Movie Review: Don Jon (2013)

Modern morality comedy in candid setting ___  8.5/10

DonJonDon Jon is another Netflix pic that panned out nicely.

[Who goes out to the movies anymore? Last time yours truly took in the silver screen up close and personal was to watch Atlas Shrugged III. To make it an official night at the cineplex I ordered a MEDIUM cola and MEDIUM popcorn… then walked away, I think it was, $12 poorer! Yikes! They need to surround the concession stands with yellow tape as a crime scene.]

But back to the movie at hand. The IMDb blurb says, “A New Jersey guy dedicated to his family, friends, and church, develops unrealistic expectations from watching porn and works to find happiness and intimacy with his potential true love.” So I expected it to be on the frank, perhaps even raw, side, but I’ve always liked Gordon-Levitt’s movies where he’s an actor—since Brick (2005), The Lookout (2007), and especially (500) Days of Summer (2009)—and this one he also writes and directs. So I put my offensiveness meter on standby and gave Don Jon a fair shake, so to speak.:) Not the kind of movie to watch with one’s parents… or one’s kids. Continue reading

Guest Column: Edwin Vieira’s Magnum Opus

De Jure Common Law Grand Jury and Related Thoughts on Militia…
Both for Securing Liberty in the Land via Dr. Edwin Vieira


and I came to the above location from this link

… which was enthusiastically endorsed by a good and longtime friend of mine, a proud Marine, who has a thorough grasp of  history, especially regarding the right to self protection via firearms ownership. Here is the rest of the fabulous and positive message I received from my friend… that will point you to the source book: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: ‘Life and Times’ Prospecting

Some Thoughts and a Pitch from the Brave New World of People’s Publishing

PressSay what you will about the Amazon dynasty, its Createspace subsidiary has made possible an entire new set of careers for writers and editors qua publishers. What I mean by that is if you want to write a book and you know how to use a computer, you can put a real one up on the Web and available as printed material complete with ISBN and all the bells and whistles that make it available to all the libraries of the world. It’s like in the movie, The Jerk, when the Steve Martin character finally sees his name in the telephone directory! Continue reading

Guest Column: Fighting for Liberty…

… as a Republican

How to Fight for Republican Victory without Selling Your Soul
by Shane Trejo, from The Detroit Constitutionalist

RogueElephantRecently, I have been very busy volunteering for republican state house rep candidates, and informing the masses about the horrors of the federal and state government’s constitutional violations while doing so. It is very rewarding to work for principled candidates and to be the antidote for the mainstream media’s propaganda at the same time. I have been talking to people about the police brutality epidemic that is enveloping our country, federal government malfeasance and the generally woeful state of affairs. People have been very receptive to the message. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Detroit Breakdown and New Pledge of Allegiance

Omen of the Times, Need to Rethink America, New Citizen’s Oath

ManMauledDetroitFrankly, I’m reluctant to lead with such a horrifying story that heralds the degeneration into Third World chaos in what was once a damned fine city… and believe it or not, still can be again. But we’re all going to have to face facts that affect the whole rest of Michigan, the country, and the world. [If you want to read the report on a man who was mauled to (probable) death, then click on the scanned column segment here on the right from Saturday’s (10/4/2014) Detroit Free Press.]

Savage behavior unleashed on unsuspecting persons is not confined to the Motor City or Rust Belt cities that have been destroyed by the ‘Podocracy'[1]—via runaway statism. And this incident in unfortunate Detroit should serve as a wake-up call across the world that Western civilization stands in dire peril of complete collapse… if enough of us who can still think for ourselves do not make a clear stand. Continue reading

Movie Review: Management (2008)

Better than average ‘quirky’ film ___ 7.5/10

ManagementMike: Take care of yourself a little… so that the people who love you don’t feel like they’re annoying you!

So along comes a simple movie with eccentric characters in a long line of such movies, from, say, Harold and Maude (1971) to Night Shift (1982) Benny and Joon (1993) to Stuck on You (2004) to Sunshine Cleaning Company (2008) to dozens of others over the years. And we tend to like movies in which one or more of the principals is a ‘few bubbles off of plumb.’ When you look at various projects available to Hollywood actors who have ‘made it’—and that designation certainly applies to Jennifer Anniston and Steve Zahn—I feel the better ones take time for some smaller, odder ideas that give them more delight in the performance than cash in the bank. Continue reading