About Brian Wright

Hello, I'm Brian Wright, the proprietor and chief content provider to this Web opinion and review site. The Coffee Coaster (thecoffeecoaster.com) has been around since late 2006, and in early 2012 I finally decided to give the site a major makeover with this Wordpress implementation. My views are 'wholistic libertarian,' meaning focused on the spiritual--I like to use the word: essentual--evolution we will need, individually, in order to reach the New Paradigm of peace, freedom, and abundance. Let's help one another in the process.

Guest Column: Assad’s Death Warrant

The real reasons we are in Syria and up to no good [bw’s subtitle]
By Mike Whatney [Excerpt from World News Daily column here.]

blow_the_whistle“Secret cables and reports by the U.S., Saudi and Israeli intelligence agencies indicate that the moment Assad rejected the Qatari pipeline, military and intelligence planners quickly arrived at the consensus that fomenting a Sunni uprising in Syria to overthrow the uncooperative Bashar Assad was a feasible path to achieving the shared objective of completing the Qatar/Turkey gas link. In 2009, according to WikiLeaks, soon after Bashar Assad rejected the Qatar pipeline, the CIA began funding opposition groups in Syria.” — Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Why the Arabs don’t want us in Syria, Politico

September 15, 2016 “Information Clearing House” – “Counterpunch” – The conflict in Syria is not a war in the conventional sense of the word. It is a regime change operation, just like Libya and Iraq were regime change operations.

The main driver of the conflict is the country that’s toppled more than 50 sovereign governments since the end of World War 2.  (See: Bill Blum here.) We’re talking about the United States of course.

Washington is the hands-down regime change champion, no one else even comes close. That being the case, one might assume that the American people would notice the pattern of intervention, see through the propaganda and assign blame accordingly. But that never  seems to happen and it probably won’t happen here either. No matter how compelling the evidence may be, the brainwashed American people always believe their government is doing the right thing. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: 10 Easy Pieces times 7

The Toto (Truth) Phase of the Truman Prophecy, Listing of the 10 Easy Pieces

Breaking_Free_w_911These are 10 questions applying to each of seven high-priority ‘High-Crime Assaults’ (ref. the Threat Matrix) that I have posed in the Toto stage of The Truman  Prophecy. The questions are designed such that the answer to each is undisputed to both sides of the H-CA, whether an individual is pro or anti ‘official story.’

As identified in my Column “The Blue Pillar Syndrome, Part 2,” these truth nuggets are the first of four salients in ‘deprogramming’ our respected denying Blue Pillar peers. Use them as designed; eventually, if necessary, they’ll all be available on self-return-addressed postcards.

To each Blue Pillar I address the following comment: Please let yourself experience these sets of clear and obvious truths even though they may challenge your deepest feelings about the official story you have accepted. It’s time for you to face the facts of reality. Remember from Logic 101, that every official story—just like any scientific theory or hypothesis—is disproved by a single contradiction. Thus, in general, for any of the high-crime assaults, if any of the 10 undisputed facts is true, THEN THE OFFICIAL STORY FOR THAT HIGH-CRIME ASSAULT IS FALSE. Time to lay down your burden and break the trance your mind controllers have put you under since kindergarten.

Please don’t feel bad or guilty. Just do the right thing; feel the relief of no more lies.

Use these 10 Easy Pieces to begin thinking for yourself and transcending the perceptual-emotional mode of awareness. We Independents, i.e. self-realized beings of independent consciousness, will welcome you to our ranks with open arms. Continue reading

Movie Review: Hairspray (2007)

Remake of a lightweight (or is it heavyweight?) charmer 7/10

hairsprayProbably very few Academy Awards will be in the offing for this remake of a rather obscure movie on which was based a more widely appreciated musical stage play.  Though John Travolta playing a cross-gender Edna Turnblad may be worth a special category.

Some movie critics may comment on the formulaic nature of this 60s throwback.  What was the movie that John Travolta starred in with that Australian hotty, Olivia Newton-John? Grease, I guess.  I don’t remember what era that one went back to, probably the 1950s, because I don’t think there was any sex or black people.

On the other hand, Hairspray makes quite a deal out of the racial integration issue and learning to accept people as they are, especially people who are considered “rrroomy.”  Edna Turnblad, being played by John Travolta with fluffy accouterments, is gargantuan while Edna’s daughter Tracy (Nikki Blonsky) may be considered dangerously short for her weight. Continue reading

Guest Column: 15 Years of a Transparent Lie

Differentiating expert opinion from improbable explanations
By Paul Craig Roberts [Excerpt, full column here]

911_KnockoutThere are many conspiracy theories about 9/11. The US government’s own explanation of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory in which a few Saudi Arabians outwitted the American national security state. Little doubt that many of the more imaginative conspiracy theories were created for the purpose of stigmatizing any skepticism, no matter how well reasoned and supported, of the official story.

When thinking about 9/11, it is important to differentiate expert opinion from improbable explanations.

