Book Review: Black Tide (2011)

The devastating impact of the Gulf Oil Spill
by Antonia Juhasz

black_tideAntonia’s book is especially pertinent today with the debut of the Peter Berg movie starring Mark Wahlberg and Kurt Russell, Deepwater Horizon (2016).

Ms. Antonia Juhasz is one tough and persistent cookie, and has made a career out of exposing the antihuman practices of oil companies worldwide, as well as fighting government policies that enable such practices to continue. She is the author of The Bush Agenda: Invading the world one economy at a time (2006) and The Tyranny of Oil: The world’s most powerful industry—and what we must do to stop it (2008). She writes superbly and covers all the bases as she does; further, through the rigor of her documentation she conveys a sensitivity to human suffering and human beings that cannot be faked.

Her attacks on the patently criminal worldwide Oil Leviathan and the political engines that stoke it are delivered in the manner of a mother protecting her children from genocide rather than a warrior dispensing with a vile enemy in combat.

And like the two women from the Protestant and Catholic sides in Ireland who walked for peace—Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan, Nobel Peace Prize winners 1977—Antonia is fighting for peace and freedom… freedom for all people to be secure in their property and natural-living resources against aggression by ‘the Corporation,’ ongoing incarnations of the MOPS (Men of the Power Sickness)[1]. What are the weapons in this fight for peace? Fundamentally, truth and grass roots outrage. With Black Tide, Ms. Juhasz gives us a thorough helping of the former and at least sets the stage for the latter. Continue reading

Movie Review: VAXXED (2016)

From coverup to catastrophe, the film they don’t want you to see
Produced by Del Bigtree, Polly Tommey, and directed by Dr. Andrew Wakefield

vaxxedWhat hits me just past the credits of this marvelous film is how on earth these hundreds of thousands of clinical cases of autism stemming directly from the administering of vaccines—particularly the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) trifecta from Merck—is somehow NOT a scientific fact. IOW, when one is passing judgment on the value of a medical treatment, why doesn’t one consider its substantial effects on real people as SCIENTIFICALLY RELEVANT?! Real science aims to gibe with the facts of reality, not sweep them under the rug.

VAXXED is a heartbreaking film.[1] The most hardened, unquestioning vaccine enthusiast—not to mention the most passionate advocate of vaccine truth, science, and freedom—will find it difficult not to succumb to tears watching the havoc these substances have wreaked on children and families around the world.

Which is the main focus of the film, it makes two related points: Continue reading

Guest Column: Dump Trump… and Hillary, Too

There is a viable third choice, and it is on the ballot in every one of the 50 States
by Thomas Greco [excerpted from Beyond Money column here]

end_of_money…The US has been on the road to fascism for a long time. Both Democrats and Republicans have for decades been advancing the same agenda of ceding power to transnational mega-corporations and the global banking cartel. So called “free trade” agreements are simply ways of allowing capital to more freely exploit labor and the environment and forcing governments to guarantee their profits.

Changes in financial regulations, like the repeal of Glass-Steagall under Bill Clinton in 1999, have enabled banking companies to grow to monstrous size (“too big to fail”) and to more easily cheat the clients they are supposed to serve. In this article, James Rickards places the blame for the 2008 financial crisis squarely where it belongs and demolishes the arguments of the big bank apologists:

Many countries are caught in the debt trap and are being forced to sell off government owned assets which further concentrates wealth and control of “the commons.” Those who control the creation and allocation of money are able to control politics, economics and virtually everything else. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: More Thoughts on Election 2016

It came to a head for me with the 1st Trump-Hillary debate…


A Secular Trumanist Perspective

… to which I posted this commentary on Facebook, and also here as my 9/25/16 column. Essentially, a pox on everyone’s house, but you gotta go with Johnson-Weld because  Trump and Hillary will equally bad for civil liberties and peace .AND. Johnson-Weld actually have a chance to win (whereas none of the other ‘minor’ candidates does).

Then I posted this to Facebook and sent via email blind cc to my political distribution lists:

We interrupt this year’s presidential election with an important announcement. As shown in debate Donald Trump supports ‘stop and frisk’ and denying your gun rights if you are on a federal no-fly list. He also believes, as does Hillary, that we must intervene by supporting ISIS in Syria to stop ISIS, to destroy innocent lives and very likely initiate World War III. Clinton wants to bring whistleblower Ed Snowden to trial, while Trump wants (“wouldn’t mind”) to see him executed as a traitor.

Both candidates are pro Big Government and anti human liberty… and epitomes of establishment corruption and criminality. They cannot even spell the Bill of Rights, and certainly not the nonaggression principle. Either candidate, as president, will very likely destroy the final vestiges of America as a constitutional republic.

Gary Johnson and William Weld are not fiery, principled libertarians, rather successful, practical politicians with a small government agenda. They are neither corrupt nor dishonest. They will seek to expand the range of action, without government interference, for people as individuals and start to roll back the Leviathan state in several key areas. I emphatically endorse the Johnson-Weld ticket, will vote for them, and hope you will, too. Continue reading