Brian’s Column: Everyone Wants to See Atlas Shrugging…

… but no one wants to BE Atlas Shrugging
By Brian R. Wright

When: Wednesday, January 30, 2019 and Thursday, January 31 ’til noon.
Where: Livonia, Michigan; Southeast and South Central Michigan.
Context: Polar Vortex, unprecedented arctic cold temperatures and winds
Note: Michigan is east of Chicago and on top of the word “Chicago” in the vortex map on the right. The US Post Office cancelled delivery operations in 10 states, Michigan being one.

Company: We do mobile swallow studies in southern Michigan, using a driver-technician, speech pathologist, and medical physician—travel to rehabilitation facilities in a Ford Transit 250, with a 500 lb. rolling Fluorscope machine and gear to diagnose and help patients swallow better. I’m the lead driver-tech, and was NOT scheduled to go out on 1/30 or 1/31. NOR WOULD I HAVE CONSENTED TO GO ON 1/30 ALL DAY OR 1/31 A.M… AT GUNPOINT.

Incident: Our company in central Illinois, of all places, schedules the Livonia, Michigan, team to go to three facilities on 1/30, where the HIGH temperatures for the day are -10º and sustained winds are above 20 mph (wind chill -45º. Further, the company schedules local studies on 1/31 where the morning high is -15º (!) and sustained winds are above 10 mph (temps were headed toward zero at around noon).
Coincident: Everyone on the Michigan swallow teams for 1/30 and 1/31 a.m.—one driver-tech (50-something guy), two speech paths (young mothers, 30-somethings), and two MDs (one single woman, 40-something; one man, ~74)—complies with the company dictated schedule without a peep [note: the woman MD on the Wednesday was likely gung ho to go because that’s her ‘certifiable’ nature].

My Deep  Philosophical Question of the Moment

Why? Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Proposal of a Common Sense Coalition Third Party

What stands in the way?
By Brian R. Wright

As a longtime tilter at windmills, with little success at toppling any, I feel I’m a natural authority on the subject of what doesn’t work politically. The second paragraph of my recent ‘white paper’ suggesting such a coalition 3d party presented to assembled Libertarian Party of Michigan (LPM) leadership on December 8, 2018, reads:

In the recent 2018 mid-term elections, the LPM candidate for governor, Bill Gelineau—in the writer’s opinion the best-ever candidate for major office in terms of competence, understanding the workings of state government, personability, and practical application of principles of freedom to extant problems (and running a robust though part-time campaign)—received a paltry 1.33% of the popular vote.

The paper continues with the basic logic…

Core Proposal and Argument

Create a third party named Independents[1]—for Michigan, other states, and nationally—by uniting the four major existing 3d parties in the country {LP, Green, Constitution (US Taxpayers, UST), and Natural Law (NL)} around a minimalist platform of securing American First Principles’[2] individual freedom en masse… against corrupt public officials and their state-privileged cartel bosses.[3]

Qua national entity, the Independents’ Party stands for the secular-libertarian aphorism: “peace, civil liberties, and a noninterventionist foreign policy,” generically Þ “socially liberal, fiscally conservative.” In other words, common-sense, small-government individualistic humanism Þ zero-privilege, full-cost capitalism. Note that studies have shown 20-25% of Americans self-identify with this spectrum location. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: New Leaf for a New Year

Or should I say new ‘old’ leaf
By Brian R. Wright

Many would say that we-the-human-race on the man-on-the-street level—especially with the escalating pervasiveness of television through the end of the 20th century and now with the Internet coming of age in the early decades of the 21st—have caved in to the Neil Postman Amusing Ourselves to Death (1985) scenario. [Sorry, I have to forgive the analysis here, because frankly the number of readers who a) ‘get it’ or b) care, are vanishingly small. Which is perhaps THE major reason for my turning over a new leaf… to be discussed shortly.]

