Brian’s Column: Eureka-Bingo! Major Discovery on STUPID-19

On the Final Steps to Figuring out the Massive Deception of ‘Covid’
By Brian R. Wright

Patrick Henry —> and I say Happy Independents Day. Note the form of the word, because if we do not rise as Independents, we shall surely not rise much longer.

Yes, thanks to a lot of help from my friends, I believe I have figured out the keys to the Deception of All Time, which give very timely clues to whodunit, as well. Three key articles, columns, or videos:

    7/2/2020, Murder by Lockdown—Lew Rockwell republication of the fourth installment of a four-part column by Jon Rappoport, reporting on an article by John Pospichal ( in Medium.
    7/2/2020 Dr. Zev Zelenko shows CV success with HCQ-zinc, consumate pure clinical outpatient doctor successfully treats hundreds of patients for advanced symptoms of  ‘COVID-19,’ preventing need for hospitalization. Confirmed by 1000s of other practitioners worldwide.
    7/3/2020 COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless. Subtitle: Everything we’ve been told about COVID is a HOAX!,  referred by precious, indefatigable Barb Lowe of the National Vaccine Information Center (@NVICLoeDown), article by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News.

These are the three data points that I believe have finally led to a resolution of serious questions that were remaining as to whether ‘covid’ was real, and if it was, what was/is it. We know from the Rockwell article and from whistleblower work in NYC, in particular, including Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell ( and RN hero Erin Osznewski ( that cognizant hospital staff were and are directing ‘covid’-diagnosed and even NON-‘covid’-diagnosed patients to ventilators [and virtually certain death, 90% fatal via lung explosion].

Then we also know from bullet #2 that there’s a “something” called “COVID-19” presenting as extreme respiratory symptoms (hypoxia presumably being among them) that Zelekov’s work and 100s of other doctors worldwide are successfully treating—~ 100% to no symptoms (—with hydroxychloroquine-zinc-azithromycin. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: “Open in Defiance”

An Owosso barber shows the world at large how to throw off the collars[1]
By  Brian R. Wright

It is a turning moment in the freedom movement—on a deep psychological level, as when the colonials read Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, and realized they had to let go of not just the King of England but the whole concept of kings, entirely. Karl Manke, Owosso, Michigan—haircutter for 60 years, author, pillar of the community, and occasional hobo train rider—just came right out and said what all the Howard Beales of America are thinking these days, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this any more!”

Literally, “I can’t afford to not be working,” “Lockdown makes no sense for a mild flu,”  “I don’t need the governor to be my mother,” “I can… run my business how I feel I should run it,” and “I’m opening, and will stay open… ‘until Jesus walks in or they arrest me.'” That was the day after he opened, Monday, May 4th. He’s been putting in 12-14 hour days ever since. I cite mainly from the the unexpectedly well-written article from the corporate paper on Tuesday, May 5th, then I digest for a few days.

Sure enough, up and attem, today, Friday, May 8th, needing to be no place, “Hmmm, you know I can really use a haircut.” My prospective Toledo, Ohio, haircutter tells me her Governor Ball-Less Whiner, goose-stepping to the antisocial-distancing potentates, is not letting grooming services back for two more weeks.

I’m going. Have to. North and west about 70 miles to stand up for my country and its First Principles… and its second one, too: Never leave active liberty-front fighters without support. What’s this from the East Room, among us social terrorists, grandma proudly displays her Q-buster of a trim! Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Update on The Truman Prophecy (2016)

‘Trumanism’ über alles?

Truman_Front_NewIt’s been a few months now since the publication of The Truman Prophecy, my novel envisioning three stages of human evolution for reaching a benevolent New Paradigm (Billion+ Points of Light) society of peace, freedom, and abundance for individuals, planetwide:

  1. Toto (Truth) Phase—integrated truth salients vs. high-crime assaults of the Men of the Power Sickness… exposing lies at root of the assaults.
  2. Dorothy (Justice) Phase—1) recovering American First Principles’ grand juries to end government criminality/corruption, 2) political program of
  3. Truman (Liberty) Phase—individual self-realization and formal declaration as beings of independent consciousness (Indiecons),[1] replacing rogue coercive government with a First Principles'[2] freedom-of-choice system.

In reality, the three phases proceed together synergistically. They form the socio-spiritual philosophy/movement of Trumanism. Which is a whole new way of looking at our world as human consciousness evolves… once and for all as deeply independent and conceptual. Another series of terms conveying the earthy human essence of the belief system—i.e. corresponding to truth, justice, and liberty—is:

  • Carrey1Wake: to see and assert the truth
  • Stand: for justice based on the truth
  • Walk: declare and live as an Independent

Each of the steps is vital, and each takes intellectual and moral courage. The singular image and icon defining this movement is the final scene in the movie, The Truman Show (1998), when the protagonist Truman Burbank declares himself as a human being of independent conceptual consciousness who will no longer accept his gilded confinement—physical or psychological. He wakes up and walks out… into the fresh air of liberty.

And so shall we.

This column means to give a preliminary status report. Mainly regarding the book (inasmuch as the idea of Trumanism as a philosophy is of quite recent vintage).  Here’s what I can tell you: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Foreword to Leaving the Sandbox

New Strategy for the Libertarian Party

Cover_Leaving_Sandbox_FrontThe following is the foreword from my imminent book, Leaving the Sandbox, to be published on a subject that should be of great concern for all lower-case, generic libertarians: How do we Libertarian Party supporters integrate our efforts with the rest of the freedom movement (especially those parts showing success) to cast off the Old Paradigm of war and tyranny in service to ‘hive’ and move adroitly to the New Paradigm of a free society of individuals standing proudly at the altar of the ‘authentic swing?’ One thing is certain: doing the same old thing is a prescription for insanity… nor is there much time remaining for that. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Rethinking Libertarian Party Strategy:2

LP_RocketFrom Part 1, I hope that I effectively made several points that warrant an effective grand strategy for Libertarians and libertarians. Before I summarize these points, let me first stipulate the larger community that the strategy is intended to serve:

World Citizenship Alliance

The community of service is composed of you or I or any of a vast number of what I’ll call free men.[1] I mean free in the Jeffersonian or Lockeian sense of persons living—achieving their material, real existence—in a natural condition of purely voluntary relationships with others, free to choose what to do with their lives without the initiation of force (aggression) by any of the others, and asserting this condition as fundamentally right. In other words asserting what historically is called the Rights of Man. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: New Paradigm Rising…

… as a Phoenix over the 900# gorilla
by Brian Wright

ChakraFrom Robingale Masters,
Intentional Journey:
Empowered Worldview:
I envision a newfound reality
based in love and abundance.
Over and over I see the wisdom
of a love-fueled New Paradigm
way of living and viewing the world.

… but first we have to solve some fundamental problems. 🙂 — ed. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Old Paradigm to New Paradigm

A read-view list for the ‘New Way’
by Brian Wright

I don’t know who actually invigorated the term paradigm, maybe that guy we read back in college in the ancient 1970s: Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962). Anyway, many of my writing and editing peers would chide me for using so pretentious a word as paradigm—which means roughly a model, a structure, a pattern, a way of seeing the world. Continue reading