Guest Column: Powerful Voice for the Commonsense Old Normal

Biggest global hoax in human history—excerpt
By Chuck Baldwin (full column in Lew Rockwell:

I’ll say it straight out: The propaganda about COVID-1984 is the biggest global hoax in history.

  • Corona poses zero threat to 99.9% of the population.
  • Masks are a joke. Social distancing is a joke.
  • Business closures are a joke.
  • Church closures are a joke.
  • Theater closures are a joke.
  • Sporting  event cancellations are a joke.
  • All of the corona-based television commercials are a joke.
  • All of the fearmongering by radio disc jockeys and television news broadcasters is a joke.
  • All of the theatrical grandstanding by politicians on Capitol Hill is a joke.

Of course, by joke, I don’t mean funny (it would be funny if it wasn’t so deadly serious). I mean stupid, idiotic, moronic, asinine, senseless, imbecilic, dumb, etc. Then again, what it really shows is the pure evil and wickedness of the people fomenting all of this fear and the crass gullibility and slavish spirit of a sizable percentage of the American population.

The one lesson we have learned from the corona hoax is that virtually everything BIG is in bed with the forces of global tyranny. I’m talking about big business, big media, big medicine, big pharma, big entertainment, big industry, big technology, big politics, big government and big religion. It’s all controlled by the forces of global tyranny.

The corona scare has absolutely nothing to do with health and safety and everything to do with money, politics and power. And almost everybody wants in on the action. And almost no one gives a tinker’s dam about Liberty.

I have already documented in this column how hospitals and medical professionals are being paid to NOT treat people; how they are being paid to keep hospitals empty; how they are being paid to fabricate and exaggerate corona cases and deaths; and how they are being paid to go along with the phony CDC narrative.

Here is Dr. Ron Paul exposing the lies about corona. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: New Breathe-Easy Healing Bikini Mask

Announcing the latest innovation in general-public facial accessories
Brian R. Wright

We’ve been inundated lately with guidelines and supposed requirements for the general public to be wearing “face coverings” as purported protection against a strand of RNA labeled by medical authorities as the SARS CoV-2 ‘virus,’ allegedly causing the disease labeled COVID-19 (‘covid’)… as determined by the wholly arbitrary and meaningless “gold standard” diagnostic PCR (polymerase chain-reaction, a molecular-compound manufacturing technique never intended to diagnose infectious agents) test.

And even though no scientific studies have determined that general-public wearing of face coverings of any kind prevents or mitigates viral infection, a lot of executive officials acting outside their constitutional or legislative authority have belligerently “insisted” that individuals put on such yokes as they go about  their public business. Ref. The photograph at top-right shows the manufacturer’s statement regarding inefficacy of its ear loop masks for preventing ‘covid.’ This photo on the right is of me, with a slightly misaligned bikini mask.

Recognizing that NOT wearing a mask is as effective against ‘covid’ as wearing one (, a local high-powered citizens’ health team kicked around some ideas for a minimalist face covering that would be at least as protective as the ubiquitous face drapings we’ve been seeing around us. Moreover, the design would incorporate extraordinary healing powers—enabling its wearer to breathe freely and openly, keeping his immune system in top running condition. The figure shows the assembly diagram for the Breathe-Easy™ healing bikini mask, the first generation of which the team has released for immediate use and peace of mind. Continue reading

Guest Column: Is the Texas Covid ‘Spike’ Fake News?

Ron Paul Weekly Column
Original Column

On July 2nd, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order mandating the wearing of face masks across the state, whether indoors or outdoors, when six feet cannot be maintained between people. In the governor’s decree, he cited a rise in Covid cases, a rise in test positivity, and a rise in hospitalizations as justification to force people to cover their faces in public.

The move is not only a violation of the civil liberties of all Texans. Abbott may have based his executive order on inaccurate information about a “rise” in Covid cases due to the Texas State Department of Health Services changing the definition of what constitutes a “Covid case.”

Thanks goes to Collin County Judge Chris Hill for blowing the whistle on what appears to be a move in mid-May to redefine what was a “Covid” case to open the door to a massive increase – all to match the mainstream media line that a “second wave” was on the way.

In a Commissioners Court hearing for Collin County on May 18th, it was revealed that while previously the determination of a Covid “case” was a confirmed test result, the definition was suddenly changed to count “probable” cases as “cases.” At the same time, the threshold for determining “probable” was lowered to a ridiculous level. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Eureka-Bingo! Major Discovery on STUPID-19

On the Final Steps to Figuring out the Massive Deception of ‘Covid’
By Brian R. Wright

Patrick Henry —> and I say Happy Independents Day. Note the form of the word, because if we do not rise as Independents, we shall surely not rise much longer.

Yes, thanks to a lot of help from my friends, I believe I have figured out the keys to the Deception of All Time, which give very timely clues to whodunit, as well. Three key articles, columns, or videos:

    7/2/2020, Murder by Lockdown—Lew Rockwell republication of the fourth installment of a four-part column by Jon Rappoport, reporting on an article by John Pospichal ( in Medium.
    7/2/2020 Dr. Zev Zelenko shows CV success with HCQ-zinc, consumate pure clinical outpatient doctor successfully treats hundreds of patients for advanced symptoms of  ‘COVID-19,’ preventing need for hospitalization. Confirmed by 1000s of other practitioners worldwide.
    7/3/2020 COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless. Subtitle: Everything we’ve been told about COVID is a HOAX!,  referred by precious, indefatigable Barb Lowe of the National Vaccine Information Center (@NVICLoeDown), article by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News.

These are the three data points that I believe have finally led to a resolution of serious questions that were remaining as to whether ‘covid’ was real, and if it was, what was/is it. We know from the Rockwell article and from whistleblower work in NYC, in particular, including Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell ( and RN hero Erin Osznewski ( that cognizant hospital staff were and are directing ‘covid’-diagnosed and even NON-‘covid’-diagnosed patients to ventilators [and virtually certain death, 90% fatal via lung explosion].

Then we also know from bullet #2 that there’s a “something” called “COVID-19” presenting as extreme respiratory symptoms (hypoxia presumably being among them) that Zelekov’s work and 100s of other doctors worldwide are successfully treating—~ 100% to no symptoms (—with hydroxychloroquine-zinc-azithromycin. Continue reading