A shortcut way to state the above is that most people have become comfortable with the perceptual-emotional or ‘see, hear, feel’ means of consciousness… with a corresponding loss of interest in the conceptual mode of same—reasoning things out thru reading, writing, and exercising independent logical judgment. Give you an example, turn on the mainstream nightly news, see the calming anchor, view the footage accompanying the anchor’s even assuring cadence announcing what meaning and solace you’re to take from the audio-visuals (or at least from the anchor’s voice-overs): “This is true and what all good people of society believe. Don’t worry, be happy, go to work as usual.”  [Then the ads for the broadcast interweave to give you the context and range of acceptable material choices. This is what Postman called the Age of Television.] And it may be our species’ undoing…

[Note also that ALL the major mainstream networks convey the exact same root news.]

Please read the following short essay from a collection of short stories by Jack Kline, Blowing Carbon (2010).[1] Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Does it ever occur to you…

Stream-of-consciousness to fantasy football colleagues on hazards of NFL on TV
By Brian R. Wright

I can’t help feeling, whenever I’m watching an NFL football game, that I have voluntarily submitted my brain to be washed and beat dry with a dirty broom. I’ve entered a programmed reality where it is practically mandatory to check one’s own “I” at the doorstep. Sit still for a barrage of images and sounds with one objective: total submission… in reward for which I can have this magnificent illusion of collective acceptance and material success, especially if my team(s) win.

Here’s how I put it to a friend of mine just last night:

“You should watch NFL football games, the whole purpose is to sell you excitotoxin-dripping crap to eat and drink, buy and use harmful pharmaceutical drugs, live in an unattainable, unsustainable Shangri-la with all the polished (mostly life-and-health-threatening) technologies and conveniences, with Stepford-Wife, cardboard-cutout families and neighbors, continually faking deep wholly externally contrived emotions of joy or sorrow or compassion, and launching into massive personal debt in coordination with our proudly unaccountable debt-junkie government… enabling it to manufacture and sell/deploy ginormous arsenals of weapons/personnel to destroy millions of ‘the Other’ real human beings (these days usually under full obeisance to its similarly sadistic, devil-worshiping pack of dogf***ing puppetmasters, the Apartheid state of Israel)–representing wholly made-up, bogus, overblown, false-flag threats to our freedom and to our sanctimonious, brain-dead, point-and-grunt, perceptual-emotional, shopaholic way of life.

“Hallelujah to the F16 fly bys!

“Morbidly obese Big Brother with nuclear warheads, who can resist?

“… or have the slightest question of OUR NATION’S hallowed collective virtue.

“Put me in, coach! Cheeseburger, cheeseburger. Coke, coke.

“Kill the Muslim sand negroes…

“… you truthers rot in hell.


And these are our countrymen? I gave up cable TV last year, but I bought an antenna this year to be able to ‘watch the games.’ I’m not sure I’ll  be physically or psychologically able to subject myself to the above subliminal ravages much longer. Maybe the Super Bowl in February. Fact is, nobody in my Fantasy Football Land falls into the category of complete unquestioned blind obedience to authority, but I’m afraid they ARE suckers for flag-waving official stories, however absurd. Such as 9/11. They’ll come around. All halfway normal, decent humans will.

THEN… welll, remember back when cable carried no advertising!? My kinda football TV.


Brian’s Column: George HWB, You Manifestly Deserve the Best…

… front row seat that Hell has to offer, I only wish it weren’t solely a metaphor
By Brian R. Wright

Amazingly, my preawakened dear twin ones who still relish the powder puffs and crocodile tears of official mainstream Sunday TV hagiography for recently departed grand poobahs of US officialdom accused me of fomenting hate and worse when I passed along this understated Tweet from Ms. Caitlin Johnstone:

Part of the problem lies in the fact that neither of my loved ones uses or presumably likes Twitter. In any case, I felt the need to follow up to give the overwhelming substance that indicts the pontificating paragon of the New World Order, George Herman Walker Bush.

“Okay, I’ll just send the pertinent Webpage link henceforth, in this case, not be hatin’, rather carryin’ the deepest message of LOVE for all the victims of any particular departed NWO beast or other tyrant the mainstream chokes on in their teary accolades. From Caitlin:

If a man kills a lot of people, then his legacy is that of a mass murderer. There is nothing else anyone could possibly accomplish in his lifetime that could eclipse the significance of the act of violently ripping the life out of thousands of human bodies. I don’t care if you started a charity, if you gave a graduation speech, or if you loved your wife very much. If you committed war crimes, knowingly targeted civilian shelters, and deliberately targeted a nation’s civilian infrastructure to gain a strategic advantage after the conclusion of a war based on lies, then you are a mass murderer who may have also done some other far less significant things during the rest of your time on this planet. That is who you are.

