Brian’s Column: 911 Truth and the Grand Awakening

The cathartic potential 911 Memorialof unraveling the Big Lie
(1st posted 12/10/07)

Always in the news… until the people do come to the truth of things. Exposure of the reality behind what happened on 9/11/2001 has the greatest potential for liberating and empowering humankind. I feel this column from 2007 still has a lot to offer to those who care about life, liberty, and integrity.

In the course of discovering evidential grounds for believing in the alternative theory of what occurred on September 11, 2001,[1] two salient characteristics of the phenomenon of “9/11 Truth (911T) ” became abundantly clear to me: Continue reading

Book Review: Debates at the Constitutional Convention (1987)

Notes at the Constitutional Convention, 1787 (first posted 12/17/10)
by James Madison

Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787All right, unless you have access to some primo bud (really smooth marijuana conducive to cognition), reading this book may prove to be tedious business. Candidly, it needs to be considered a reference, quite an amazing reference, to the founding document of the American nation.[1] Necessarily, a great deal of the back and forth concerns procedural matters, such as how many senators, reps, terms of office, judicial powers, general composition, qualifications, impeachability, and so on. And these questions are of interest to scholars certainly, to laymen as well. For example, you learn fairly quickly that the high-population states and low-population states tended to have opposed objectives: mainly that the one group should not be allowed to run roughshod over the other. Continue reading

Movie Review: Swing Shift (1984)

Small WWII movie with big-budget impact

Swing Shift

“Mable Stoddard’s husband is in the Pacific. She took this job for the duration.
‘Mrs. Stoddard, how do you like your job?’
‘I love it.’
‘How about after the war, do you plan to keep on working.’
‘Well as I was saying, when my husband comes back, I’m going    to be busy, at home.’
‘Good for you.’
“Each returning serviceman will get his job back when the war is won.  And you girls and women, you’ll be going home.  Back to being housewives and mothers as you promised to do when you came to work for us. Your lives will return to normal.”
— Post-war announcement by industry spokesman Continue reading

Guest Column: Detroit Breakdown

Notes from some East Side kids back in the day (orignally posted 6/6/11)
by Rose Wright

Editor’s Preface: Detroit is in the commentary sphere lately with one Frosty Wooldridge, a former resident of the Motor City, opening up with a fairly one-sided lament. You can read the October 2009 piece here, and the introductory sentence gives you the flavor:

For 15 years, from the mid 1970s to 1990, I worked in Detroit, Michigan. I watched it descend into the abyss of crime, debauchery, gun play, drugs, school truancy, car-jacking, gangs and human depravity. Continue reading

Movie Review: Nobody’s Fool (1994)

Little movie: Big essence of Paul Newman __ 9/10

Nobody's Fool

Miss Beryl: Do you still bet on that horse race of yours?
Sully: What, the trifecta?
Miss Beryl: Yes. Has it ever come in?
Sully: Not yet.
Miss Beryl: But you still bet on it.
Sully: Well, sure. I mean, the odds have gotta kick in sooner or later.
Miss Beryl: Fine. That’s exactly the way I feel about you. Continue reading