Stonebeam 19. Thrive or Hive: Maskes ‘n’ Vaxxes

Story Shot 19, by Brian R. Wright  PDF Version, 31 December 2020


Here I go again, on a polemicist bender.

Almost. But I’m catching myself in stride in order to draw in the FLOW from real life—the same sort of life situations virtually all of my peers (still in the pre-mRNA-‘covid’-‘vax’ Human 1.0 community) face.

I make that pre-‘vax’ caveat because it takes months and boosters for the newly ‘covid’-‘vaccinated’ subjects to become fully programmed… and the 5G wireless networks thru which the programming is done are not completely implemented—outside of the Hubei province of China, anyway.

Last night, I was watching the classic Nobody’s Fool (1994) movie—watershed film for Paul Newman as an ‘old guy.’ He’s a dead ringer in a couple of key scenes for my dear departed brother, Forrest, who died 13 years ago at the to-soon-to-go age of 56.

The wave of teary-eyed sadness came over me immediately. Also a depth of connection that I had also felt with the loss of Dad… and Mom especially. Only this time, perhaps due to the immediate effect, I wound up with this deep sense of a cosmic channel into the power of Being, itself. Whoa! “This needs to get out there!” I said to myself.

Recently, I’d seen and heard from Dr. Robert Young, and Dr. Neil Bush (in his wondrous interview by Del Bigtree on, episode 195) that each of us is a spiritual being with a physical body. Not vice versa. So true. Yet so rarely realized.

And it’s from that quality of connection to Being, via specific beings we care about, that I offer up my stonebeam today… that is, from FLOWer aligned with Field.[1]

We all need to distill motive power from what’s real in our lives, not illusions via devices of control—the trance-o-tron (TV), the Web (computer), and the “official”-story machinery in other media. [A fine reference for cutting these woobie puppeteer strings is “Rule from the Shadows” — DuckDuckGo it.] Continue reading

Guest Column: Jon Rappoport on That Old Time Religion

COVID: where are the courageous religious leaders?
by Jon Rappoport Original Column Link

The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.”
— Edmund Burke, 1784

When are religious leaders going to issue demands to their members? Demands to express a duty to God first; above and beyond the restrictions of the State.

These leaders certainly believe God created humans with the quality of freedom. The Bible irrevocably states it. Therefore, under the cover of COVID, the State cannot remove that freedom.

The religious leaders must order their flocks to rebel.

Not just in order to attend church services; but to live without fear, out in the open, without hiding behind masks, without keeping their distance, without lockdowns, without sacrificing their right to earn a living.

Several Catholic prelates have declared the COVID fraud is being used as a rationale for creating an anti-spiritual new world order.

The next step is telling their Church members and believers to rebel, to choose The Good and God.

Every early story about every religion shows how the State power of the day had to be overcome. Is it now time to develop terminal amnesia about these origins?

Are those stories buried because they are inconvenient?

Quoting from an anonymously written article, “Ancient Christian Martyrdom: A Brief Overview”:

“By 200 [AD], the [Christian] faith had permeated most regions of the Roman Empire, though Christians were mostly in the larger urban areas (Gaul, Lyons, Carthage, Rome). By 325, an estimated 7 million were Christians with as many as 2 million killed for the faith.”

Among the reasons for this vast persecution: “Christian refusal to worship or honor other gods was a source of great contention.”

“Christians were accused of being atheists because of their denial of the other gods and refusal of emperor worship. Thus, they were accused of treason to the state.”

“For many provincial governors, Christians were considered social radicals, rather than being persecuted specifically for their faith only.” Continue reading

Stonebeam 18: Open Letter to Class of ’67: Hive or Thrive?

Story Shot 18, by Brian R. Wright  PDF Version, 25 December 2020

This is one of those open letters that’s taken me several attempts to get close to feeling right. If I were in that old Cary Grant, Rosalind Russell movie His Girl Friday, there would be discarded crumpled up typewriter sheets all over the floor.

Second, and related, I don’t want to stand out as a square peg unless I have to.

Third, I have a special fondness for my now-70-something-fellow-cocaptive_kids (i.e. forced to be there by the compulsory government-school system) with whom I was thrown together in a warmly structured suburban middle-class high school in a Leave it to Beaver/Ozzie and Harriet would-be Land of Oz.

And I don’t want to lose that 50-year-reunion-kindled fondness with several of you.

