Brian’s Column: A Latesummer’s Night Dream

Just my own little castle in the sky… or something more?

WDreamhatever the message, this was one of my better nights in the saddle of pleasant visions, with a touch of humor that comes from someplace outside of me. [Not that I don’t have a sense of humor, but this inner motion picture is not any sequence I would have thought up on my own, in a thousand years.] It was the previous Thursday morning (8/7/14) right toward the end of my sleep session, and the dream was so vivid and entertaining, also sad and poignant, I immediately rose to write it down in longhand. It contained so many things I truly care about in this world—and recently departed of this world: golf, Mom, and the dear deceased feline friend of the woman I married. Without further ado, here’s the story… you decide. Continue reading

Movie Review: The Anatomy of a Great Deception

How Building 7 woke me up
by David Hooper

Anatomy1This column is as much a ‘Happening’ review as a movie review. The Happening is the actual debut of the film, occurring in Detroit, Michigan, at the Fillmore entertainment center (for most of its life, the State Theatre) on September 5, 2014. Mr. Hooper, producer and writer/director of the film, has pointed me to an early draft version of Anatomy for review purposes. And… I… am… so… glad… he… did!

Like David, I came to question the official story of the 9/11/2001 attacks several years after they took place. But unlike David, my frustration in not being able to get friends, family, and huckleberries to so much as look at the evidence did not lead to creation of a deeply personal movie as a way around these obstacles. The same may be said for the soon-to-be millions of 9/11 truth activists (and Gandhian Satyagraha activists)[1] around the world. Despite mountains of evidence and persistent strong reasoning from objective reality, our collective batting average in convincing others to look at the evidence has been approximately 0.015… and that’s counting walks as singles.:) Continue reading

Guest Column: Ebola: 100 people from Beverly Hills starving…

Do you think all bizarre human symptoms must be caused by a germ?
by Jon Rappoport

Full column in here.

Absurd. Insane.

Ever heard of Scurvy? It’s basically a drastic Vitamin C deficiency.

Read this, from the Journal of Applied Nutrition, Volume 15, 1962, “Have We Forgotten the Lesson of Scurvy?” by WJ McCormick, MD (reprinted at selene river press):

“From the 14th to the 19th century, scurvy took the lives of millions annually in Europe and Asia. From 1600 to 1800, it is estimated that fully a million English sailors succumbed to this disease. In the early history of these pandemics the designations “Plague” and “Black Death” were used…the characteristic symptoms: multiple hemorrhages under the skin (red, purple and black spots and hematoma) and [hemorrhages] from all mucous membranes—gastrointestinal, pulmonary and genitourinary…” Continue reading