Brian’s Column: The Grave Injustice to Doreen Hendrickson

Drawn from the Prophet’s comments in the The Truman Prophecy

WitchcraftInterlode: The Motor City Witchcraft Trial

Notes on trial to a World Net Daily reporter, by Hiram Chance.

The great libertarian scholar, Albert Jay Nock, wrote, “Taking the State wherever found, striking into its history at any point, one sees no way to differentiate the activities of its founders, administrators and beneficiaries from those of a professional-criminal class.” And that statement wholly represents my impression of the proceedings against Doreen… not to mention previous outrages of justice committed on her husband, Pete.

I knew from day 1—from the blatant, self-righteous hostility of the judge, from instructions to the jury, from the open collaboration of the judge with the prosecution, and, later, from obvious judicial tampering with the jury—that the fix was in. This was not a court of law, but a tribunal of Soviet-style justice: guilty regardless of anything. Continue reading

Guest Column: Who is Killing the Healers?

… and why? by Foster Gamble
What explains the recent rash of suspicious suicides, murders, and missing persons working in alternative medicine? [full FG column here]

BradstreetBy Foster Gamble

In June of 2015, a well-respected Florida health practitioner, Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet, went missing and was then discovered floating face down in a North Carolina river, a bullet hole in his chest. Foul play?

Why would anyone order a hit on a generous family man who was just trying to do good? The death is still shrouded in mystery. Authorities almost immediately ruled his death a suicide, but his family says otherwise. Who shoots themselves in the chest to commit suicide, while positioned in just such a way that they will fall into a river?

So let’s unpack the back story.

Dr. Bradstreet’s own son was brain damaged following an MMR vaccine at 12 months of age. The experience helped convince the doctor to look into a link between the vaccine and autism. He was working on two leading edge areas of medical inquiry. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: 911 and the Emperor’s New Clothes

Open letter to my techie-buds in continued denial
by Brian Wright

After_911_Truth_Cover_Front_ReducedOriginally posted October 28, 2012

… no matter who you are. But I especially want to address this short missive to my Old Paradigm peers in engineering and science professions, and libertarian friends from the world of technology who yet resist or deny exposure of the Big Lie that is the US government’s (USG’s) official conspiracy theory (OCT) of the attacks of 9/11/2001. Much is at stake; the people need you to firmly attest to objective reality, help shine the light to guide humanity in its dark hour of dire need.

Dear Esteemed Acquaintance:

In the past, I confess I’ve been too direct in asserting the overwhelming amount of evidence to the effect that the OCT is so absurd as to be, well, insulting. Those of you who still accept the OCT either 1) cite the few authorities, e.g. the Popular Mechanics apologia, who support it, 2) assert apriori assumptions—”No way my boy is a criminal.”—, 3) disguise consideration of evidence with kneejerk denial of evidence (e.g.: “Hi-tech explosives and molten metal were not found at the World Trade Center (WTC).”), or 4) refuse to face the issue at all. None of these responses will stand up to the tsunami of discovery by thousands of dedicated-citizen truth-seekers heading our way. So why not join the truth forces now? Continue reading

Movie Review: From the Earth to the Moon (1998)

Hanks’ creation is another national treasure (10/10)

EarthMoonNote: at the time that I’m reposting this original review from 2008, I have become aware of a movement to the effect that various anomalies in the official version of the space program for Apollo show that the program was faked, at least in some instances. My general view at the moment—having briefly checked out some of these arguments—is that, no, substantially the Apollo program facts did occur as officially represented and documented. Here is a reasonable Moon-hoax-counterargument site that does undercut many of the hoax advocates’ propositions: But it’s 10 years old, and I haven’t bothered to find newer sources.

Understanding that the globalista-federale Axis of Evil is fully willing and able to produce major fake events, I am suspending judgment on the moon hoax until I’ve had time to review legitimate hoaxists’ arguments and theories. My default position is that at least most of the moon landings and technology (key facts) to accomplish them were authentic. [Basically, to have produced a fake program of such scope, pervasiveness, and under vast public scrutiny, would have exceeded the capabilities of the American national security state apparatus by several orders of magnitude… at least to my knowledge.] I’ll let my readers know if I should change this default. —  bw Continue reading

Guest Column: Since When is Limiting Immigration a Crime?

And since when is bombing and invading other countries a virtuous act?
by Jon Rappoport (excerpt from, 1/25/16)

the matrix revealedDouble trouble.

Somehow, putting a lid on immigration is now a crime against humanity. That’s quite a propaganda triumph. So let’s announce, with a great flourish, that the US and Europe will welcome everybody else on the planet. Let’s go all the way to prove our tolerance and good will. Why not? The wonderful people who support waves of immigration don’t seem to be able to put a top number on this whole operation. They have a bone stuck in their throats. They can’t say, “Well, here is the absolute highest number of immigrants who can come in.” They just can’t. To do so would taint the quality of their heroic empathy. It would rip a hole in their Sails of Love.

“Mr. President, perhaps you could tell us how many immigrants we can admit to our shores. When would it start being a, you know, problem? We just want to get an idea of the scope of this whole thing. When do the numbers begin to exert a strain on the economy, for example? Aside from, ahem, now. Continue reading