo—but it may have been The Wizard of Id or Shoe (reader input welcome). One of the characters says in conversation about politics, “Just remember the Golden Rule.” “What do you mean?” “He who has the gold makes the rules.” This is so entirely apt when one discusses the central banking and money machinery of the United States: the Federal Reserve System (Fed).[1] For this week’s column I’m going to paraphrase Mr. G. Edward Griffin’s description, in The Creature from Jekyll Island, of how the Fed works, how it creates ‘money.’ Like turning lead into gold, the central bankers believe in magic… and would have us believe they’re Mandrake the Magician. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: A Cat Named Thomas

Thoughts about the loss of other sentient beings

A Cat Named ThomasThe sad fact as I approach the end of my sixth full decade on the planet is that there’s an accumulation of losses that can’t be passed by without comment. Most of us grew up seeing our parents and even our grandparents as constants of nature; physical death had very little relevance to our worlds.  Into late Teenagedom, I recall losing Grandpa —actually a step-grandfather who was the kindest, brightest, internally strongest man I’ve ever known.  And how did I react?  I didn’t attend the funeral because I couldn’t accept death into my psychological universe! Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Homeland Security Bulletin

Fantasy Football[1] terrorists captured in Michigan
by Brian Wright

Originally posted December 2010. Oddly enough, when the manure of blind nationalist faith hits the fan, the wildest imaginative fiction cannot touch the frightening strangeness of the truth. The following conversation could realistically happen in United States Bizarro World 2010 as we know it. Indeed, for all I know, it may have actually occurred! The idea came to me based on a charge of collusion made several years ago by a short-time member of my own fantasy football league (MPACT) in the Detroit, Michigan, area. [Note: collusion is a negligible occurrence in contests where the winner(s) make peanuts in prize money.] Continue reading