Guest Column: ISIS attacked Brussels?

The US created ISIS? Therefore?
by Jon Rappoport (full column here)

RappoportI want to acknowledge two researchers and reporters, whose work cuts deeply into the ISIS mirage: Tony Cartalucci and Brandon Turbeville. In a half-sane world, Cartalucci would be the international editor of the New York Times, if the Times were a real news outlet.

If we accept the premise that ISIS attacked Brussels, then the next question is: what is ISIS?

Who is behind it? Who supplies it? Who funds it? Who sustains it?

Brandon Turbeville, writing at Activist Post (“Congress Votes To Fight ISIS By Funding ISIS To Fight Assad”, 9/19/2014), states:

“Obama’s plan [is] to ‘detect and degrade’ ISIS…the reality is that the plan is nothing more than a plan to…destroy the Syrian government to benefit of ISIS and other fundamentalist groups that the United States has created, funded, trained, and directed since the very beginning of the Syrian crisis.” Continue reading

Guest Column: Trump vs. Newspeak

Why the elite media were completely wrong about his chances
by Jon Rappoport [full March 2, 2016, column here]

Exit From the MatrixBecause they live in a bubble of their own making. That’s why.

And in that bubble, everything about America is manageable. Things can get worse, but then they get better. Money is tight, then it’s loose. Employment figures drop, then they rebound. Wars start, and then they end.

Looking at the country and the population through the wrong end of the telescope, these media creatures feel themselves positioned high above the madding crowd. To them, phrases like “street smart” and “savvy” are the closest they get to anything real.

Occasionally, they remark that people are restless “out there” and looking for a change—as if Obama, with his massive slogans, somehow supplied that need for eight years and solved the whole problem for a while. As if the problem was simply a psychological kink that needed to be worked out. Continue reading

Guest Column: Since When is Limiting Immigration a Crime?

And since when is bombing and invading other countries a virtuous act?
by Jon Rappoport (excerpt from, 1/25/16)

the matrix revealedDouble trouble.

Somehow, putting a lid on immigration is now a crime against humanity. That’s quite a propaganda triumph. So let’s announce, with a great flourish, that the US and Europe will welcome everybody else on the planet. Let’s go all the way to prove our tolerance and good will. Why not? The wonderful people who support waves of immigration don’t seem to be able to put a top number on this whole operation. They have a bone stuck in their throats. They can’t say, “Well, here is the absolute highest number of immigrants who can come in.” They just can’t. To do so would taint the quality of their heroic empathy. It would rip a hole in their Sails of Love.

“Mr. President, perhaps you could tell us how many immigrants we can admit to our shores. When would it start being a, you know, problem? We just want to get an idea of the scope of this whole thing. When do the numbers begin to exert a strain on the economy, for example? Aside from, ahem, now. Continue reading

Guest Column: The Hillary Tapeworm Unreality

When Hillary ‘dodged sniper fire’
by Jon Rappoport, excerpt from 10/19/15 column

Tapeworm“Political candidates for high office are virtual illusions assembled out of media dust. They are solidified cartoons presented on television. The real lives of the people who are thus animated by media are of no concern. Indeed, it is the job of the candidates to conceal their real lives and thoughts and emotions, to avoid frightening the stunted children who vote for them on Election Day. Political leadership roles were never designed for authentic persons. Such persons, in significant numbers, would crash the system and expose it as a complete fraud. The art of building the political system depends on mass minds tuned to caricatures, minds that can’t carry the freight of anything heavier. Therefore, society’s architects set about their work: thinning out consciousness itself.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

—I recall. No, I don’t recall. What difference does it make? Let’s move on. There are more important issues facing the American people— Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Reality?

Power of NowOne of life’s many mysteries
is why libertarians who say
don’t trust the government on anything,
from jobs to school performance to how to pay for roads,
believe any government official story
when it comes to military or foreign policy,
from WMDs in Iraq to ISIS rebels’ funding
to nuke threat of Iran… to the attacks of 9/11.
Also, anyone who actually tries
to watch modern mainstream network news
takes part in the same mystery
of why to believe what’s induced via that deep trance. Continue reading

Guest Column: The Trump Wild Card

Trump catches the attention of CFR, Bilderberg,Trilateralist
By Jon Rappoport (full column here)

Rappoport(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

The powerful Globalist players at the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission are certainly watching the presidential campaign of Donald Trump.

Trump has already made statements about immigration they find troubling. They may or may not be taking Trump’s presidential run seriously. They may or may not view him as an inconsequential blowhard, a shoot-from-the-hip cowboy who forgets today what he said yesterday—but today the New York Times has made reference to Trump in a way that will make these Globalist heavy hitters pause and blink while drinking their morning coffee (Here in “As Stock Market Plunges, Donald Trump Takes a Worldview” by Alan Rappeport): Continue reading

Guest Column: A Message to Libertarians about the FDA

How the FDA aids and abets the criminal pharmaceutical companies
Jon Rappoport (excerpted from column at

RappoportWhen I ran for a seat in the US Congress in 1994, I was very aggressive in demanding that we go after the FDA as a rogue criminal agency. Others, at the time, who were in favor of Health Freedom, said I should dial back my rhetoric; all we needed was a good law that would protect our right to take nutritional supplements. They were wrong then, and they’re still wrong.” (Running for Congress, Jon Rappoport)

Libertarians see big government as an obstruction to a free-market economy.

Some Libertarians believe the FDA is unnecessarily restraining commerce by driving up the cost of drugs and slow-tracking the approval of new drugs. Continue reading