Guest Column: All That Matters Now

On December 10, the good guys come together…

… or a final nail goes into the rule of law’s coffin. By Pete Hendrickson

PeteLET IT BE SAID PLAINLY: Forcing someone to declare herself indebted to another party– whether by court order or threat of penalty for not making such a declaration– is not a legitimate, lawful act of any organ of the state. Instead, it is a corrupt, tyrannical act, and prohibited by the United States Constitution’s speech, due process and equal protection provisions.

LET IT BE CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD: Compelling someone to declare a belief that her earnings are “income” taxable by the United States is compelling her to declare herself indebted to the United States (or to declare her agreement with material facts under which the tax debt then arises as a matter of law). Compelling someone to declare her earnings on a line in the “income” section of a testimonial document like a 1040— whether by direct command or by threat of a penalty for not doing so– is compelling her to declare a belief that those earnings are “income” and subject to the tax. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Motor City Witchcraft Trial(s) Published

Book to free Doreen Hendrickson and share the love of Cracking the Code

WitchcraftThe Motor City Witchcraft Trial(s) is a diary of the so-called trial of Doreen Hendrickson in federal court for criminal contempt for ‘refusing to obey a lawful order of a judge.’ [The judge commanded Doreen to perjure herself on a tax form by entering a specific value in a specific line of a specific government form… which, of course, Doreen, being an honest, brave woman, refused to do.]

Doreen is the wife of Peter Hendrickson, author of Cracking the Code (CtC): The fascinating truth about taxation in America[1] (2003). This book has gained quite a following across the country for fluently yet painstakingly demonstrating that the federal so-called income tax, while constitutional, simply and solely applies to Americans whose earnings are due to exercise of federal privilege—via fed employment, officeholding, and the like. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Motor City Witchcraft Trial(s)

In sham hearing, judge-sullied jury convicts Doreen Hendrickson of integrity
Are you next?

A girl is accused during the Salem Witch Trials

Simple as that. The comparisons to the Salem Witchcraft trials are apt, where people accused by the church elders of being witches were obliged to either:

  1. admit to witchcraft (~ Doreen falsifying a tax affidavit form) and throw themselves on the mercy of the court to perhaps only suffer imprisonment (in Doreen’s case, resulting in stating income—federally privileged earnings—which the government might then assert to require a tax payment), or
  2. deny being a witch (~ Doreen filling out a tax affidavit form legally and truthfully), from which the judges assume defiance, and thus conclude the person is a very dangerous witch who must be killed (in Doreen’s case, be torn from her family and home to a federal facility in Virginia for several months).

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Guest Column: Help Stop Heresy Conviction

Doreen Hendrickson Faces Unbelievable Federal Contempt Trial, July 21
Let’s Everyone Who Possibly Can Show Up in the Peanut Gallery

4thBranchUnbelievable for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is this is the second trial for the same alleged offense. The first trial ended with a hung jury, which the judge decided to call a mistrial rather than an acquittal. [How in the world does that happen? Maybe I’m naive, but we were always told in civics 101 that you cannot be tried for the same offense twice. Who thinks we have grounds for a petition to a judge to form a grand jury to investigate Federal Judge Nancy Edmunds (Eastern District, Michigan) and bring rapid indictments for gross judicial misconduct? Until that happens, we’re going to have to ride out the misconduct and we hope secure a second jury acquittal.]

We need everyone who can possibly find time to attend the trial to make plans for visiting the courtroom and standing in her corner as a group of outraged citizens who will never back down in support of the rule of law:


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Guest Column: The Hendrickson Icing

Timely Reminder of “Little Boy Truth” #7
by Pete Hendrickson

Pete HendricksonIcing as in ‘on the Cake’… of the (reasonably) obvious truth of things. As I point out in my book, The Truth Torpedo, Pete Hendrickson’s book Cracking the Code: The Truth about Taxation in America shows conclusively that—even if we have dozens of moral reasons to cease funding the federal government—the fact is most of us legally owe it nothing anyway. At least nothing via the so-called income tax. Each of us who practices the Hendrickson ‘system’ owes it to ourselves and our country and out progeny to spread the word… to the Alex Joneses, Mike Adamses, Paul Joseph Watsons, Jon Rappoports, and all the rest who stand at the pinnacle of the truth, liberty, and justice Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Standing up for the Law, Part 1

High Noon for Americans as Pete Hendrickson
is convicted for filing truthful federal tax returns

This is a column that appeared originally in the old format on November 01, 2009. I’m transferring this column to the new format because it’s important information about how the system reacted to Pete Hendrickson’s discoveries about the ‘income’ tax… by railroading him on false information asserted by a judge committing petite treason. For the latest on the progress of the educated tax movement please go to Pete’s site: Continue reading

Book Review: Cracking the Code

The fascinating truth about taxation in America
by Peter Hendrickson
Review by Brian Wright

Cracking the CodeThree things cannot be long hidden:
the sun, the moon, and the truth
— Buddha

For a book that rather prosaically walks the reader thru centuries of political principles, statutes, and regulatory code pertaining to the American federal “income” tax (FIT)[1], Cracking the Code (CtC) is exceptional in so many ways. I especially want to draw the connection between concrete tax resistance or defiance—or in the case of Pete’s book on the FIT, accurate tax definition—and the worldwide movement toward adoption of the simple nonaggression principle in civil societies. Continue reading