Brian’s Column: Dead Horse, New Horse?

4Q 2015, Michigan. [Excerpt draft from upcoming The Truman Prophecy.]

HeinleinAnd it came to pass in the SLOW (Spartan Land of the Wolverine) and in most other  subrealms of the LOWDOWN—to be uttered in a deep Darth Vader-like voice—(Land of Worship for Deathstar Operations Worldwide No-Exceptions) that a onetime major—albeit never conventionally successful—movement for freedom sputtered to a halt. That ultimately petering-out political enterprise would be the Libertarian Party of Michigan (LPM) and Libertarian Party (LP) in general.

Moving parts in rubbing contact require lubrication to avoid excessive wear. [Good manners, consideration] … and formal politeness provide the lubrication where people rub together. Often the very young, the untraveled, the naive, the unsophisticated deplore these formalities as ’empty,’ ‘meaningless,’ or ‘dishonest,’ and scorn to use them. No matter how ‘pure’ their motives, they thereby throw sand into machinery that does not work too well at best.
— Sayings of Lazarus Long, Time Enough for Love, Robert Heinlein Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Dorothy

Autumn 2015 thru Autumn 2016

Ignore_2From the folklore:
First, Toto pulls back the curtain.
Then Dorothy reads the riot act to the Wizard.

Toto = What is.
Dorothy = So what?

From the Prophecy:
Toto = the Truth Realization phase.
Dorothy = the phase of doing something about it.

In Toto, the heroes of our story—fulfillers of the Prophecy, leaders of ‘the Independents’ (aka Indies or I’s):

  1. Expose the tools of deception
  2. Show how to focus Truth to create more Indies

In Dorothy, the A-team snowballs the Grand Indie breakout along three parallel lines: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Death of Death Star Politics

Home of Postmaster 1, Sterling Heights, Michigan.

Walking_off_Stage_2[Editor’s note: This column is an excerpt from the Tin Man’s Heart chapter of my novel in  progress, The Truman Prophecy. The corresponding location in the book will likely see several changes before publication.]

Patrecia Bartlett turned off her TV in disgust. Mid-October 2015, the 2016 presidential candidates snorted and pawed in the early public forums leading into Primary Season. What earned her revulsion was the latest ‘debate’ among the Republican lot.

She seldom watched mainstream TV anymore, but succumbed today in a moment of weakness. Maybe this one time—with alleged libertarians Rand Paul and Ben Carson or apparent anti-MSM, Jack-in-the-Box billionaire Donald in the mix—a genuine ray of hope-laden light would slip out between the gears of the fog machine. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Notes to the 2d Edition of After 9/11 Truth

Accommodating Toto Worldwide and The Truman Prophecy

After_911_Truth_Cover_Front_ReducedThe best-laid plans of mice and men oft go awry… as the poet Robert Burns (1785) put it. So, too, the summary book I wrote on the 9/11 attacks and my concept of what actions best to take to achieve ‘truth’ most efficiently. Well, not awry exactly, but in need of UPDATE based on subsequent discoveries and actions. A significant part of those discoveries have been ‘of self,’ namely that yours truly, being a writer and affected by a modest engineering habit of mind, tends to look at the world a certain way. That is with a naive remote impartiality that says, “after solid study and effort, I see or have derived the following grand process that, if followed, will produce the desired result.”

The desired result, of course, in the case of 9/11, yielding general truth and freedom.

And if you read the Amazon review comments to After 9/11 Truth—excerpts of many of them are included as testimonials with this imminent second edition—those readers of my liberty and reason milieu do completely get the message. The problem is I want and need to cultivate a larger audience, which is what I thought my ‘engineering plan’ of the second half of the 1st edition would accomplish. Alas, people—readers and doers—are not items in an equation, however elegant or ironclad the solution appears. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Delta Declaration

Myers-Briggs lookalike with an eye toward positive change

Continuum_Vector_2Let me begin the column with a figure that I developed in the course of writing After 9/11 Truth: The Death Star in Ashes, Humanity Rises. Chapter 7: Share it Forward begins with the above graphic that expresses the cardinal mission for us who seek the paradigm shift into a Billion+ Points of Light society. You can also see the Dark Side’s intent. Continue reading