Book Review: The Revolution: A Manifesto (2008)

The undisguised truth about liberty in America
by Ron Paul
Review by Brian Wright

The Revolution: A Manifesto2008, Grand Central Publishing, 167 pages

“The Revolution is an important and timely work, yet its fiery title belies the quiet, more scholarly approach it advocates.  This is most likely a temperament issue: where Jesse Ventura would pound on the podium and call us to the streets to depose modern royalty through mass protest like the 1960s antiwar movement, Dr. Paul would have us read several good books and vote.”

From my trip to Ron Paul’s Rally for the
—which I briefly describe in notes to the VIP list in last week’s column—there in Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Freedom Philosophy

Reemerging in America at an opportune time
by Brian Wright

Freedom Philosophy and Ron PaulToward the end of February 2012, preceding the Ron Paul primary in Michigan—I say Ron Paul Primary because no one else in the field of Republican (or Democratic) presidential candidates seems to actually be there, you know, like they’re just empty suits signifying nothing—on February 28, I was fortunate to attend a Ron Paul rally at Michigan State University, in the MSU Auditorium, East Lansing. It was quite windy and chilly, but hundreds of students arrived as much as an hour early, fighting the campus’s horrendous parking situation, just to be sure to get a good seat for the free event. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Insufferable Acts

Vote, educate, nullify, boycott, or sever?
by Brian Wright

NullificationNote I did not include ‘flee’ or ‘submit,’ as reasonable options. In either case, whether you leave the country—not really an alternative for most of us—or crouch down to lick the hand that feeds you, the Insufferable Acts[1] do not go away. The question is truly what is the best strategy/tactic for eliminating these violations of human liberty? Okay, enough suspense. My choice, as of this five minutes, of the best single tactic is ‘nullify,’ and I shall tell you why in a moment. Having spilt the beans, let me state, as well, that all of the responses listed are vital implements in the liberty toolbox, and each individual must decide which is the best and most effective for his/her own situation. My personal order of preference now: Continue reading

Guest Column: Contra NDAA IDWOT


It’s Official: NDAA Means Gulag
NDAA the latest statute giving GOTUS[1]
‘legal’ ‘right’ to destroy us without due process
Excerpts from Naomi Wolf, Mike Adams

Editor’s Note: Two excerpts from journalistic VIPs who demonstrate quite clearly that the recent National Defense Authorization Act is preparation for imminent martial law on and mass detention of Americans in a FEMA, corporate-constructed homeland gulag. The target of IDWOT (indefinite detention without trial) provisions of the defense funding bill is ‘covered persons.’ In other words, terrorists = anyone who questions the state power… and everyone else we wish to enslave and crush on the whim of a tyrant and his thugs. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: “…destructive of these ends…”

What’s the threshold for ‘Independence Redo?’
by Brian Wright

Redeclaration of IndependenceIn the Declaration of Independence of 1776, Jefferson wrote:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government… Continue reading

Guest Column: America’s Last Chance

Why is Ron Paul America’s last chance?
by Paul Craig Roberts

Ron Paul vs. TyrannyEditor’s Note: This is a column from Dr. Roberts on Infowars, January 15, 2012. I have personally felt that whether Ron Paul wins or loses in 2012 is as critical a political result as has ever faced our country, if not our planet. I thank the good man for providing grist to my sentiment. Especially the latest on what the various incarnations of the federal police force are up to. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: All Aboard the Ron Paul Freedom Train

Free State 1.10 => Dr. Yes to White House 11.6
by Brian Wright

Ron  Paul Predictions 2002Yes, as in Success. Success of an unstoppable movement seeded in the minds of the Scottish Enlightenment and pioneer souls who crossed the perilous ocean in order to live by no one’s leave. Then later through ideas spawned in the colonial cauldron of American self-government finding expression in the taverns of Williamsburg and Boston… on to the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia followed by the clash of arms defeating English tyranny on American soil. ‘Our country’ then took root in an imperfect, yet best-available, instrument known as the Constitution (USC). Continue reading