Brian’s Column: Foreword to Leaving the Sandbox

New Strategy for the Libertarian Party

Cover_Leaving_Sandbox_FrontThe following is the foreword from my imminent book, Leaving the Sandbox, to be published on a subject that should be of great concern for all lower-case, generic libertarians: How do we Libertarian Party supporters integrate our efforts with the rest of the freedom movement (especially those parts showing success) to cast off the Old Paradigm of war and tyranny in service to ‘hive’ and move adroitly to the New Paradigm of a free society of individuals standing proudly at the altar of the ‘authentic swing?’ One thing is certain: doing the same old thing is a prescription for insanity… nor is there much time remaining for that. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Rethinking Libertarian Party Strategy:2

LP_RocketFrom Part 1, I hope that I effectively made several points that warrant an effective grand strategy for Libertarians and libertarians. Before I summarize these points, let me first stipulate the larger community that the strategy is intended to serve:

World Citizenship Alliance

The community of service is composed of you or I or any of a vast number of what I’ll call free men.[1] I mean free in the Jeffersonian or Lockeian sense of persons living—achieving their material, real existence—in a natural condition of purely voluntary relationships with others, free to choose what to do with their lives without the initiation of force (aggression) by any of the others, and asserting this condition as fundamentally right. In other words asserting what historically is called the Rights of Man. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: New Paradigm Rising…

… as a Phoenix over the 900# gorilla
by Brian Wright

ChakraFrom Robingale Masters,
Intentional Journey:
Empowered Worldview:
I envision a newfound reality
based in love and abundance.
Over and over I see the wisdom
of a love-fueled New Paradigm
way of living and viewing the world.

… but first we have to solve some fundamental problems. 🙂 — ed. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Old Paradigm to New Paradigm

A read-view list for the ‘New Way’
by Brian Wright

I don’t know who actually invigorated the term paradigm, maybe that guy we read back in college in the ancient 1970s: Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962). Anyway, many of my writing and editing peers would chide me for using so pretentious a word as paradigm—which means roughly a model, a structure, a pattern, a way of seeing the world. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: 9/11 Truth Urgency

Must call out the Naked Emperor real soon…
by Brian Wright

Before you enter the temple, forgive. — Jesus

The Enlightenment Approach

Over the past couple of years I’m privileged to have become acquainted with the writings of an important modern spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle. His The Power of Now identifies the need for humans to move to the next stage of consciousness… which is to transcend identification with the mind and live in a felt oneness, and Presence, with Being. (To use the mind rather than having the mind use us.)

Then, last June I discovered Falun Dafa, a cultivation practice that Continue reading