Brian’s Column: How to Make Money on the Web

What I learned on the way to a(some) fleecing(s)
Column first posted on 20081201

Times are tough and we’re coming up on Christmas, which can be a time when temptations are high to invest in activities that promise to bring in a healthier amount of the legal tender.  I’m offering this column as a public service to readers who may be so tempted, hoping they’ll profit from my own missteps in the newfangled world of “online businesses.”

Experience keeps a dear school, but a fool will learn in no other.
— Ben Franklin Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Legalize Plaxico

Stop the injustice of draconian gun control laws

Plaxico_BurressThe following column was first written and posted in 2008 near the time of Burress’s victimization by the out of control gun control fiefdom of New York City and its band of mobsters led by Michael Bloomberg. The sad irony is that instead of coming out of his ordeal and standing up for his natural and Constitutional rights of self-protection, and ours, Plaxico has become an apologist for the Prosecutocracy that violated them… and which effectively ended his athletic career. What do they call the syndrome when a terrorist’s victim comes to love the terrorist? Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Standing up for the Law, Part 1

High Noon for Americans as Pete Hendrickson
is convicted for filing truthful federal tax returns

This is a column that appeared originally in the old format on November 01, 2009. I’m transferring this column to the new format because it’s important information about how the system reacted to Pete Hendrickson’s discoveries about the ‘income’ tax… by railroading him on false information asserted by a judge committing petite treason. For the latest on the progress of the educated tax movement please go to Pete’s site: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Libertarian Children’s Story

Sample offshoots of a Republican children’s tale

The other day when I received the public-domain story with the punchline “Welcome to the Republican Party,” I simply couldn’t leave it alone. We all know about big-government “Republicans in Name Only” (RINOs), and it isn’t the least bit funny how they posture as advocates of liberty. Then you have the Dems, who have given up posturing as anything except Stalinistas. The only snappy (and truth-based) repartee I can find comes from the libertarian neck of the woods. — bw Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Spillin’ with Dunkin’

“America [gets the?] runs on Dunkin’ Donuts”
by Brian Wright (orig. 4/25/11)

Let’s just start out by stating that in my humble opinion (IMHO) Dunkin’ Donuts’ coffee stands only slightly above used motor oil on any sober taster’s choice scale. But that doesn’t keep the product out of the hands of millions of, obviously hungover, world customers, daily. What William Rosenberg began in Massachusetts after WW2 as a catering business featuring coffee-break snacks, became the franchise operation Dunkin’ Donuts (DD) in 1950; initially DD also focused mainly on the pastries. Now, according to its corporate info, “over half of Dunkin’ Donuts business today is in coffee, making it more of a competitor to Starbucks…” as opposed to its traditional baked goods competitors. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Truth Torpedo

Blowing away the Barrier Cloud
by Brian Wright

PhotonHow many of my baby boomer generation remember sitting around the college dorms (on Friday night, no less) watching Star Trek? Whenever the Enterprise found itself in a major battle and the phaser banks neared depletion, Captain Kirk would tell Chekov to fire the heavy artillery, the ultimate weapon: the Photon Torpedo. Then, FWAP! The heavens instantly flashed white, and Bah Bah to the Klingons or Romulans or whatever fleet of Galactic Pond Scum felt it could mess with our high-flying Federation-istas. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Omamacare I

Obamacare vs. Omamacare
Don’t throw Mama off the dialysis machine
By Brian Wright (originally published 2009-09-07)

You can look at this story as a continuation of “Don’t Throw Mama off the Turnpike.” That’s when she and I caravan my 2002 “Free State Audi” with her 1997 Mercury Villager into the middle of New York State for the purpose of selling said Audi to an unlikely buyer. (Note Omamacare has become a series of columns.)[a]        [Go to Omamacare II]

Roughly 10 days ago, Mama Bear went in for a checkup with the kidney doctor.[1] Whoops! Blood pressure is far too high, other symptoms conclusive of renal failure. [Now I’m kicking myself for pressing her into duty as my “wing man” on the long-range, Continue reading