Guest Column: Stand Up for Doreen, Big Time!

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Threatened with Jail for Refusing to Lie!
Court Watchers Unite

CtCDoreen Hendrickson,
wife of Pete Hendrickson, author of
Cracking the Code:
The Fascinating Truth About Taxation in America,
has a court hearing set for:

Thursday, April 9, 2015, 12 Noon
231 W. Lafayette, Detroit, 2nd floor
Victoria Roberts courtroom
… for sentencing on a contempt of court charge

This is a case of retaliation against Doreen’s husband for his book, which clearly defines the difference between taxable income and earnings that are not taxable under the IRS Code. Though numerous attempts have been made to discredit and suppress the book, especially through deliberate misrepresentation of its contents by government officials, nothing actually revealed in the book has ever been disputed. Continue reading

Guest Column: Bizarre Federal Ultimatum …

… could land innocent woman behind bars
by Shane Trejo, Pontiac Tribune (March 17, 2015)

DoreenShane Trejo (The Pontiac Tribune) — Doreen Hendrickson is a mild-mannered and demure mother of two. She seems more like someone you would see at a church picnic rather than in a jail house.

Thanks to the dirty tricks and heavy hands of the authoritarian federal government, she may be incarcerated very soon. Denied her basic rights in the court of law, Doreen Hendrickson was convicted of contempt of court on July 25, 2014.

Her tale is certainly unusual.

Doreen Hendrickson, along with her husband Pete, are libertarian activists who file tax returns in an unconventional way and encourage others to do the same. Because of this, Doreen was charged by the federal government with defying two court orders. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Let’s ‘Bring It’ to the Doreen Hearing, April 9

Pete Hendrickson’s wife facing sentencing following heresy conviction

screenprintNow is the time to step up en masse. I’ve already included as a guest column former Troy major, Janice Daniels, rallying of the forces of local-cum-national freedom. And in my book on the trial, The Motor City Witchcraft Trial(s), I propose gathering at least a thousand individuals to flood the courtroom and the city of Detroit:

“Think of it a minute: tens of thousands of Americans have recovered tens of millions of dollars in hard-earned wealth thanks to Doreen’s husband’s discoveries. Discoveries on account of which the government is willing to horrifically attack Pete’s wife: to send a message to people like ourselves—to the tax-truth community at large. The feds want you to stand down.

“Instead, stand up!

“Wherever you live in the country, figure out a way to get to Detroit and the Levin Courthouse on April 09, 2015. It’s easy, parking across the street is $10 per day, that’s a couple of lattes. Get the latest information from What do you think will be the impact of having a thousand people queued up outside of the courtroom milling around in the hallways?!”

[Note: the sentencing hearing has been postponed for no reason, twice. So please keep checking at until the scheduled time.] Continue reading

Guest Column: It’s Not Just Unlawful, It’s Downright Awful

Everyone show up for Doreen Hendrickson’s sentencing in Detroit on April 9
by Janice Daniels (original here)

JaniceIt is easy to imagine, but impossible to neglect or accept the fact that in 2015, nefarious government forces continue working overtime to try to silence the truth about taxation, income and justice.  So what’s new?

Remember, it was just 52 short years ago, when from a jail in Birmingham, Alabama, on April 16, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. penned the famous words, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Lest you think me too cynical, and that I speak only of smoke-filled rooms, in far off places, where the insatiable lust for power breeds an unspeakable level of corruption, consider the case of Mrs. Doreen Hendrickson, who lives right here in Oakland County, Michigan. Continue reading

Guest Column: It’s Not Just Unlawful, It’s Downright Awful

Doreen Hendrickson facing injustice needs our help
By Janice Daniels (excerpted from her column here)

screenprintIt is easy to imagine, but impossible to neglect or accept the fact that in 2015, nefarious government forces continue working overtime to try to silence the truth about taxation, income and justice.  So what’s new?

Remember, it was just 52 short years ago, when from a jail in Birmingham, Alabama, on April 16, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. penned the famous words, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Lest you think me too cynical, and that I speak only of smoke-filled rooms, in far off places, where the insatiable lust for power breeds an unspeakable level of corruption, consider the case of Mrs. Doreen Hendrickson, who lives right here in Oakland County, Michigan. Continue reading

Guest Column: Stand for Doreen

Notice from David Lonier

Per Doreen, 12/9/14:
This hearing has been adjourned without further information.
Stay tuned for further updates.
For background, ref. Brian Wright’s booklet:
The Motor City Witchcraft Trial(s)

Doreen Hendrickson’s
Sentencing Hearing
On a Contempt of Court Charge

Set for Wednesday, December 10, 2014
1:30 PM
Federal Court Building
231 W. Lafayette
Detroit, MI 48226

2nd Floor, Victoria Roberts Courtroom

If you value your freedom, there is no valid excuse
for not attending this hearing to support Doreen
who is fighting for one of our most sacred rights…

Our Right to Speak, not only Freely, But Truthfully!

Can a Judge order anyone to commit perjury
under penalty for not doing so?
That’s what this case is all about.
Our Freedom hangs in the Balance!

Press Release Here

For a detailed summary of the ordeal of Doreen Hendrickson:

Per Doreen, 12/9/14:
This hearing has been adjourned without further information.
Stay tuned for further updates.
For background, ref. Brian Wright’s booklet:
The Motor City Witchcraft Trial(s)

Guest Column: Stand for Doreen Hendrickson, Dec. 10

Press Release by Pete Hendrickson

screenprintPer Doreen, 12/9/14, this hearing has been adjourned without further information. Stay tuned for further updates.

Doreen Hendrickson, wife of Pete Hendrickson, author of Cracking the Code- The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America has a court hearing set for December 10, 2014, 1:30 pm, 231 W. Lafayette, Detroit 48226, 2nd floor, Victoria Roberts presiding, for sentencing on a contempt of court charge.

Per Doreen, 12/9/14, this hearing has been adjourned without further information. Stay tuned for further updates.

This is a case of retaliation against Doreen’s husband for his book, which clearly defines the difference between taxable income and earnings that are not taxable under the IRS Code.  Though numerous attempts have been made to discredit and suppress the book, especially through deliberate misrepresentation of its contents by government officials, nothing actually revealed in the book has ever been disputed. Continue reading