Movie Review: The Good Shepherd (2006)

The human costs of spookdom (7/10)

Candidly, I was looking for a damning expose of the most ‘successful’ secret society of the 20th century, the CIA (the Cartel’s Insulation Agency).  And we do get some of that.  Robert DeNiro, playing the General “Wild Bill” Donovan originator of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) which became the CIA, says:

“I deeply worry about the agency becoming not the eyes and ears of the country but its heart and soul.”

On another note, just as the CIA controls the mainstream media, or Government(s) Propa- ganda Network (GPN)—ref. Carl Bernstein’s famous 1977 Rolling Stone article, “The CIA and the Media,”—’Intelligence’ pretty much owns Hollywood as well. [Not to say a few exceptions or embarrassments to the premier security state tool of the ruling families don’t slip thru from time to time.]

The story centers on the Matt Damon character, Edward Wilson, who becomes the prototypical CIA agent, then the leader of Agency operations.  We open with footage of the failed 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion, compromised by an intelligence leak.  Wilson’s career being in jeopardy, he endeavors to find the source of the leak.

As the main story moves along in the present (the early 1960s), the movie flashes back to key points in his life.  In the early 1920s, his father (Timothy Hutton) implores the boy Edward to always tell the truth.  When Edward leaves the room, his father proceeds to shoot himself, leaving a note; Edward quickly reenters the room before the adults arrive and secrets the note away. Continue reading

Guest Column: The Bounce Effect

How the mind treats “impossible things that couldn’t be happening”
By Jon Rappoport [Full original post here]

I recently published an article that highlighted the numbers of medically caused deaths in America.

When little fragmentary stories about this fact emerge in the mainstream press, they’re one-offs. There is no serious follow-up and no deep investigation. Therefore, the public isn’t aroused.

On May 3, 2016, the Washington Post ran an article detailing deaths from medical errors. This bomb dropped: doctors’ errors account for “about 9.5 percent of all deaths annually in the United States.”

Let that sink in.

Roughly one out of every 10 deaths in the US is caused by medical errors. (Under “errors,” you can include a wide range of toxic treatment.) Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Time to Remove and Replace DJT…

… then all the rest committing crimes and precrimes against the Constitution

The time is now and the task is straightforward. We the people must take charge and rid ourselves of the current administration in its entirety—then set up a special independent people’s grand jury or people’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission to indict and put away all federal officials who have violated their oaths of office thru treason to the Constitution and our First Principles, conveyed in the Declaration of Inde- pendence. The emblem on the right expresses the deep popular need for us to end the Imperial Death Star, today having the form of a Zionist-(faux)-Christian-totalitarian alliance—and seeking WWIII qua Armageddon that will usher in the Rapture and the ‘Golden Age’.

Note the twin cross, which hails from the disturbingly prophetic movie V for Vendetta. Then think of Adam Sutler, the self-appointed Chancellor in that story who postures as a moral ‘Faith’ leader… run by financial powers behind the throne who dominate thru mind control, false-flag terror, and a vicious secret police network.

The Donald, DJT (Dumbass Jackboot Turdblossom), is the quintessence of the Adam Sutlers (make that Idi Amins) of the world—a cunning whim-worship- ping narcissist ‘Mob Boss’ of astonishing vulgarity, misanthropy, and unfathomable ignorance. Continue reading

Book Review: Truth Jihad (2007)

My epic struggle against the 9/11 Big Lie
by Kevin Barrett, PhD.
2007, Progressive Press, 211 pages

JihadThis is a book I picked up (purchased) from the 2007 Porcupine Festival courtesy of the peripatetic communicator of 9/11 truth and ruling-class treachery, Mr. Steve Goodale.   He also provided some DVDs that I aim to get around to eventually.

The still diffuse 9/11 Truth Movement has been making quite an impact on public awareness over the past several years, with many significant works emerging.  Dr. Barrett, as a writer and an organizer of seminars, ranks right up there in the pantheon of intellectually and physically courageous leaders devoting their “lives, fortunes, and sacred honor” to bringing the lies down and bringing the liars to justice.

Continue reading

Movie Review: Lone Star (1996)

Uncovering crime and passion in a Texas border town (10/10)

LoneStarWatching reviews and hearing promotions of this movie more than 10 years ago, now, I had no concept of its dimensions, the universals it deals with so effortlessly: race, legal oppression, cross-cultural taboo-challenging love, the drug laws, the environment… and Texas itself.  Lone Star is solidly on my top 10 list.

The story is of Sam Deeds (Cooper) the son of a former popular sheriff Buddy Deeds (McConaughey) of a small border town (loosely patterned after Del Rio, Texas) who returns to take the same job his father had.  A skeleton has been discovered on an old military target range, which appears to be that of the murderous racist sheriff Charlie Wade (Kristofferson) who preceded Sam’s father.

As Sam proceeds to figure out what happened, he reignites a passion he once had for Pilar (Peña), who is working as a teacher.  The movie flashes back to the late 1950s into the early 1970s to show the stage from which the main characters have been propelled, and the influences that make the town of “Frontera, Texas,” the menudo (soup) it is today. Continue reading

Guest Column: Why They Hate Us

Is it because we murder their women and children?
By Kevin Spicer

I wonder if Trump understands that targeting the innocent family members of even “real” terrorists is, in itself a form of terrorism?

That’s right, the United States thinks the “War on Terrorism” should be fought, at least in part, by committing terrorism!

It’s the same ol’ same ol’. Obama had “Terror Tuesdays” where he selected individuals that needed to be murdered via drone strike. And even though Trump said he wanted to stop invading sovereign nations and removing heads of states, it appears he too is powerless to stop the Military Industrial Complex from going around killing whoever a secret group of powerful politicians thinks needs to be murdered. (Along with their wives and families.)

At least Trump is sacrificing young girls and mothers for REAL “terrorists,” in contrast to the so-called “terrorism” of those who merely fight back against the US military when their countries are invaded. (Hmmm, I wonder if I would be classified as a “terrorist” by some foreign invader to our country if I fought back and tried to kick out the invaders?)

*Note to self: never use critical thinking skills. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Three 9/11 Truth Champions Will Speak in Detroit

Christopher Bollyn, Richard Gage, and Kevin Barrett to address historic gathering

Download the flyer here:

@ Nation of Islam Saviours’ Day Plenary Session, Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan
10-12 a.m., Saturday, February 18, 2017, Admission is Free

“One in two Americans doubt and suspect a coverup in the US government’s
official conspiracy theory of the 9/11/2001 attacks.” — YouGov poll

Christopher Bollyn

Christopher Bollyn is an American investigative journalist and the author of the Solving 9-11 set of books. He has a degree in history from the University of California at Santa Cruz with the focus on Israel and Palestine. He has written extensively about the Middle East, electronic vote fraud, the dangers of depleted uranium, and the history and geo-political background of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001.  He has spoken at seminars about 9-11 in America and Europe and carried out several speaking tours across the United States.

Bollyn’s Presentation (Approx 30 minutes with Q&A)

Title:  The Dual-Deception of 9/11 and the War on Terror

The War on Terror is a global fraud foisted on the world in the aftermath of 9-11. The terrorism of 9-11 was a false-flag operation meant to be blamed on Muslims in order to start the long-planned Zionist stratagem known as the Global War on Terror.  Started by President Bush in 2001, the fraudulent War on Terror is now in its 16th year.  The only way to liberate ourselves and our nations from this madness is to expose the true source of terrorism. Continue reading