Brian’s Column: Here’s Ronnie

Ron Paul Takes Hollywood
by Brian Wright

Ron Paul on Jay Leno

What a thrill it was to be able to point with assuredness to the notice that small-l libertarian presidential candidate Ron Paul would be appearing on the Jay Leno Show 12/16/2011 (which, fittingly, is Boston Tea Party Day). As a Boomer who remembers the NBC predecessor Tonight Show starring the inimitable Johnny Carson, I still hear the booming voice of Johnny’s announcer Ed McMahon opening the show: H-E-E-R-R-R-E-‘S JOHHNNNY! Well, on Friday Night, Johnny became Ronnie, Dr. Ron Paul that is. Continue reading

Human Interest: My Millionaire Page

Millionaire Page of Brian Wright
Say Yes to Success!

Hello, I’m Brian Wright, proprietor of the ‘wholistic libertarian’ commentary and opinion site, the Coffee Coaster (, and founder of the FLOW Fellowship.

The FLOW Fellowship is a diverse social movement advancing a spiritual philosophy that brings inner peace, outer peace, and abundance to those who understand its fundamental principles and diligently perform its cultivation practices. The Joy of Being is accessed by letting go of internal mental compulsion and addiction, while ending the external compulsion of coercive government—to kick our ‘nation-state addiction’ worldwide and live as sovereign individuals in a benevolent, rational, and compassionate voluntary society.  Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The FLOW Fellowship

Practical spiritual transformation for everyone
by Brian Wright

FLOW Emblem… well, almost everyone. From comments of my friends and a still-growing number of fans of Coffee Coaster commentary and reviews, it seems that the proprietor dwells excessively on the Horrifying Looming Threat. Like a broken record of gloom and doom. Unfortunately, that is the risk any whistleblower faces, especially a general whistleblower on ubiquitous government-cartelocracy evil—like Alex Jones. “Why can’t you just be happy? Quit bringing up that a bunch of psychopaths are ruling the world and intent on putting us all in chains. You sound ungrateful.” In the Coffee Coaster proprietor’s case, however, I am happy to report the principles of a widespread spiritual movement of inner peace, outer peace, and abundance have been discovered… and it’s but a few more months to general distribution. This column is a transcription of my FLOW Fellowship brochure, complete with several worthwhile Weblinks. Continue reading

Guest Column: Chemtrails No Longer a Maybe

Atmospheric geoengineering admitted by govt,
as programs poison airspace of the West
by Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones

Geoengineering: Our Environment Under Attack

The greatest public health threat can no longer be denied

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Monday, November 14, 2011

Chemtrails_1The fact that the planet is being bombarded with chemicals from high-altitude spraying as part of numerous geoengineering programs being conducted by U.S. government agencies and universities that have been approved with no oversight whatsoever can no longer be denied. Continue reading

Book Review: Call No Man Father

Book 17 of the Father Koesler series packs a wallop in the realms of ecclesiastics, ‘whogonnaduit,’ and why — by William X. Kienzle
Review by Brian Wright

Call No Man FatherIt’s been quite some time since I’ve picked up a Kienzle/Koesler mystery. Frankly, I cannot remember whether I’ve read the noted original in the series, The Rosary Murders, which was made into a movie starring Donald Sutherland (as Detroit Priest Father Koesler). But I have a special connection to the author through a sister-in-law who actually worked for him when he was a parish priest at one of the old Catholic churches in Detroit.

A few years ago I read a biography of Mr. Kienzle by his widow Javan, Judged by Love. It was truly a touching memoir and really gave an insight into the man… who had been a priest (one of the good ones) and later left the priesthood because of the Catholic Church’s refusal to remarry divorcees. The person of the good priest is Father Koesler, more or less an alter ego for Mr. Kienzle. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Paterno Catharsis

Silver lining to cloud of Jock-Culture idolatry
by Brian Wright

The Paterno CatharsisEveryone who hasn’t been freeze dried or stuck in a cave for the past several days knows about the so-called Penn State Football Scandal[1], and I’m sure someone’s put up a Wikipedia page by now. What happened is a high-level football coach, Jerry Sandusky, under the college football icon Joe Paterno of Pennsylvania State University (Penn State)—according to a 40-count indictment for serial abuse of minors returned by a Pennsylvania grand jury on 11/5/11—’had his way’ with a number of young boys (aged 7-13). Several of the alleged sexual encounters/assaults occurred in the locker room and shower facilities of the Penn State Nittany Lions football team. A few were witnessed, and at least one was brought to the attention of Coach Paterno in 2002. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Omamacare IV

Modern sick-maintenance system: fourth time the charm?
by Brian Wright

[Omamacare III]
Join me for the latest installment of what’s happenin’ to the Mama Bear (85) through the modern sick-maintenance system that is Henry Ford Health System. My journals have been following the services needed by my mom starting two years ago when she was prescribed hemodialysis for her kidney condition:

  1. Obamacare vs. Omamacare (I)
  2. O-Mama-Care II
  3. Omamacare III
  4. Omamacare V Continue reading