Irony of a small-quick message vehicle delivering lifegiving deep-slow ‘messages’
Yes, at the common perceptual level, Twitter is a stimulus-response machine equipped for ‘he-said, she-said’ and Prominent-One notes to adoring faithful [for example, Justin Timberlake has more than 58 million followers… not that he shouldn’t] rather than promulgating salutary ideas that can move the species forward toward full independent consciousness in benevolent, voluntary community. By the way, for reference, here’s a screenprint of my own Twitter home page today, February 28, 2017:

Most of my readers are into causes, as am I. Especially grassroots causes that will distribute liberty and prosperity to real individual, peaceful human beings worldwide. But because of what call the Barrier Cloud, my cause-oriented fellows have been largely thwarted by the powers that be. By that I mean we normal, decent human beings around the world who have no interest whatsoever in harming one another—only in living in peace according to the nonaggression principle—have been systematically deceived and forced into wars and slavery by the Men of the Power Sickness. This condition is about to end.
Using Twitter to Break Through the Barrier Cloud
In this column I’m going to lay out the basics as I understand them, and simply amend my post as my understanding continues to improve. First, while Twitter is good for keeping in touch socially, it may prove IDEAL for promoting well thought-out, passionate, restorative causes. Here’s how: Continue reading →