Still, let me take you through a story of our youth that haunts me now. Raise your hand if you haven’t seen Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the original 1955 version. [Spoiler alert!] Remember the scene toward the end where Dr. Miles J. Bennell and his restored sweetheart-beauty, Becky Driscoll, are on the run and wind up in the cave?

They manage to shake off the townsfolk-zombie posse on their tails, and are struggling to stay awake so as not to be turned into pod people themselves, when they hear this ethereal melody of voices. Miles goes to check it out and is horrified to find these voices are heralding an agricultural operation producing thousands-MORE PODS.

Miles rushes back to the cave, where Becky has fallen asleep. He’s carrying Becky, resuming their getaway to the highway, he stumbles, she exclaims that she can’t go on. He kisses her right there with mud puddle residue all over ‘em. But the true love of his life has TURNED… into “an alien being bent on his destruction.” [End Spoiler.] Continue reading

Guest Column: Rappoport-Trump ‘covid’ Shock Release Program

Dispatches from the war: Mr. Trump, you’re not Tom Paine
Guest Author: Jon Rappoport 13-17 July 2020

The following sage words and “call to arms” against STUPID-19 was penned as a series of columns 13-17 July 2020 by award-winning independent investigative journalist and liberty opinion leader, Jon Rappoport, from his columns on

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

What he sets forth in these columns applies today in spades. Any attempt by Trump to retain the election will be futile if this emergency program’s unraveling of medical tyranny and the Great Reset  is not simplified, focused, and applied immediately or soon thereafter. What he outlines is an action plan for the president against those who have attacked the foundations of our country.

You’ll note the timing, which is before Anthony Fauci actually was demoted and Dr. Scott Atlas was brought on board to be official advisor. And Trump has not really stopped sitting on the fence. In particular, he’s been a cheerleader for the deadly ‘covid’ vaccine, though no one is sure about his motives or plans for making statements as he does. With Trump, actions speak louder than words.

Note: inserted text boxes are all quotes from Jon Rappoport’s series of columns.

What Jon is trying desperately to do is to reach the President as the last gesture of hope before the curtain falls. My own belief is that what Jon proposes must accompany, as well, a thorough childlike deprogramming primer of what’s true that destroys the official story pseudo-knowledge that vast numbers have been brainwashed with. As a practical matter—and I hope their medical and scientific experts come to realize that ‘covid’ is a complete fake—I would enlist the minions of the Great Barrington Declaration in the federally forced opening of the United States to the old normal… no restrictions.

End the Great Reset once and for all

This composite column of mine I intend to be appreciated along with Foster Gamble’s exhaustively researched article on the ‘covid’ crime against humanity: I’m giving you the pdf file on my own servers, as no doubt the mainstream will try to ban and suppress: You should also go to the site, from which the article will be apparent under Media. Here is the current Web version of the breakthrough article “Covert-19: Where the real sickness lies and how we can heal it:”   Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Dean S. Hazel, RIP

The world loses a unique freedom-cause-oriented human being

Dean Hazel, b. April 12, 1952; d. November 05, 2020, Wyandotte, Michigan. He maintained a Facebook page. His most recent posts are from 2016. He was living in an apartment in Clare, Michigan, for some years.

I found out from his mother that he died, when she sent to me a Christmas card—in response to my card to Dean. I stayed in touch with him, sent him a card at Christmases, and this year it must have been only a few days before he died (November 5) I called him on the phone.

Brings back a lot of memories of those days in the 70s, 80s, into the 90s even. Just the whole “tax rebellion movement,” the Libertarian Party and my activity in the party with my wife at the time, Rose et al, the recalls of state senators for passing tax increases in Michigan. I’ll immediately include his autobiography statement from the Facebook page:

About Dean

I have dedicated my life to America’s struggle to keep and regain her freedom from the unseen hand of the corporatist state. I was a founder in 1979 of “We The People A.C.T., A Club of Concerned Citizens” and consider myself to still be a friend of Irwin Schiff, the father of Peter Schiff. It was in the 1980 election that I personally learned of Ron Paul. It was the following year when I actually spoke to him by phone. At the time I had taken a strong position that the Federal Income Tax was being unconstitutionally applied, not that it was unconstitutional in and of itself! I understand that the event even made the London Times in England. See:,,20078970,00.html

I am a jack of all trades, but currently black listed by fraud and slander as was my dear friend and fellow We The People A.C.T. club member, Robert Walsh, the son of a Holocaust survivor. See:

In 2004 I and five others founded The American Federation of Whiggs. I am still the chairman of that enterprise intended to change the so-called parties from within or replace them all together as they appear to just be two faces on a bad coin.,%20MMX.pdf

I currently attend as many meetings that I can afford to go to and am the host of the Monroe County Breakfast Club (formerly the Monroe County Republican Breakfast Club), which currently meets once a month at Anson’s Pizza, Pasta, Grill and Pub, in Carleton, Monroe County, Michigan at 10 o’clock in the morning until noon, on the second Saturday of each month.