Among the expert opinion are 2,600 structural engineers and high-rise architects who comprise Architects & Engineers for 9/11 truth and have written to Congress asking for a real investigation, Firefighters for 9/11 truth, Pilots for 9/11 truth, physicists and chemists who analyzed the dust from the twin towers and report finding reacted and unreacted materials used in controlled demolitions, and former government officials who understand that a security failure as great as 9/11 would have produced an immediate and exacting investigation.

These groups of qualified and experienced people say that the official story of 9/11 is false. Architects, engineers, and scientists say that the official story is physically impossible. Firefighters and WTC maintenance personnel say that there were numerous explosions within the towers and that the first explosions were in the sub-basements prior to the buildings being hit by airplanes. Experienced military and civilian pilots say the maneuvers of the aircraft are beyond the capability of the alleged hijackers. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: World People’s Grand Jury on Crimes against Humanity

To obtain justice for the people, think independent grand juries and think BIG!

Justice_LadyPlease refer to this preview package from The Truman Prophecy, which describes and envisions one of the two major salients of the Toto (Truth) phase for fulfillment of the Prophecy. Namely, the reclamation of the American people’s inherent, First Principles tool of the common sense grand jury—an institution qua sword directly monitoring and controlling public official behavior (thus negating government-and- associates’ corruption/criminality), as well as to provide qua shield  a defense for every individual against any public official trying to run over an individual’s liberty.

Initially, I considered the idea of forming ‘virtual’ grand juries, which would be set up just as we envision real grand juries, only we would do the work online under auspices of a public service organization that would be populated nationwide at all the levels with virtual grand juries for high-profile, liberty-affecting cases. We would publicize the results of GJ deliberation to put pressure on public officials to start resurrecting real GJs for all jurisdictions.  This will work, and I have set it in motion with a writeup, but we need a major breakthru on this justice front NOW.

The Bingo-Eureka Discovery

At a 9/11 Truth event featuring a visit from independent journalist Christopher Bollyn, I had a Bingo-Eureka moment. I believe this is it: the best idea for encouraging the proliferation of people’s grand juries is to start out BIG. In this case, essentially convene a system of international ‘war crimes’[1] tribunals… only configure them as true courts with First Principles grand juries at the foundation with all the basics: Continue reading

Book Review: Unstoppable (2014)

The emerging left-right alliance to dismantle the corporate state
by Ralph Nader

UnstoppableMaybe 10 years ago one of my techwriting coworkers suggested that a good idea would be to combine several of the third parties into one political entity… that would give common sense a half-decent chance of prevailing at election time. I thought he was on to something. And still do. Aside from the mechanical problems of getting all  the decent alternative parties together—from the leadership on down, satisfying the intellectual idealists that the platforms can be somehow compromised and melded—you’re going to have to have candidates. Which basically kills the concept. No way the Greens, the Libertarians, the Constitutionalists, the Natural Law-ers, etc. are going to come together to pick a winner.

On the other hand, it’s not hard to conceive that alternative-party candidates, or even anti-establishment forces in the two ossified dinosaur parties, agree to a general statement of principles or political program that might look like the following:

  1. Obey and uphold the Constitution.
  2. Transition any decent unconstitutional program to the private sector humanely.

Funny, that’s about all you need to have in your political program. We’ve discovered some key liberating ideas that aren’t covered by mere adherence to the Constitution—such as the true nature of the federal ‘income’ tax code, per Hendrickson—but not many. Just get out a copy of the Constitution and read it. [By the way, at the time of its signing the Constitution was intended by the founders to be read by literally everyone.] Pay close attention to the 9th Amendment, which says “just because we didn’t specifically list your freedoms here doesn’t mean you don’t have them,” and the 10th Amendment, which says, “unless a federal government power is specifically enumerated here, the federal government does NOT have that power.”  Period. Continue reading

Movie Review: Stranger than Fiction (2006)

Creative blend of cinema and literature (8/10)

stranger_than_fictionWalking through the video store, my lady friend and I like to look for slightly offbeat movies that receive critical as well as popular raves.  Stranger than Fiction gets the double whammy: Ebert and Roeper give it two thumbs way up toward the ceiling, then later we find out Rotten Tomatoes has given it like a 75% positive for both critics and ordinary civilians.

I learned my lesson about going only with the critics a few years ago.  We were at the video store during the holidays with her sister and brother-in-law; I picked up Wit, also a movie with a big role for Emma Thomson.  Ol’ Roger had praised it to the rafters for being, well, witty; so I more or less sold everyone on taking it home.  It was the most dreary and depressing movie any of us had ever seen, and my movie- selection privileges were henceforth revoked.

Stranger than Fiction rewards you from the very beginning; you hear the voice of a woman narrator recounting every repetitious step in the life of IRS agent Harold Crick (Will Ferrell) while you watch his tedious life unfold on the screen.  He rises exactly at xx:yy a.m., brushes his teeth precisely zw times, walks across the street at the cross walk careful to step on the white markings, catches the bus at such and such a time, etc., etc. Continue reading