Donut Whole: My Michigan State Rep Campaign, Position Paper #1: Vaccines

Vaccines: A Cautionary, Rights-Based Approach
By Brian R. Wright

A ‘retired’ BSME engineer, I’m a part-time driver/medical technician for a company that provides a mobile swallow-test service to patients at rehabilitation facilities. Our team consists of a driver tech, a physician, and a speech pathologist to conduct the studies. Two of our young speech paths are pregnant with their firsts. With the autism epidemic in full swing (CDC: 1 in 36 kids) and childhood developmental disorders at an all time high (CDC: 1 in 6 kids) .AND. the CDC PROVING THAT A MAJOR VACCINE ON ITS SCHEDULE, THE MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), CAUSES AUTISM, I’m in a quandary…

Note: CDC stands for the federal government’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention (under the Health and Human Services department). THE official top government. banana for research and public policy of the healthcare industry.

Big Pharma, who pays $billions to doctors, media, and politicians, is squelching any precautionary information about vaccines that mothers and families need to make informed choices. Thus the general public—not to mention most healthcare workers—still react to any questioning of vaccines as if you’re blowing your nose on the curtains of civilization.[1] Yet facts are facts: 100s of thousands of people, mainly children, are maimed or killed worldwide by these ballyhooed sacred cows year after year.

I very much like my speech paths and do NOT want them, their husbands, or their offspring to suffer the horrific downside of Vaccine Roulette… I feel it my humanitarian duty to warn them of the hazards despite expecting that any such appeal will be rejected with an inner shriek you can hear across Lake Michigan. What’s a fellow to do? I got it: kill two birds with one stone and write an open letter to serve as my position paper on the subject for my 2018 Libertarian candidacy for 38th district Michigan state representative. [I address both in a singular pseudonym.] Continue reading

The Religion of FLOW (Increment 2: Final Outline)

FLOW (Fellowship for Liberation of Our World)
What I have in mind to get started [updated 20180812]
By Brian R. Wright

Note: I’m choosing to build this column as a description in stages. This column builds on the former one, which is the 1st Increment of the column here. The former column is kept solely as development reference; full FLOW description is the final stage — brw

Some recent instructive face time with one of my more insistent muses has caused me to realize that I need to ‘get on the stick,’ as my peers would tell me in high school. I couldn’t even answer her briefly as to what in fact FLOW was or is, much more why anyone would want to join up… or how she would benefit from it.

Recent dreams here, here, and here have provided some light along the path, then the reinvigoration of my Falun Dafa practice has supplied what heretofore had been missing for the breathing sacred being, i.e. you and me. I sketched what you see on the right in less than a couple of minutes while waiting to shower—it’s the initial FLOW chart, 🙂 so to speak, everything is anticipated there, just not positioned exactly where it will turn out.

Yes, I am building FLOW as a faith or religion with the same features of any of the Abra-hamic ones: Judaism, Christianity, Islam—although sans ‘God.’ Akin to Buddhism, except supporting the apotheosis of each individual’s independent consciousness and Being … in accordance with the laws of Nature and the sacred nonaggression principle. Also, like, say, Unitarianism, tho without any doors open for state-worship or altruistic-identity politics. Rational, spiritual, creative, and benevolent: Ayn Rand, Eckhart Tolle, Jon Rappoport, and Bagger Vance meet one another for a common purpose: our mutual spiritual well being.

A religion has two general aspects: doctrine and practice. I’ll summarize each first, then expand with narrative to where I am now in the integration.

Twenty-Five Words: FLOW Doctrine

Just as flow in nature is enhanced by removing obstacles, FLOW leverages the cultivation practice of Falun Dafa to dispel barriers to independent conscious-ness, and fosters an individual’s inner peace, outer peace, and creative abundance.

Falun Dafa, briefly explained here in a flyer I composed for its DVD, is the missing link I was looking for to breathe life into the FLOW system, make the FLOW idea and practice much more alive for people. [The ideas behind FLOW are vibrant, but they are, after all, mind constructs, which can become the tail of mental illusion wagging the dog of one’s soulful reality… which is, after all, the general human affliction we’re trying to reverse.]