I write when I can and my Libertarian friend and former Republican Brian Wright secures my copyright by posting them on his Website:

My introduction to the Republican Party and true conservatism was in 1980 by the late Richard Durant of Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan and his friends who were members of We The People A.C.T. at that time. Throughout the ’50s and ’60s, Durant remained active in politics, particularly working to broaden the base of the Republican Party and encouraging young people to understand and get involved in politics and the ideas underlying the workings of a free society. I intend to carry that work on. Continue reading

Stonebeam 17. Covtardia by Way of Cadillac

Story Shot 17, by Brian R. Wright  PDF Version, 17 December 2020

Another example of how covtardia[1] magnifies bad behavior.

I should have let this one go, but my writer-ego can’t resist.

To begin with, as a bona fide covtardia victim—I lost my good medtech-driver job because I refused to wear a mask inside the van—my stand on science and principle cost me ~$500 a month, which helped me to pay, you know, bills.

A retired golf buddy and cause-devotee of mine told me about his part time job as what they call a “dealer trade driver,” so I call around to sales managers in dealerships near me. Turns out, the local Cadillac sales manager—let’s call him Harry—does have a need.

We chat for a while and I show up next day to talk turkey. He gives me an idea of what the job entails, mainly shuttling Caddys from and to about 60 dealerships in a 200-mile radius. Sure, I’ll do it, 15 to 20 hours per week, I tell him. Harry says, “We need your driving record, too. These are $50,000-dollar automobiles.” Makes sense.

Trouble is my official driving record is maintained by our World-Famous-and-Now-‘Covid’-Slowed-to-Below-Crawl-Speed Secretary of State and I’ll have to go to a branch office to pick it up. “No probbem,” I say, “I’ll head over there right now.”

It’s on Beck Road in Wixom, maybe 10 miles away. Harry assures me that SOS doesn’t need an appointment for this kind of transaction. Yippee! [It sure did when I needed my eye test for license renewal: My birthday’s in mid-July, I call July 1, get my place in line in late September. Masks, distancing, you know the standard sheep drill.] Continue reading

Stonebeam 16. Thrive and FLOW, a Modest Proposal

Story Shot 16, by Brian R. Wright  PDF Version, 07 December 2020

Or vice versa. The Thrive I’m speaking of is the umbrella movement for world peace and liberty, seeded by Foster and Kimberly Gamble with two remarkable videos

In addition to the distinctively scientific approach to what exists and what might exist—for a thriving planet—the Thrive understanding includes a sharp analysis of what Foster calls the Global Domination Agenda (GDA)… and loosely identifies those behind it, let’s call them the Global Crime Syndicate (GCS) or simply ‘the Syndicate.’

We have to point out the barnacles on the ass of human progress that interfere with our vision of a better world. When I do so to my special normie[1] friends—say, 5G or GMOs or vaccines—they say, “Brian, you’re so negative!”

Occupational hazard, I guess, to tackle the wrongdoers; that’s why I like the inherently positive view that the Thrive movement holds up: a bright shining light dispelling the darkness. Please refer to my #5 Stonebeam (under | Stones).

My own contribution is a cultivation philosophy and practice known as FLOW.

I put together a short four-minute launch video [] that gives you the lowdown. Indeed, raising and sharing FLOW is my life’s purpose.

The idea itself I’ve had for nearly a decade. From the original three-panel brochure the notion was to bring people together in mutual self-help as a community of Independents[2]… much like the Christian (Lutheran) church congregation of my own experience in a middle America town of the 1950s. With these distinctions:

  • Cultivating independent consciousness: honoring, not worshiping, great souls
  • Providing spiritual and social foundation for each person’s reasoning ability
  • Encouraging each individual’s rise into Being via fellowship of kindred souls
  • Nourishing rooted principles for living a good life in harmony with the Field

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