About Brian Wright

Hello, I'm Brian Wright, the proprietor and chief content provider to this Web opinion and review site. The Coffee Coaster (thecoffeecoaster.com) has been around since late 2006, and in early 2012 I finally decided to give the site a major makeover with this Wordpress implementation. My views are 'wholistic libertarian,' meaning focused on the spiritual--I like to use the word: essentual--evolution we will need, individually, in order to reach the New Paradigm of peace, freedom, and abundance. Let's help one another in the process.

Guest Column: Las Vegas Shooting

It is almost like the story is being kept from us
By Paul Craig Roberts [Full original column here.]

Dear Readers, I appreciate the confidence that you show in me with your emails asking my opinion about the Las Vegas shooting. Many of you suspect that it is another false flag affair, and you ask me about its purpose.

I don’t know if it was a false flag attack, and if so, by who or for what purpose. I don’t expect to ever know. A story is set in place by officials and media. The only way to ever know is to personally investigate. You would have to go to Las Vegas, examine the scene, ask questions of the hotel, investigate the answers if you get any, find and interview concert attendees who were shot, attend funerals and see bodies of those killed, speak to their families, learn about the weapon allegedly used, experience trying to shoot at targets far below and far away, compare the number of casualties with the recorded time of firing, and so forth. In other words, we would have to do the job that in former times would have been done by the press, but no more.

It is almost like the story is being kept from us. For example, from media reports that the event was just across the street from the hotel, I did not know that “across the street” was a distance of 390 yards (1,170 feet).

As I don’t expect to ever have a confident opinion about what happened, I am not paying much attention to the mass shooting, or should I say alleged shooting. We are lied to and deceived so much that we can never tell when we are told the truth. It is like Dmitry Orlov says: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Global Spring Special Announcement

Grand Strategy: First Principles’ Foundation and First Principles’ Grand Juries
By Brian R. Wright

It is with a spirit of melancholy, yet resolve, that I formally announce the founding of the organization, the First Principles’ Foundation, whose aim will be to elucidate and promote American First Principles and their logical activist corollary: formation and spearheading of PRIME (people’s restored independent multilevel everywhere) grand juries as described in these two columns and a brochure:

The Foundation’s initial Web presence is soon to come, with my vision-quest site, http://Global-Spring.org, serving as its umbrella, also covering the moral philosophy I’ve created, called Trumanism, and launch of the Independents’ movement.

So why the melancholy? Continue reading

Donut Dough: We Were What We Eat

Speed bump on the road to freedom from food addiction
By Brian R. Wright

Lo and behold, out in my part-time job as a medtech/driver, after, count ’em, SIX full days of abiding by the one meal per day (OMAD) prescription by a guy named WIL (What I’ve Learned): http://bit.ly/2rNkUVY_Fasting_OMAD_WIL.

But I made the mistake of buying a large—standard size today is 22 oz, remember how soft drinks all used to be 12 oz?—Pepsi vanilla-cherry carb-onated, caffeinated cola to pick me up for the leg home. Which must have helped to launch a sudden craving-based notion that I would stop and buy a Hot ‘n’ Ready pepperoni pizza from Little Caesars, some potato chips, then go home and eat until stuffage.

Binge junk food supper.

Actually, this is the first time I’ve stopped for a ready made pizza, and I was only expecting to get maybe three pieces for like $6. So I was kind of astonished that for only $5 they give me a grownup-sized eight pieces, shown above right with accouterments. Think about that for a minute: A six-inch turkey sub from Subway, which costs about the same, has roughly the same number of calories as a single piece of the Hot ‘n’ Ready above (~300). So in  calories per dollar, the majorly junk option is 800% more economical for the average consumer. Continue reading

Donut Whole: Oh Say Can’t You See…

My take on NFL and other pro sports’ players kneeling for the national anthem
by Brian R. Wright

Here are two articles by journalists/columnists I respect and they pretty much nail the issue, at least on the Independent-Individualist surface from which yours truly views the world:

Brandon Smith: “NFL Players Have a First Amendment Right to Act Like Little Bitches

“If NFL players refused to stand for the national anthem because they believed in the ideals it represents but felt that our government no longer represented those ideals, then I would be in full support of their motives. Obviously, this is not why they are protesting. If their motivation was about speaking against corrupt government, then they would have refused to stand for the anthem back when Barack Obama, a Constitution-wrecking cabana boy for the elites, was in office.”

