Brian’s Column: Truman Prophecy Context

Identifying the Gordian Knot and focusing on its undoing…

StructurePlease forgive me for airing out my thinking before actually cutting significant chips. Two reasons for this: 1) I find I think better toward solving problems when posting via writing as an open letter, and 2) I want to assure those who helped me to crowdfund After 9/11 Truth that I haven’t forgotten them—that I still plan to honor my revenue sharing scheme as sales become substantial. Indeed, part of the reason for launching the Truman novel is to stimulate sales of my Truth book, then naturally lead into activism in the Toto Worldwide Foundation I’ve envisioned.

  1. You may read a teaser draft short of the penultimate chapter, “Declaration Eve,” of the book here.
  2. Then a couple of weeks ago I assembled a kind of analysis of social context that gives a reality to the fictional activity… here.

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Guest Column: The Twisted Logic of Vaccines

Dumbed-down populations accept outrageous vaccine logic
by Jon Rappoport, 5 February 2013

JonMatrixEditor’s Note: I’m transcribing Mr. Rappoport’s entire column in this instance. Which I prefer not to do, but the issue is so important that people receive information as conveniently as possible from all sources. Please visit Jon Rappoport’s Website and patronize his work and advertisers. He is the premier alternative (i.e. genuine) information source on the Web today and the absolute leader in claiming the benign, heroic world of our individual imaginations… destroying the collectivist Death Star once and for all.

I’ve written articles attacking the theory and practice of vaccination from a variety of angles. But the whole issue also needs to be approached from the perspective of logic. Continue reading

Guest Column: Whither Rebel?

The psyop to neuter the Rebel
by Jon Rappoport (full column at here)

JonMatrixIf you want to track a civilization as it collapses, watch what happens to the concept of the rebel.

On a profound level, mass shootings and assassinations (whether staged or not) are used to define the ever-present “lone assassin” as the REPRESENTATION AND THE SYMBOL OF WHAT THE INDEPENDENT INDIVIDUAL IS.

You’re a separate and distinct individual? An outsider? Watch out. Overnight, you could turn into a raging killer.

You happen to know an outsider, a loner? He’s dangerous. He doesn’t live by the rules the rest of us accept. He’s deranged. Stay away from him. Shun him. And if you see the slightest indication of (insert your own term here), report him to the authorities.

“See a rebel, say something,” to paraphrase the DHS motto.

Any human being who has courage, intelligence, eyes to see, and a determination to express his power in uncompromising terms can now be redefined as a potential threat to the stability of society—if he criticizes the prevailing Authority. Continue reading

Guest Post: Down Under to be First Plowed Under?

June 22, 2015

Red flag: grand experiment: the plan for a future Australia
by Jon Rappoport (original here)

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

power outside the matrixA new report, undoubtedly overblown in its predictions, but still important, states that up to 40% of Australian jobs could be transferred to machines in the next several decades, with a projected loss of five million human jobs by 2030.

See “Australia’s Future Workforce,” issued by CEDA, the Committee for Economic Development of Australia. Stephen Martin, the head of CEDA, states: Continue reading

Guest Column: Canada’s Surveillance State

Canada, welcome to the US-style Surveillance State
by Jon Rappoport, excerpted from

CanadaObama likes to say, “We’re all in this together.” Well, our two populations are now together as targets of spying.

May 11, 2015

The notorious Bill C-51 to expand spying on citizens in Canada has passed the House of Commons, by a vote of 183-96. It now moves to the Senate, where passage seems inevitable.

A few comments:

It’s likely that much of this “expanded spying” is already taking place in Canada. Making it law protects the spying agencies from accusations and recriminations.

Here is how a law like C-51 will operate as time passes: every federal agency in Canada with a taste for meddling (in other words, every single bureaucratic agency) will horn in on the action, using the justification of “national security.” Continue reading

Guest Column: Vaccination as Old-Time Religion

The worship of vaccination in the Holy Temple
by Jon Rappoport full column: February 23, 2015

High_PriestIn past articles, I’ve covered all major aspects of the fake science of vaccination…so-called herd immunity, “safe and effective,” etc.

Here I want to look at the overall pattern that successful organized religions have been following for centuries—because vaccination occupies the same platform, deploying the same basic strategies.

This is no accident.

If it works in the religious realm, it can work in the secular venue, by stimulating the urges and fears of programmed humans.

First, there is ceremony of anointing— vaccination—which confers privileged status on the recipient. Privileged status, and most importantly, protection. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Coming to Jesus on Vaccines

Deactivating ‘compulsive mind’ on such important issues

jesus_180First, I want to apologize to those I’ve already contacted with a flurry of posts and bcc emails reacting to events of early last week (~9 February 2015) when commentators and Big Pharma pushers called for harsh measures to punish those who resist forced vaccination. [The recent hysteria calling for forced vax stems from a presumably contrived outbreak of measles at Disneyland.] I myself went straight into reactive mode at the horrifying vision of medical fascism coming full bore to the streets, homes, and schools of America.

The problem is that this mental ‘reactive’ or compulsive-mind approach merely spins the wheels of conflict, and fails to break the cycle of medical aggression or to disrupt the reactive/compulsive mind-rack of many otherwise intelligent and decent people who support such vax aggression. Instead what we need to do, particularly with the latter, is adopt what I’ve come to call a ‘Jesus Mode’ consciousness. As someone who fully understands that 99% of the human population is victimized by compulsive mind, Jesus puts himself in a position to break thru that compulsion by parables and simple logic. Continue reading