Why Falun (wheel) Dafa (great law)? Because it’s a very simple set of exercises that integrates a focus on justice for the individual in society. Truth, Tolerance, Compassion: these are the pillars Falun Dafa wants its adherents to cultivate. The meditative practice is from Chinese antiquity, and was founded in modern form by Mr. Li Hongzhi in China near the time of the democracy protests there. It acquired 10s of millions of followers, and, on account of these followers protesting general mistreatment by the government, it became the target of a horrific Chinese state persecution that continues to this day.[1]

Significant philosophical thinking with individualist political foundations complement the Falun Dafa spiritual entry-assist for FLOW, and will be outlined in planned documentation. Continue reading

The Religion of FLOW (Starting Segment)

FLOW (Fellowship for Liberation of Our World)
What I have in mind and why I’m launching this year
By Brian R. Wright

Note: I’m choosing to build this column as a description in stages. Please use this post for development reference only and go to the latest Religion of FLOW column here.— brw

Some recent instructive face time with one of my more insistent muses has caused me to realize that I need to ‘get on the stick,’ as my peers would tell me in high school. I couldn’t even answer her briefly as to what in fact FLOW was or is, much more why anyone would want to join up… or how she would benefit from it.

Recent dreams here, here, and here have provided some light along the path, then the reinvigoration of my Falun Dafa practice has supplied what heretofore had been missing for the breathing sacred being, i.e. you and me. I sketched what you see on the right in less than a couple of minutes while waiting to shower—it’s the initial FLOW chart, 🙂 so to speak, everything is anticipated there, just not positioned exactly where it will turn out.

Yes, I am building FLOW as a faith or religion with the same features of any of the Abra-hamic ones: Judaism, Christianity, Islam—although sans ‘God.’ Akin to Buddhism, except supporting the apotheosis of each individual’s independent consciousness and Being … in accordance with the laws of Nature and the sacred nonaggression principle. Also, like, say, Unitarianism, tho without any doors open for state worship or altruistic identity politics. Rational, spiritual, creative, and benevolent: Ayn Rand, Eckhart Tolle, Jon Rappoport, and Bagger Vance meet one another for a common purpose: each of our spiritual well being.

A religion has two general aspects: doctrine and practice. I’ll summarize each first, then expand with narrative to where I am now in the integration.

Twenty-Five Words: FLOW Doctrine

Just as flow in nature is enhanced by removing obstacles, FLOW leverages the cultivation practice of Falun Dafa to dispel barriers to independent conscious-ness, and fosters an individual’s inner peace, outer peace, and creative abundance.

Falun Dafa, briefly explained here in a flyer I composed for its DVD, is the missing link I was looking for to breathe life into the FLOW system, make the FLOW idea and prac-tice much more alive for people. [The ideas behind FLOW are vibrant, but they are, after all, mind constructs, which can become the tail of illusion wagging the dog of reality.]

Why Falun (wheel) Dafa (great law)? Because it’s a very simple set of exercises that integrates a focus on justice for the individual in society. Truth, Tolerance, Compassion: these are the pillars Falun Dafa wants its adherents to cultivate. The meditative practice is from Chinese antiquity, and was founded in modern form by Mr. Li Hongzhi in China near the time of the democracy protests there. It acquired 10s of millions of followers, and, on account of these followers protesting general mistreatment by the government, it became the target of a horrific Chinese government persecution that continues to this day.[1] = [1]

Significant philosophical thinking with individualist political foundations complement…

Twenty-Five Words: FLOW Practice

My main concept of FLOW and hence its orienting practice is to provide a haven and impetus for existing independently conscious human beings to seed, grow, and spread independent consciousness in themselves and throughout our species. All right, that’s 25. You see the main theme here, don’t you: a coalescence of (human) beings of independent consciousness…

Two sides to the word practice, one in the ethical conduct of one’s life according to FLOW and the other as in the organization or fellowship…

The Why and How

[to be continued in next week’s Brian’s Column]

[1] Please be aware that FLOW does encourage other healthful energy and healing practices—I’m particularly fond of the “Yoga for the West of Us” ways of David Scott Lynn, for instance—it’s just that Falun Dafa seems to match up perfectly for the FLOW mission.

Brian’s Column: Alderson FPC Turnaround

Tomorrow Doreen Hendrickson Enters for the Final Time in Triumph
By Brian  R. Wright

The federal prison in Alderson, West Virginia, sits in the middle of the mountains of Nowhere, USA. And that’s how the federales like it. Hard to leave. The town itself has some notable history, but the 1927 federal decision to erect a women’s prison there [in step with 18th-Amendment (Prohibition)-generated crimes] was its claim to fame. The feds could still stick women committing no real crime into their cages, but not with male populations to abuse and assault them. Bully for the ’20s reformist legislate morality crowd.

