A Convenient Truth: Cracking the Code

After the unconscionable attack on Doreen, now more than ever…

CtCJust as a preliminary announcement, the author of the liberating, watershed book—that removes forever the burden of federal ‘income’ taxes on all Americans’ direct earnings—has suffered one of the most horrific attacks by a pack of renegade, law-debasing hoodlums in the so-called federal justice system: they pounced upon his dear wife, Doreen, for refusing to commit perjury on federal judge Nancy Edmunds’ unlawful order. It took two sham trials (a hung jury in the first one) for judge Victoria Roberts and her DOJ prosecution tag-team to mis- instruct and browbeat a cowed jury into a wholly ambiguous conviction in August last year. Then on Thursday, April 9, this week, Roberts sentenced Doreen to 18 months in federal prison. Doreen has 60 days to self-surrender, but only 30 days in the event she continues to refuse the unlawful judicial order to falsify her sworn tax statements. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: My Bette Erwin Memorial

Tribute to a fiery leader who nurtured the cause of liberty

Bette_ErwinThis is an encore piece (originally penned January 8, 2007) as I reach the last of the columns I created in the former clunky format. By conjuring up memories of the way we were—at least here in L/libertarian Michigan in the final quarter of the 20th century—it propels me to think more strongly from the roots of experience. Also, the Libertarian Party that she helped to seed has reached, by many people’s accounts, a Day of Reckoning. It is good to reflect on the salient plusses that arose under its auspices. — bw

For a while I was afraid no one would find out about her passing; finally some solid information emerged from a scattering of emails from friends and who knew her back in the day.  “The day” being roughly 1974-1984 in Michigan libertarian politics.

During the period when Bette came to preeminence—she was the Michigan Libertarian Party candidate for US Senate in 1976 and 1982—I was into my iconoclastic-anarchist phase. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Local Government inAction

You wouldn’t think fixing a ramp at the recycle center would be a big deal

NoviOkay this is a column about an incident that writes itself. Describes my recent interaction with the local government facilities, city of Novi, Michigan. I’m not the most active citizen, but have attended a couple city council meetings and try to do my civic duty. As a Libertarian, I do not want activist government but I certainly would like to see responsive government. Which means if there’s a dog running loose or a child being brainwashed against his will at the high school: “Could you please quickly send someone over to fix that?”

I’ve already written a piece on predatory local government, from the next county over, that is Wayne County and the Northville, Michigan, police. Who because of an ambiguity of driving a car registered and insured (all paid up, by the way) in my then recently deceased mother’s name, I was rousted by a girl cop and her magic license plate twanger. This wonderful little bureaucop even emphasized she could take me to jail—twice!—for such an egregious offense. I’ll let you read all about it in the column I wrote here, which had a semi-happy ending thanks to my own passionate oration in court against such outrageous behavior being well-received by an actual human judge. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Imus in the Mourning

Blast from the past, has it really been that long…

Imus… since Don Imus made the famous “nappy headed ‘hos” remark about a young women’s basketball team? Going thru my columns that possibly deserve to be transferred to the new WordPress site format—asking an enthusiastic writer of my modest caliber to review his past work for anything decent is often a bit embarrassing (though I have always had a couple of good turns of phrase)—I came across this one that barely passes muster. The famed hyped faux pas occurred all the way back in 2007! My goodness. See if you agree whether the observations still apply today: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Let’s ‘Bring It’ to the Doreen Hearing, April 9

Pete Hendrickson’s wife facing sentencing following heresy conviction

screenprintNow is the time to step up en masse. I’ve already included as a guest column former Troy major, Janice Daniels, rallying of the forces of local-cum-national freedom. And in my book on the trial, The Motor City Witchcraft Trial(s), I propose gathering at least a thousand individuals to flood the courtroom and the city of Detroit:

“Think of it a minute: tens of thousands of Americans have recovered tens of millions of dollars in hard-earned wealth thanks to Doreen’s husband’s discoveries. Discoveries on account of which the government is willing to horrifically attack Pete’s wife: to send a message to people like ourselves—to the tax-truth community at large. The feds want you to stand down.

“Instead, stand up!

“Wherever you live in the country, figure out a way to get to Detroit and the Levin Courthouse on April 09, 2015. It’s easy, parking across the street is $10 per day, that’s a couple of lattes. Get the latest information from losthorizons.com. What do you think will be the impact of having a thousand people queued up outside of the courtroom milling around in the hallways?!”

[Note: the sentencing hearing has been postponed for no reason, twice. So please keep checking at losthorizons.com until the scheduled time.] Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Breakthru on the General Satyagraha Front

Upcoming book on GMO menace may cascade for truth and justice

AlteredHere’s a column from last week in Mike Adams’ NaturalNews.com outlet that will make anyone concerned with the species’ health and freedom stand up and cheer. I sure did. It’s called Altered Genes, Twisted Truth, by Steven M. Druker. It promises to be a thorough expose and indictment of the corrupt, death-and-disease-causing Big Agri technology known as genetically modified organism (GMO) applied to crops and foods. Here’s the kicker: the book and its message—the knockout subtitle: How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public—is wholeheartedly endorsed by one of the premier scientists of our time: Jane Goodall. From her foreword:
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Brian’s Column: A Citizen Libertarian in King MIGOP’s Court

Big Doin’s in Lansing, Michigan, State Republican Convention 2015

IMG_20150220_191224_editSomeone recently rediscovered[1] that as public parties, both the Democrats and Republicans, are actually susceptible to grassroots influence—through the precinct delegate elective process. Thus, yours truly, a bona fide secular libertarian, to help out his liberty-oriented[2] friends in the Republican Party:

  • put my name on the August 5 ballot
  • won as one of two persons running for three spots
  • attended the (Oakland) county state-delegate selection convention August 14
  • … where I was selected as a delegate to the state candidate-nominating convention on August 23
  • then as a delegate to the county convention on February 5, 2015 (charged with selecting delegates to the state-party organizing convention) I was selected as an alternate delegate to the state-party organizing convention[3]
  • and now as an alternate delegate to the state-party organizing convention held February 20, 21, 2015, in Lansing I may have a chance to be elevated to delegate status

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