Book Review: After 9/11 Truth (2015)

The Death Star in Ashes: Humanity Rises
by Brian Wright (reviewed by the author)

After_911_Truth_Cover_Front_ReducedMore of a description than a review.  I want to hold a place in Book Reviews for my Coffee Coaster Website, and point to the book both with the intent to encourage sales and to promote the cause-oriented, 9/11 Truth movement activities that the book After 9/11 Truth founds. These activities are a ‘new model’ for achieving success for the truth—’truth’ defined simply as debunking the official story (OS) of 9/11 and beginning to empanel fully empowered grand juries to investigate and bring indictments of legitimate suspects in the case.

My aim was break the logjam in the movement of incessant talk with actions that yet produce no real prospect of a tipping point to a sea change of public opinion… that we require to obtain healing justice for the Crime of the Century. From the book jacket: Continue reading

Movie Review: The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (1965)

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
The REAL James Bond or Jason Bourne__9/10

The Spy Who Came In from the ColdAlec Leamas: What the hell do you think spies are?! Moral philosophers measuring everything they do against the word of God or Karl Marx? They’re not! They’re just a bunch of seedy, squalid bastards like me: little men, drunkards, queers, hen-pecked husbands, civil servants playing cowboys and Indians to brighten their rotten little lives. Do you think they sit like monks in a cell, balancing right against wrong?

Novel by John le Carré
Screenplay by Paul Dehn
Directed by Martin Ritt

Richard Burton … Alec Leamas
Claire Bloom … Nan Perry
Oskar Werner … Fiedler
Sam Wanamaker … Peters
Rupert Davies … George Smiley
Cyril Cusack … Control
Peter van Eyck … Hans-Dieter Mundt Continue reading

Guest Column: It’s Not Just Unlawful, It’s Downright Awful

Doreen Hendrickson facing injustice needs our help
By Janice Daniels (excerpted from her column here)

screenprintIt is easy to imagine, but impossible to neglect or accept the fact that in 2015, nefarious government forces continue working overtime to try to silence the truth about taxation, income and justice.  So what’s new?

Remember, it was just 52 short years ago, when from a jail in Birmingham, Alabama, on April 16, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. penned the famous words, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Lest you think me too cynical, and that I speak only of smoke-filled rooms, in far off places, where the insatiable lust for power breeds an unspeakable level of corruption, consider the case of Mrs. Doreen Hendrickson, who lives right here in Oakland County, Michigan. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: After 911 Truth, Chapter 2

Refresher 9/11 Truth Course: Bundle with a Bow

911_Knockout“The false narrative of what happened on 9/11 can no longer be supported or sustained by any reasonable person.”
— Christopher Bollyn, open letter to Pope Francis, March 25, 2014

This chapter is from my column on boldly entitled, “After 9/11 Truth.” I had been thinking that in terms of the logic and argument and sheer magnitude of evidence, it’s all over but the shouting. So why not seal the deal and do what Frances Kendall and Leon Louw did to South African Apartheid in 1987,[1] write a book assuming its inevitable demise?

Make 9/11 Truth a self-fulfilling prophecy. Continue reading

Book Review: Th!nk

Why crucial decisions can’t be made in the blink of an eye
by Michael R. LeGault
2006, THRESHOLD EDITIONS, 336 pages

Think_1On the heels of the popular 2005 book Blink, by Malcolm Gladwell—which argues that we know things a lot more subconsciously and immediately than we often realize—Michael LeGault says, “We make knowledge the old-fashioned way, we noodle it out.”

LeGault holds that to arrive at knowledge requires a good deal of work in the pedestrian fields of logic.  And the book, mainly by reference to modern-day omissions of that logic, shows us the importance of the fading art of thinking.

Think! is best when identifying widespread symptoms of unreason: Continue reading

Movie Review: Dances with Wolves (1990)

Epic Western dances with magic __10/10

Dances with WolvesTen Bears: Let us smoke a while.
John Dunbar: [voiceover] With Ten Bears, it was always more than a while. There was purpose in everything he did, and I knew he wanted me to stay. But I was sure of myself. I would be an excuse, and that’s all the Army would need to find this place. I pushed him as far as I could to move the camp. But in the end, he only smiled and talked of simple pleasures. He reminded me that at his age, a good fire was better than anything. Ten Bears was an extraordinary man.

One for the books

Sometimes we forget how great some movies are. Dances with Wolves feels as if it were flickering on the big screens of America yesterday, not 25 years ago. It’s been sitting on my DVD rack for a long time, and I figured would make a fitting viewing for a Labor Day evening. Captivating is a word that’s been overused, as is magic, but the scale, natural beauty, and plot of this film transcend the extraordinary. It also received seven Oscars, including Best Picture and Best Director (Kevin Costner). That’s big potatoes in anybody’s book. Continue reading

Guest Column: Mind Control Media and Medical Fascism

… Brian Williams, fake science, and the reality egg
[Excerpted from column of Jon Rappoport]

BarrierBrian Williams caught in his own trap
Cracking the reality egg
Notes and thoughts
February 5, 2015

“If you want a winning role, act like a scientist. Talk like a scientist. Imagine that everything you say is backed by a study published in a peer-reviewed journal.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Objectivity. What more could you want? What could be more objective than science? What could be less open to dispute? Who could be more authoritative than a scientist? What could influence public opinion more thoroughly than a whole group of scientists, an establishment of scientists, backed by the government? Continue reading