In fact, Alderson was the first US federal women’s prison. And until 2004, when Martha Stewart was doing her five months for lying to federal prosecutors, the facility was designed on the rehabilitation model… as opposed to punishment. After Martha, the state cruelty industry had to turn around the Stewart ‘Camp Cupcake’ image. Thus, inmates no longer dwell in modest cottages on the grounds w/o guarded fences and with substantial self-reliance, rather in two large dormitories where they’re ordered around, well, like prisoners.

Enter Doreen Hendrickson, whose crime, unlike Martha’s, was REFUSING to lie to federal prosecutors and judges. She’ll be finishing up the final four months of her preposterous and contemptible 18-month sentence for the preposterous and contemptible conviction of criminal contempt. Read all about it in this beautiful summary written by her husband, Peter Eric Hendrickson. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Fifth Dream (1/13/18)

Anyone want to run with something like this?
By Brian R. Wright

Here’s the dream:

“0300 – 0700, it seemed that long—just chewing on the scenes. Associated with Pete Hendrkickson, doing some talk re: CtC ideas or living independently.

“The notion of burning waste paper comes up as a concept for energy [dream was envisioning one such system in a CtC person’s basement]. Using subterranean holes connected to one another, somehow smoldering and generating thermal energy, and the gasses are managed somehow. But it’s a very DIY implementation an individuals in Pete’s entourage become their own all-American redneck Buckminster Fullers.

“Got me to thinking [Jon] Rappoport-like of urban farming, prepping, just taking off the mental barriers to build self-reliant true enterprises that build a society in the ashes of the current toxocracy.”

So the immediate question is how would such a system work in waking light?

Let’s imagine we have a regular basement, say room sized 10 x 12 feet with six lined burn holes capable of processing waste paper [or some other readily available fuel]. We would need a source of ignition and air flow. Also, an automated conveyor system to direct the fuel to the burn holes… nope, this is already getting into never-never land. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: American Heroine

Note posted from the latest Doreen Hendrickson crowdfunding page
by Brian R. Wright

“A free people claim their rights as derived from the laws of nature, and not as the gift of their chief magistrate” — Thomas Jefferson

Collage by Doreen while caged earlier =>

Folks, it looks like Doreen is going back in to finish her ‘term.’ Surrender date is January 29, 2018. Please find two excellent explanatory, inspiring posts by loving husband Peter here:


As you all know, Doreen’s story warrants a Pulitzer Prize winner to be writing it and spreading the truth about her unlawful and unconstitutional pro/persecution… and exposing the lies of the Ignorance Tax scheme… a scheme that is crumbling before our eyes. [Ref. Pete’s outstanding column, item 2) above.] All funds raised go straight to Pete and Doreen.

My understanding is she will be having the same address and you can contribute to her supplies fund, when the time comes. I’ll post another update with that information at that point. The Doreen Relief fundraiser is here:

I don’t have to tell you that nothing changes out here on the CtC warrior front lines, most of us wouldn’t know how to go back to filing Ignorant, even if we wanted to. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Fourth Dream

Combo of Barry Sanders, Jason Bourne, and Roy Hobbs
By Brian R. Wright

A continuation of the Three Dreams column

As if to underscore the notion that enlightenment is at hand, last night I had the most remarkable and empowering dream, arguably, of my life to this point. I include the recording as a high-def scan on the right, click on the image to expand it the better to read.

In a nutshell, I was poised for my second sleep sequence and to get back to sleep soonest I employed the Spiritual Magic Move described in The Truman Prophecy… only on this occasion enhanced with a ‘Feel the Wheel,’ no-mind practice of Falun Dafa.

It took me to an immersion in the ‘God’-source: utterly deep quiet skyscape, mountain-scape, seascape, sunlit. Then sleep. Then dream: I’m a combination of centered supreme athletic force (a la running back Barry Sanders) with capabilities of Jason Bourne (of the Bourne movies) and even Roy Hobbs of The Natural. I feel incredible power, limitless energy and vision, as with Hobbs: “Anything he wants to hit he hits.”

“I’ll have what HE’s having.” [I’ll have much more to add as the year progresses.]

I tell you people, especially to friends of mine who have all but run out of gas, hang on just a bit longer. You, too, shall be the Roy Hobbs of your world. THIS is the year of the Grand Truth Convergence, fulfillment of the Prophecy, and everyone’s extraordinary breakout! Continue reading