Brian’s Column: First Trump vs. Hillary Debate 2016

What’s missing from ALL the prez candidates is grasp/assertion of simple truths…

… and/or willingness to stand up for them

gary_johnson_debateWatching the first TV debate between Trump and Hillary. Both candidates are wholly buying the false terror narrative and not a word is being uttered on behalf of the fact that ‘we’—what I’ll rather whimsically, but nonetheless accurately, refer to as the Transnational Zionist-Neoconservative Alliance (TZA)—have created and support ISIS. Trump is a disaster on civil liberties, supporting NYC’s ‘stop and frisk,’ not even discussing the phenomenon of corrupt cops decimating the ‘underclass,’ mainly blacks and Hispanics, in the urban environment… not that that fact is what is causing the several riots, which are contrived responses, as well, for the chaos agenda of the elites.

Actually, on that score you have to give the edge to Hillary who does not support ‘stop and frisk’ and at least acknowledges the wholesale corruption and menace of major city police departments across the country… or at least doesn’t strongly deny the phenomenon. Both of them want to disarm anyone on a no-fly list, which at least Trump throws out a crumb, that the (vast numbers of) people who are on the list in error should be able to prove that they are there wrongly.

Trump even conceded that Obama was born in the United States, after he says he made Obama produce an “authentic birth certificate.” [Pardon me, I don’t think an authentic Hawaiian birth certificate has yet been made public, because I do not think one exists.] Of course, Hillary puppets all the false-flag ‘alleged terrorist’ incidents, using them as a pretense for more power to send to Washington to further destroy our rights. On that score Trump weakly chimes in with slightly different tacks, but conceding as ALL the candidates do, the false-flag TZA state terror and war agenda. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: What’s the Sane, Sober Prez Ticket for 2016?

The megacriminal Hillary Clinton is the worst possible choice, but then who?

BarrierDepends on your premises. Let me tell you mine. As a primer, please watch the Thrive video (~2 hours), followed by Rule from the Shadows (~0.5 hours). Also please read my monograph The Barrier Cloud (28 pages). These establish beyond a reasonable doubt that 1) a covertly operating Western Cabal, calling itself the New World Order (NWO),[1] is in the process of fulfilling its plans to ‘full-spectrum’ dominate humanity, and 2) it has developed an extremely sophisticated technology of media-and-mind control to engineer/program perceptions and consent among vast numbers of the world population.

MatrixThis particular power conspiracy of the West has been in operation from the middle of the second millennium (AD:01011001-12312000) and with end of dominance by the Church of Rome (via the Reformation, early 1500s) the center of control transferred to the cartel interests of the English Crown—let’s call them the Anglo-Imperialistas (AIs).[2] More recently, with ascendancy of political-international Zionism in the late 1800s and imposition (via the AIs) of the state of Israel, the power matrix has reached the threshold of, just that, an analog of the computer-driven tyranny described in the movie The Matrix. IMHO, the prime movers in this modern planetary ‘toxocracy’—Glob, NWO—are the Zionist-Israeli deep statists (ZIs)[3] and their American neo-‘conservative’ henchmen.[4]

This is the human face of the Glob, but in actual fact, the MOPS supremes may have turned over the day-to-day activities and planning to some neural network or artificial intelligence ‘cloud,’ supercomputer, who knows what… the possibility even exists that the MOPS are an alien civilization or cybernetic hybrid. What is more important than WHO the Glob is is THAT the Glob is. As Jesus said, you shall know it by its works. Here are the diabolical works unleashed upon us by the Global Mob: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Donald Trump (Re)visited

A plus and minus perspective on the Trumpster as president, for libertarians

TrumpA sage, or at least hopeful, comment on an Infowars video—somewhat misleadingly entitled “Trump’s 9/11 Truth Moment at RNC Debate in SC“—I put up on Facebook:

“I wasn’t going to vote at all but I keep seeing the same crap being done to Trump that they did to Ron Paul, so now I am going to vote for him.”

The only briefly mention on 9/11 in the SC debate was “The WTC came down in his brother’s reign. Remember that. [Boos—it was a handpicked Republican insider crowd in South Carolina!] That’s not keeping us safe.”

But the bigger comments on 9/11 came from October 2015: “Trump said that ignores a crucial fact—that George W. Bush failed to stop the Sept. 11 attacks. Worse yet, Trump said on Oct. 20, 2015, that Bush knew the 2001 attacks were coming:” Continue reading

Book Review: The Audacity of Hope (2006)

Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream,
by Barack Obama (Review by Brian Wright, originally posted March 2007)

ObamaEditor’s Note: My thoughts today are I should at least rename this review as ‘The Naivete of a Dope,’ but I’m putting this old review up in the new format with a mixture of reluctance and astonishment… that I ever truly held these mostly benign opinions and judgments of perhaps one of the most vile and sadistic sociopaths the world has ever seen in such high office—and there have been several, presidents especially, as Obama’s predecessor. What particularly galls me is that I failed to see how Obama was cherry-picked by the same Imperial Globalist Junta as the Dubya crowd. [In fact, I actually believed Obama lay on the outside of Intelligence operations and the New World Order machinery.]


The ‘I Have a Drone’ President

On the positive side, what the book review shows is that reasonably intelligent people seeking the truth can correct and amend initial, radical, and deep misunderstandings QUICKLY. Roughly nine years after writing the original review—which is nothing in intellectual history years—I’ve come to a fundamentally new grasp of the nature of world politics. I assure you my personality has not shifted, nor my desire and vision for liberty. So without further ado, here’s the original. Comments in dark red. Continue reading

Guest Column: The Hillary Tapeworm Unreality

When Hillary ‘dodged sniper fire’
by Jon Rappoport, excerpt from 10/19/15 column

Tapeworm“Political candidates for high office are virtual illusions assembled out of media dust. They are solidified cartoons presented on television. The real lives of the people who are thus animated by media are of no concern. Indeed, it is the job of the candidates to conceal their real lives and thoughts and emotions, to avoid frightening the stunted children who vote for them on Election Day. Political leadership roles were never designed for authentic persons. Such persons, in significant numbers, would crash the system and expose it as a complete fraud. The art of building the political system depends on mass minds tuned to caricatures, minds that can’t carry the freight of anything heavier. Therefore, society’s architects set about their work: thinning out consciousness itself.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

—I recall. No, I don’t recall. What difference does it make? Let’s move on. There are more important issues facing the American people— Continue reading