Book Review: The Revolution: A Manifesto (2008)

The undisguised truth about liberty in America
by Ron Paul
Review by Brian Wright

The Revolution: A Manifesto2008, Grand Central Publishing, 167 pages

“The Revolution is an important and timely work, yet its fiery title belies the quiet, more scholarly approach it advocates.  This is most likely a temperament issue: where Jesse Ventura would pound on the podium and call us to the streets to depose modern royalty through mass protest like the 1960s antiwar movement, Dr. Paul would have us read several good books and vote.”

From my trip to Ron Paul’s Rally for the
—which I briefly describe in notes to the VIP list in last week’s column—there in Continue reading

Movie Review: Major League (1989)

Still the freshest baseball movie out there __ 8/10
Review by Brian Wright

Major LeagueBoard Member 1: I’ve never heard of half of these guys and the ones I do know are way past their prime.
Charlie Donovan: Most of these guys never had a prime.
Rachel Phelps: The fact is we lost our two best players to free agency. We haven’t won a pennant in over thirty-five years, we haven’t placed higher than fourth in the last fifteen. Obviously it’s time for some changes.
Board Member 2: This guy here is dead!
Rachel Phelps: Cross him off, then! Continue reading

Guest Column: Downsize DC vs. NDAA Detention

District court issues injunction against NDAA detention
by Jim Babka

Downsize DCCan you handle another victory? We’ve had a bunch this year. Now here’s one more:

We just won a big verdict in the Chris Hedges case against the legalized kidnapping provisions of the 2011 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

Remember, Hedges meets with and writes stories about terrorists. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Huckleberry Hiatus

Taking vacation to the front lines… for a while
by Brian Wright

HuckleberryThe following open letter represents my Memorial Day 2012 message obliquely offered to the tens of thousands of individuals throughout the world who have come to embrace the freedom philosophy, yet find many of their esteemed peers do not see the value of that philosophy and, more pointedly, the peers deny the imminent, dire central-state threats to our liberty. My poker gang — huckleberries[1] — whom I’ve known for more than 30 years, are engineers I’ve worked with… and drank with. I love ’em, but I have to be away for a while to support the cause. Hope this letter helps some of my freedom people in similar situations. Continue reading

Movie Review: Night of the Iguana (1964)

Tennessee Williams’ finest? ___ 10/10
Review by Brian Wright

Night of the IguanaHannah Jelkes: Who wouldn’t like to atone for the sins of themselves, and the world, if it could be done in a hammock with ropes, instead of on a Cross, with nails? On a green hilltop, instead of Golgotha, the Place of the Skulls? Isn’t that a comparatively comfortable, almost voluptuous Crucifixion to suffer for the sins of the world, Mr. Shannon?

Hannah Jelkes: Nothing human disgusts me, Mr. Shannon, unless it’s unkind or violent. Continue reading

Guest Column: Colonized by Corporations

“Why men do not revolt”
by Chris Hedges

(excerpted from Common Dreams column 5/14/12)

Colonized by CorporationsIn Robert E. Gamer’s book The Developing Nations is a chapter called “Why Men Do Not Revolt.” In it Gamer notes that although the oppressed often do revolt, the object of their hostility is misplaced. They vent their fury on a political puppet, someone who masks colonial power, a despised racial or ethnic group or an apostate within their own political class. The useless battles serve as an effective mask for what Gamer calls the “patron-client” networks that are responsible for the continuity of colonial oppression. Continue reading

Movie Review: We Bought a Zoo (2011)

Family fare with a Waltonian pickmeup _ 8/10
Review by Brian Wright

We Bought a ZooBenjamin Mee: You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it.

Lily Miska: [to Kelly during the opening of the zoo] If you had to choose between people and animals, who would you pick?
[Kelly doesn’t answer]
Lily Miska: Me, too. People! Continue reading