Brian’s Column: Libertarian Local Action Network (LLAN)

Project for implementing a ‘New People’s Paradigm’
by Brian Wright

In the 1990s a group of Neoconservatives under the auspices of the Western finance-capitalist oligarchy—often referred to by its opponents (and by itself) as the New World Order—founded the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) a US think tank that sought to intellectually and morally justify the American global military empire by ‘whatever means necessary,’ including the horrific national security-state ‘false-flag’ attacks on Americans of 9/11/2001. Anyway, the project and several associated documents, particularly Zbigniew Brzezinski’s The Grand Chessboard (1997), can be seen as Men of the Power Sickness blueprints for what’s in store for humanity if large numbers of us continue to acquiesce to what I like to call Glitter-Flicker Bang Bang (the pervasive HDTV Fog Machine). Continue reading

Book Review: 9/11 Synthetic Terror (2006)

Made in the USA
by Webster Griffin Tarpley
Reviewed by Brian Wright

9/11 Synthetic TerrorMr. Tarpley is the third leg of a trifecta of men with Griffin in their names, each of whom will go down in history as opening up the death-dealing operations of “Cartel Planet” and decisively shining truth to power. [The other two are Dr. David Ray Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor and other 9/11 Truth masterpieces, and G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island: a second look at the Federal Reserve.] Less poetically and more descriptively, “Cartel Planet” is the ongoing Anglo-American financier oligarchy—the phrase Webster Tarpley uses—that has taken over the real human economy of the West (and most of the world) for purposes that are not healthful to real humans: tyranny, war, genocide, pandemics, plunder, banking crises, recessions, depressions, and so on. Continue reading

Guest Column: Avoiding GMO Foods

Six easy steps to avoid common GM foods
by Jonathan Benson, NN staff writer

Avoiding GMO(NaturalNews) Awareness about the presence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the food supply is at an all-time high throughout America, thanks in large part to the Proposition 37 ballot initiative in California. But many people are now asking the question, “If GMOs aren’t labeled, how can I know whether or not the foods I buy contain them?” To help you make the best effort at avoiding GMOs while shopping at the grocery store, here are six recommendations on what to look for and what to avoid. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Shlabotkian Agorism

Effective action to end the coercive state
by Brian Wright

ShlabotkianismMy seed words for forming. Decided I would go ahead and create a Group in Facebook for Big L Michigan Libertarians and small l Michigan libertarians, because I like to have a Group listed on my Facebook home page that is more centered toward the Libertarian Party as well as people from other aligned Michigan proliberty organizations. And makes it easy to post my own hot issues for liberty from the national front. Continue reading

Book Review: A Brief History of Time (1988)

From the Big Bang to Black Holes
by Stephen Hawking

A Brief History of TimeA Brief History of Time was quite a phenomenon in and around the late 1980s when it was first published. Written for the layman, it nevertheless provides a comprehensible picture of ‘what we know’ for anyone who cares about science and philosophy. I cannot imagine a better introduction for young minds entering the scientific disciplines—particularly theoretical physics or cosmology. In my own case, as one who ventures a number of normative[1] abstractions or values in a sociological context, I’m interested in the philosophical “so what?”[2] that may be seen to be supported by reason and science. I have long appreciated other hard-knowledge populizers: Isaac Asimov, Jacob Bronowski, and Carl Sagan (who wrote the introduction to History of Time) come to mind. Continue reading

Movie Review: The Company Men (2010)

Home companion to Inside Job ____ 7.5/10

The Company MenPhil Woodward (Chris Cooper): My life ended and nobody noticed.

It seems to me this film makes the perfect companion to another film I reviewed recently, Inside Job, an investigation of the so-called Bailout of 2008. It simply seems that if one knows who raided—and continues to raid—the Great American Cookie Jar, one has a fair notion of fundamental causes of economic malaise… the kind that causes credit contraction, widespread business failures, and massive layoffs such as the one that afflicts the lead character in The Company Men: Bobby Walker (Ben Affleck). Continue reading

Guest Column: The Feds vs. the Fourth

Future of Freedom perspective
by Jacob Hornburger

Bill of Rights RedactedThe right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Continue reading