Jon Rappoport: “An Open Letter to NFL Players: You’re Being Used

“In other articles, I’ve written about solutions to some of these problems. Here, I’ll simply say that if you NFL protestors want to make a difference, you need to stand up and do something harder than you’re doing now. Right now, you’re unwitting agents of NO CHANGE and racial divide-and-conquer.

“YOU’RE FOCUSING ON POLICE BRUTALITY, AS IF THAT’S THE DEEPEST PROBLEM IN BLACK INNER CITIES. It isn’t. So you’re leading people away from recognizing and admitting what the real problems are.

“What you’re doing now, men, isn’t going to work. You’re only going to sow more conflict.”

Plus for a good laugh/cry, visit the first followup by Mr. Rappoport here:
Trump/NFL Political Theater: Who’s winning?Continue reading

Guest Column: The Bobby McIlvaine Act… and More

Demand justice for those who perished on 9/11/2001
by Michael Atkinson (IAmtheFaceofTruth.com)

The Bobby McIlvaine Act September 11th 2017 News Conference

National Press Club Website:

Legislation for 9/11 Truth – Use this handy email program below to send a pre-written letter to your congressperson and senators urging them to support the Bobby McIlvaine Act. https://beta.ae911truth.org/get-involved/bobby-mcilvaine-act

Editor’s note: This guest column is a repackaging of Michael’s excellent assemblage of key events and news from the all important 9/11 truth front. If we get one indictment by a First Principles’ grand jury of even one (of the several dozen) insider suspects of the crime of 9/11, it will bring a cascade of truth and justice events to all humanity.

Timely Important Truth News

“WTC 7 Did Not Collapse from Fire” – Dr. Leroy Hulsey, UAF, Sept. 6, 2017
A Structural Reevaluation of the Collapse of World Trade Center 7
WTC 7 Evaluation

Continue reading

Brian’s Column: …Shall Convene…

American Restored First Principles’ Grand Juries
by Brian R. Wright

The content of this column between the ‘The Brochure’ stop and start headings is exactly that, an html summary of the online pdf brochure about my latest discovery qua argument re: grand juries at this address: http://brianrwright.com/PRIME.pdf. Please read and give me feedback of your thoughts and feelings here—either via comments to this post or via email: brian@brianrwright.com—about the whole notion of American inherent, constitutional, ‘open source’ PRIME (people’s restored independent multilevel everywhere) grand juries. As herein described ⇒ and ⇓.

The name I have given to the recovered institution I’m proposing is America’s Restored First Principles’ grand juries or simply First Principles’ grand juries (1stP_GJs). The idea for such an easily individual-accessible shield and  sword against public official violations of The People’s natural individual rights, as stated in the “We hold these truths” paragraph of the Declaration of Independence came while I was writing my novel, The Truman Prophecy.

[What you see in this column and the brochure is definitely a first cut. Many issues remain to be worked out in application. See below the brochure section under ‘Implementation’.]

In my novel, I imagine a humane world of peace, freedom, and abundance, where the tens of thousands of corrupt, unjust, outrageous instances of gross public-official misconduct are immediately hard stopped and justly punished by ‘The People.’ This would occur as affected individuals routinely invoked a grand jury of their (nongovernment-employed)[1] peers to investigate and deliver indictments to their respective peer trial juries (1stP_TJs). Consider the yet fictional outcomes for rectifying several recent notable real government crimes against humanity: Continue reading

Book Review: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (1974)

An inquiry into values
by Robert Pirsig

Zen1974, Bantam Books (1984 edition), 380 pages w/afterword

This book was a staple of my college days, not among the Left—the Left in those days seemed to be as incapable of thinking for themselves as what we see in much of the Right today—but among more the more technical, individualistic reader types.

Pirsig, a technical writer for IBM with a genius-level IQ, recounts his journey on a motorcycle (he doesn’t mention the brand; Wikipedia says it’s a 1964 Honda Superhawk CB77) with his boy, Chris.  They head out across the high plains thru Montana, then down the Oregon-California coast. Continue reading