Brian’s Column: The Freedom Philosophy

Reemerging in America at an opportune time
by Brian Wright

Freedom Philosophy and Ron PaulToward the end of February 2012, preceding the Ron Paul primary in Michigan—I say Ron Paul Primary because no one else in the field of Republican (or Democratic) presidential candidates seems to actually be there, you know, like they’re just empty suits signifying nothing—on February 28, I was fortunate to attend a Ron Paul rally at Michigan State University, in the MSU Auditorium, East Lansing. It was quite windy and chilly, but hundreds of students arrived as much as an hour early, fighting the campus’s horrendous parking situation, just to be sure to get a good seat for the free event. Continue reading

Movie Review: Trial and Error (1997)

Daniels and Richards primo comic duo ___ 7/10
Review by Brian Wright

Trial and ErrorWritten by Sara Bernstein
Directed by Jonathan Lynn

Richard Rietti: Maybe he’s the person that he conned the most. I mean we all do that, you know. We all keep a little bit of ourselves hidden. Cuz if we didn’t, well, then we’d have to look at who we are. Who we really are. And if we didn’t like it, well, we’d have nobody to blame but ourselves.

Take a break and return to the late 90s for a unique Hollywood offering that few people were aware of at the time, whether from poor marketing or simple inattention. Trial and Error takes the established screen actor at the time, Jeff Daniels (Gettysburg, Fly Away Home), and combines the kinetic TV presence, Kramer (Michael Richards), from Seinfield to accomplish an extremely funny and worthy satire suggesting the Biblical adage, “What shall it profit a man to win the whole world yet lose his own soul?” Continue reading

Guest Column: Don’t want to see their faces

Don’t want to hear their screams
by Christopher Cooper

See Their FacesExcerpted from Common Dreams column (the article is so good I could not resist the urge to copy and convey under the Coffee Coaster beachhead—though with reference to the full source, but admittedly more than fair use might dictate—a good share of it):

The whole thing is regrettable, really. Shocking, truth to tell. And so sad, I’m sure, for those people, those blanket-wearing, beard-growing, false-god-worshiping, probably-related-to-terrorists, citizens of Afghanistan whose wives and children and babies were gunned down in their beds, shot, murdered, slaughtered, and then burned by one of America’s finest Sunday morning. But hey, what are ya gonna do? These things happen. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Insufferable Acts

Vote, educate, nullify, boycott, or sever?
by Brian Wright

NullificationNote I did not include ‘flee’ or ‘submit,’ as reasonable options. In either case, whether you leave the country—not really an alternative for most of us—or crouch down to lick the hand that feeds you, the Insufferable Acts[1] do not go away. The question is truly what is the best strategy/tactic for eliminating these violations of human liberty? Okay, enough suspense. My choice, as of this five minutes, of the best single tactic is ‘nullify,’ and I shall tell you why in a moment. Having spilt the beans, let me state, as well, that all of the responses listed are vital implements in the liberty toolbox, and each individual must decide which is the best and most effective for his/her own situation. My personal order of preference now: Continue reading

Guest Column: Media Plays the Marching Tune

Republican primary just a circus for the non-Pauls
Ron Burcham

Ron Paul in the MediaBig biz commentator Jack Welch and his wife, Suzy, produced a column recently to the effect that Ron Paul will inevitably be ‘fired’ from the Republican Party, and the Party had better do the dismissal properly: “… so it must be with the RNC and Ron Paul. There can be no brush-off. No ‘Phew, he’s gone. Now let’s get down to business.’ No booby prize. Ron Paul needs to be given a role that really means something to him—a role with influence and voice.” Else, Obama wins embarrassingly big. I sent this response to a friend when he sent me the Jack and Suzy link:
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Movie Review: Hereafter (2010)

Humanitarian exploration of afterlife ___ 9/10
Review by Brian Wright

HereafterDirected by Clint Eastwood
Written by Peter Morgan

On the surface, Hereafter is a fairly straightforward story of two individuals—George Lonegan (Matt Damon) and Marie LeLay (Cécile De France)—who have near-death experiences that result in special understanding that seemingly drives them toward each other across the continents. But their internal struggles with having a unique ability to ‘see in the world of the dead,’ the characters with whom they pass through their lives, and strangers who are drawn to them—particularly to Lonegan, who has reluctantly spent some time in the psychic market—make the film a complex tapestry of, usually benign, behavior.

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Guest Column: Contra NDAA IDWOT


It’s Official: NDAA Means Gulag
NDAA the latest statute giving GOTUS[1]
‘legal’ ‘right’ to destroy us without due process
Excerpts from Naomi Wolf, Mike Adams

Editor’s Note: Two excerpts from journalistic VIPs who demonstrate quite clearly that the recent National Defense Authorization Act is preparation for imminent martial law on and mass detention of Americans in a FEMA, corporate-constructed homeland gulag. The target of IDWOT (indefinite detention without trial) provisions of the defense funding bill is ‘covered persons.’ In other words, terrorists = anyone who questions the state power… and everyone else we wish to enslave and crush on the whim of a tyrant and his thugs. Continue reading