“The column only touches the Iraq I aggression highlights of this particular monster–look up depleted uranium. When any of these mass-atrocity generators or collaborators bites the dust, the only sane response is relief… and mourning for his dead or damaged prey. It’s our responsibility as rational beings caring for our fellow humanity to know the facts, expose any remaining crimes, and remember those upon whom he committed the horrific acts he directly perpetrated and/or facilitated.

“Failure to do so is betrayal of the victims.

“I’m sure you both agree we want nothing but love for the millions of them.”

Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Letter to the House…

… of Michigan Representatives asking them to vote down 5G
by Brian R. Wright

A few months ago, two bills were quickly approved without debate in the Michigan Senate by overwhelming votes (90% of senators voting), SB 637 and SB 894. These are complementary enabling bills for 5G dense-transmitter, electromagnetic radiating (EMR), weapons-grade, millimeter-wave wireless networks in Michigan, overriding Michigan residents’  rights to be secure in their personal health, safety, and privacy.

A citizens grass roots movement is afoot in the Michigan liberty community—and nationwide/ worldwide—to arrest this blatant EMR high-crime assault on humanity and bring its perpetrators and accomplices to justice. But despite the movement and a sympathetic House Energy committee chair, the bills came through committee without change.

Now the lame duck Michigan House stands prepped to vote these unconstitutional bills into law, probably the Wednesday after the 2018 election, November 7. I was apprised of this fact by two activists, one of which had a listing of all the Michigan representatives email addresses, and I was prompted to write the following email to them:

Ladies and Gentlemen of the House (110 total):

Re: SB 637 and SB 894 Greenlighting for 5G
As the Libertarian candidate for House District 38 this year, I’ve run an modest campaign, yet forthright: Here’s my campaign brochure… also in essence my responses to the League of Women Voters questionnaire that I make a point to fill out for every occasion of candidacy. I’ve also been to Lansing several times during the term that will be concluding in a few weeks. Why? To show solidarity with my people whose lives are being destroyed by wireless tech–especially mandatory ‘smart’ meters and intended-to-be-inflicted ubiquitous 5G weapons-grade, millimeter-wave EMR.

Continue reading

Brian’s Column: What Would Jesus Do, How Would Jesus Be?

Thoughts on an Aspect of Spiritual Consciousness
By Brian R. Wright

It’s Sunday morning, and I’ve awakened after a decent sleep. Immediately, my mind turns to the despair conveyed to me from a good friend and 9/11 Truth and Justice ally, Rudy. Via email he has brought to my attention Robert David Steele’s amazing and powerful, united-front Citizens’ Intelligence Briefing on 9/11 Truth for the President. [And earlier in the week I brought to his attention the hugely popular appealing video that has received more than three million views: Anatomy of a Great Deception, by David Hooper.]

Me: “Why the despair, Rudy? This is fabulous news. On two fronts.”

Rudy: “Sorry to be so cynical, but…No matter what we say and what authority we claim, nobody will listen. Has anything about this brief appeared anywhere other than in notifications from We live in a bicameral society. America is the greatest. America is the freest. Etc.” Then, Rudy ricochets toward the end as negative as I’ve ever seen him.

Countering the ‘depressive funk’ is why my mind turns to the Rudy matter… and to my own sense of just being ‘overwhelmed by circumstances…’ and the ‘what I need to do RIGHT NOW OR ALL IS LOST’ syndrome. When one is in such ‘compulsive-mind-mode’—ref. Eckhart Tolle—so to speak, then every little perturbation of what Buddha calls “the 10,000 things” has the potential to rattle one vigorously one way or the other. Like the tail wagging a dog into fine dust.

The immediate thought I had in the half-sleep before rising was that we’ve reached a point in our research of key truths, where all we need to do is state them calmly and matter of factly, as Jesus would do… and it’s icing on the cake if we can muster a parable or two from our Sunday School lore. In other words, Rudy and myself and so many others have gotten into the habit-oft-addiction of letting our minds trick us into this illusory dragon-slaying mode. We need a change. Continue reading