Brian’s Column: The Delta Declaration

Myers-Briggs lookalike with an eye toward positive change

Continuum_Vector_2Let me begin the column with a figure that I developed in the course of writing After 9/11 Truth: The Death Star in Ashes, Humanity Rises. Chapter 7: Share it Forward begins with the above graphic that expresses the cardinal mission for us who seek the paradigm shift into a Billion+ Points of Light society. You can also see the Dark Side’s intent. Continue reading

Guest Column: Fly Behind Closed Doors

Excerpt from Foster Gamble’s July 11, 2015, column in Thrive
Full column here

I heard someone yelling and turned to the stage where an ancient-looking, paunchy, white man with red-rimmed eyes and a snarl was scolding the participants.

“I don’t know how many times I have to repeat it. We can’t control this many people. We have to get rid of most of the useless eaters and it’s not happening fast enough. You each have power and responsibility in this, so what the hell have you been doing this last year?”

A CEO from a chemical company stood to defend himself, saying, “We control over 80% of what they eat already, and we have laced it with GMOs, hormones, aspartame, and pesticides. Our MSG combines elegantly with all the High Fructose Corn Syrup they consume to create cancers and heart disease and diabetes at an unprecedented rate.” Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Cellphone Demolition Derby

What to do about inattentive driving?

Editor’s note: This is an early column (from April 2007) where cellphones with texting while driving was becoming a common problem. GPS systems and dash panel cellular phone connections were in their infancy, indeed, so were the earphone systems that enable hands-free driving. The problem has gotten worse, however, as texting while driving becomes no big deal for tens of thousands of inattentive, unskilled drivers behind the wheels of mastodon-sized vehicles. These are the same individuals who feel ‘he-said, she-said’ is soooo much more important that paying full attention to the road; the process of natural selection will eventually weed these individuals out… unfortunately, taking plenty of innocent persons with them. Great argument for mass transit and jitneys. — bw

This afternoon I’m out in my “enthusiast” vehicle as a third “cellphone shuffle” occurs at a stop sign—a movement requiring the utmost dexterity: Continue reading

Movie Review: Pleasantville (1998)

Battling the guardians of the forbidden fruit (9/10)

PleasantA fascinating exploration of moral choices: the comforts of social conformity vs. the wild ride of personal liberation.  Pleasantville is a movie I hadn’t seen in a while, then loading it into the DVD player I realize it’s been almost 10 years (1998) since it came to the screen.  Seems like yesterday.  For some reason—perhaps seven years of a full-frontal, faith-based political regime—the film deeply moves me now.

The theme is as timeless as the central issue posed by those hysterical autocrats who pontificate(d) the Old Testament: do I accept or defy God?  And if I decide to leave my warm family home on Superstition Mountain, am I prepared to accept the consequences? Continue reading

Guest Column: Whither Rebel?

The psyop to neuter the Rebel
by Jon Rappoport (full column at here)

JonMatrixIf you want to track a civilization as it collapses, watch what happens to the concept of the rebel.

On a profound level, mass shootings and assassinations (whether staged or not) are used to define the ever-present “lone assassin” as the REPRESENTATION AND THE SYMBOL OF WHAT THE INDEPENDENT INDIVIDUAL IS.

You’re a separate and distinct individual? An outsider? Watch out. Overnight, you could turn into a raging killer.

You happen to know an outsider, a loner? He’s dangerous. He doesn’t live by the rules the rest of us accept. He’s deranged. Stay away from him. Shun him. And if you see the slightest indication of (insert your own term here), report him to the authorities.

“See a rebel, say something,” to paraphrase the DHS motto.

Any human being who has courage, intelligence, eyes to see, and a determination to express his power in uncompromising terms can now be redefined as a potential threat to the stability of society—if he criticizes the prevailing Authority. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Truman Prophecy

Teaser for ‘my first’

TrumanPlease if you should like where it seems to you that I’m going with this startup segment, support my work via any of three related, integral-to-the-book crowdfunding projects. Note the descriptions for these projects are linked on the gofundme pages for them; you do not have to make a donation in order to read the descriptions. I shall try to keep the projects up to date as I’m completing the novel. You can see it’s of a political genre. Time integration with these real humanitarian projects requires that the novel reach completion this year. Realistically it looks mid November 2015. Here are the projects with links to the descriptions/funding pages:

Draft excerpt from The Truman Prophecy, by Brian Wright

Outside the Panera, a block north on Grand River Avenue, squads of steroid-drenched fusion cops marched with crazed eyes in parade formation. Or lucky ones rode and postured, Mussolini-like, atop dozens of military surplus personnel carriers obtained by Oakland County for the occasion. [Each tank sported two 3-ft. by 10-ft. banners with “My Child Kissed the Darth Vader Cigar Ring of Sheriff Bouchard” in large bold lettering… accompanied by a 2-ft.-diameter police-capped ‘happy face.’] The vehicles’ back-and-forth transit, skirting the Rick Snyder Complex for State Supremacy (formerly the Novi Suburban Collection Center), made quite a racket.[0] Continue reading

Movie Review: War, Inc. (2008)

“When it comes to war, America means business.”

Written by Mark Leyner and Jeremy Pikser and John Cusack
Directed by Joshua Seftel

War, Inc.John Cusack … Brand Hauser
Hilary Duff … Yonica Babyyeah
Marisa Tomei … Natalie Hegalhuzen
Joan Cusack … Marsha Dillon
Dan Aykroyd … Mr. Vice President
John McLaughlin … Himself
Montel Williams … GuideStar Voice (voice)
Ben Kingsley … Walken / The Viceroy

Walken: Every empire is summed up in Rome. The Romans, Hauser, dudes of the human race, torchbearers of culture! You and I are centurions, on about to defend civilization against the barbarians!
Brand Hauser: Let’s cut the shit, Walken! I like killing people as much as the next guy, but I signed up to kill the bad ones! Health clinics, trade unionists, journalists, agricultural coops, Catholic liberation theologians, impoverished Colombian coffee farmers, these are the barbarians that are opponents of civilization? We turned Central America into a fuckin’ graveyard! Whoever momentarily interrupts the accumulation of our wealth, we pulverize! I’m just not feeling good about that anymore, sir! Continue reading