Brian’s Column: Cops Goin’ Wild?

Open letter to a prospective county sheriff
by Brian Wright

Smoke_PotMike, so as a prospective sheriff candidate, how do you feel about the War on Drugs? [And I sent this link to him.]

Does the county get federal funds based on numbers of marijuana smokers arrested by sheriff’s deputies? The LP is of course wholly against laws against what drugs one prefers, and moreover, like Prohibition, to put it in the words of my favorite (ex) Michigan cop of all time, Howard Wooldridge, “the Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow.”— Citizens Opposing Prohibition. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: An Inconvenient ‘Poof!’

A bedtime story for my seven-year-old
by Brian Wright

WTC7_CollapseVirginia, just for a moment I want to tell you a story about what happened after a mysterious big ‘blowup’ in a major American city to see whether public officials and law enforcement persons observed the highest professional standards in finding out what caused it. What happened was the complete destruction of a tall steel-frame building in lower Manhattan Island of New York City. First, please view the video of this building falling down by clicking the image on the right. Note that the video is only nine seconds long, and several of these seconds record the astounded reaction of people on the street. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Fantasy Football Nation

Fantasy Football NationWe’ll have fun, fun, fun ’til mama takes the TV away

Originally posted September 2007. This is the time of year boys from teen age to middle age huddle around dining room tables drafting mythical football teams consisting of the best players in the National Football League (NFL).  It’s become big business, or rather big unbusiness: a 2006 report claims as many as 40 million men—it’s mainly a guy thing—spend as much as 10 hours per week grooming and prepping their fantasy football league (FFL) teams.

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Brian’s Column: Libertarian Local Action Network (LLAN)

Project for implementing a ‘New People’s Paradigm’
by Brian Wright

In the 1990s a group of Neoconservatives under the auspices of the Western finance-capitalist oligarchy—often referred to by its opponents (and by itself) as the New World Order—founded the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) a US think tank that sought to intellectually and morally justify the American global military empire by ‘whatever means necessary,’ including the horrific national security-state ‘false-flag’ attacks on Americans of 9/11/2001. Anyway, the project and several associated documents, particularly Zbigniew Brzezinski’s The Grand Chessboard (1997), can be seen as Men of the Power Sickness blueprints for what’s in store for humanity if large numbers of us continue to acquiesce to what I like to call Glitter-Flicker Bang Bang (the pervasive HDTV Fog Machine). Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Shlabotkian Agorism

Effective action to end the coercive state
by Brian Wright

ShlabotkianismMy seed words for forming. Decided I would go ahead and create a Group in Facebook for Big L Michigan Libertarians and small l Michigan libertarians, because I like to have a Group listed on my Facebook home page that is more centered toward the Libertarian Party as well as people from other aligned Michigan proliberty organizations. And makes it easy to post my own hot issues for liberty from the national front. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Jesus Catharsis, Part 1

Life, death, and love among the gentiles*
by Brian Wright

FLOWNever in my life have I felt the alignment of celestial forces as I do today. The proximate causes are “my twins'” viscerally negative reaction to Mother’s Stone and the ceremony celebrating the passage of a good friend of mine back into the realm of the Great Spirit. The combination of insights of these two watershed events, along with my persistence in wanting to identify the spiritual solution that will free humankind—not to mention yours truly—from the unfriendly intentions of the Cabal, moves me along to a release or catharsis that can help virtually everyone.[1] Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Immigration Nation

Whither (or wither) goeth us?

PaineThis column was originally written in April of 2007. I was trying for a sort of Mike Royko—great humorist and syndicated columnist for the Chicago newspapers—approach. Obviously I have some work to do, but I feel the immigration issue is one that the Men of the Power Sickness are using to divide us, similar to race. Today we are dealing with the distraction of the Zimmerman-Martin brouhaha while the MOPS keeps on taking away our freedom and humanity every day in every way. Immigration will be used and is being used in the same way, “You and him go ahead and duke it out, while I hold all the money.”  Continue reading